Okay pt 1

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All songs used in this one shot in order
(=pt1 ☑️=pt 2 ✔️=pt3)
-in my blood - shawn mendes
- I want to write you a song - one direction
-flash drive - the driver era
- conversation- Michael aldag ☑️
-fool for you - zayn ☑️
-okay - Michael aldag✔️


I'm sat in the conservatory, the sun is quite literally blinding me as it beams through the gaps in the playing the same set of notes over and over and over again:
CFA x4
DFA x4
CEG x8
My brain isn't working. Why can't I think of anywhere else to go from here? I have some ideas for lyrics but I can't word them properly. I continue repeating this same pattern over and over. My fingers are cramping but I vow not to stop unless I can think of at least one lyric, just one single lyric. I get out my notepad and start to scribble random shit down

Help me, it's like the walls are caving in why can't I write a fucking song please let me write this fucking song someone help me

I wanna Write you a song or any song right now lord pretty please your causing so much pain could this block please go away yeah no please leave I wanna write a fucking song

So fill my cup up till I feel love wait that's too much now I'm fucked up for fucks sake this sounds so bad lord please lord please

Why is my brain not cooperating with me? I aggressively shut the notepad and chuck it behind me. I turn my attention back to the instrument in front of me. I press my fingers on the same chords again until I get fed up and start doing scales. After around 2 mins of scales I return to the dreaded 3 chords. I Fingers press in the keys more aggressively with each loop.
"AHHH" I scream and drop my head onto the centre creating some form of musical Torture device.
"That sounds great" I hear the small creak of the door opening followed by shuffling footsteps "I think you should use your head to play more often. It sounds better than anything you've ever released" I chuck my head up off the keys and look back upside down
"Thank you for your kind words of encouragement" I look at him upside down.
"Your welcome" he comes up to me and plants a kiss on my lips. My body feels like jelly and I push my head forwards again. I scoot over on my piano bench and charlie comes and sits next to me
"Play me what you have so far" he picks up the notebook and starts flicking through. I play him my three notes then look at him disappointedly. "Okay it's not even bad"
"Char I love you but be so for real right now it's 3 chords and now lyrics. My brain isn't braining right now "
"Okay lyrics right,. Just sing whatever first comes to your mind fuck the music just the lyrics " he says so I do just that. I start riffing off the top of my brain and singing whatever comes to mind.
"Doo do do do doo do do do ba da da da da" my brain has stopped forming words.
"Right okay stop whatever this is you're not writing ska. Look at me" he grips my face and forces me to look him in the eyes. "Okay now don't think about it just sing" I stare him directly in the eyes. All of a sudden I get it an epiphany. I leap up and grab Charlie's face, kissing him on the forehead.
"I love you so much" I grab my notebook and write down the exact words that came to my brain. After I have written it I simply hum it to myself. Okay it's a start. From the look on his face I can see he is startled. "Can I Read it?" He asks. I look up at him, I don't say any words but I think he gets the gist of what I'm about to say "okay I'll leave you to do your things" he waves then leaves the room.


Nick has spent the last few months working on this song and he hasn't let me hear any of it. He likes to keep his songs secret sometimes, only when they are about me. So my prediction is that it's going to be some sappy love song about how he thought "he would never fall in love until he met me". Don't get me wrong I love all of his songs and I am extremely proud of everything he does but if I hear another sappy love song I'm going to explode. I am really excited to hear this song though as it's been months and he still won't show me. He heard snippets of the lyrics I couldn't really make out what he was saying though, something about losing i think, but every time I try to listen in he somehow catches me. He has a few small gigs coming up this month and I'm hoping he is going to play it at one of them, preferably the Birmingham one as it's the one I'm going to be at, so I can experience it for the first time with everyone else. Until then though I guess I'm going to have to wait. Yippie.


Today was FINALLY the day of Nick's gig in birmingham. It's at a small place called the sunflower lounge. It holds around 200 people which is quite a lot. I don't think I have spoken to 200 people in my 22 years of living and now he is going to be singing his songs infront of that many people. Nick hasn't been home for around 4 days now as he has been playing gigs but this is his last show and also the only one I was "allowed to go to" god knows why. The show starts at 6 but I'm gonna get there around 5:30 just in case their are any queues. I mean he's not a huge sell out artist but people still want to be at the front and I can't really come barging through being like "he's actually my boyfriend" as we aren't public yet. I really want to support him at this concert, because I love him so much, and maybe so I can hear the song, but mainly because I love him. I don't dress up super fancy but a little fancier than usual, I'm in a white-ish button up shirt only buttoned up half way, my baggy ripped jeans and then one of nick's jackets. It's a big bulky leather one and it's huge on me of course. I'm actually so excited it's not even funny. AHHHHH!!!

1141 words 🎉

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