I see red (part 2)

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⚠️TW: mentions of blood, homophobia, violence ⚠️


       I suddenly feel my blood boiling. My body begins to radiate heat. I'm. Going. To. Kill. Him. I stand up and storm down the corridor.
"Nick!" I hear Charlie's voice echo behind me. I ignore him. All I see is red.
I burst through the door and head to the field where he and his gaggle of friends are still sitting.
"Nicky! You've come back, did you find your little boyfriend"  the sound of his voice only makes me angrier. "woah big boy looks angry what happened to poor little char" he stands up and shoves me away, laughing. "I think I've got a couple punches left I can treat you the same as that little fag you carry round with you"
"YOU THINK YOUR FUCKING FUNNY DO YOU HUH THINK YOUR FUCKING HILARIOUS YEAH I SWEAR TO FUCKING GOD" I grab him and punch him round the face, each punch getting angrier and angrier.
"NO BUT YOU CLEARLY FUCKING ARE" he try's to shove me off but my body is so filled with rage he fails. I chuck him on the floor and continue punching him. He blocked a few of them but the majority hit him. Eyes, nose, cheeks, stomach anywhere I can hit I am hitting. All of a sudden I hit a newly found level of rage as he smirks whilst I am hitting him. That's it. I grab his head and smack it off the floor, that is until someone grabs my arm and pulls me off him. It was Charlie.
"Nick stop your gonna kill him!" He yells.
"Charlie I love you but he fucking deserves it!" I successfully wriggle my arm free and slam his head off the floor again.
"NICK STOP!" Charlie yells. This sudden mass of high vis comes into my vision as three teachers drag me off Harry. They pull us both upstairs and into the office. Harry obviously had to go to hospital first.
     I sit in Mr Mason's office (my head of year) and twiddle my thumbs. I'm about to get permoed. Mr Mason walks through the door and sits down
"You didn't do any permanent damage, he's concussed and his family have collected him and taken him home." His voice has no emotion. It was worse than him being angry at me "Nick.... What were you thinking?" He sighs.
"I wasn't." I crack my knuckles nervously. If I get permanently excluded then it's going to go on my record. I'm never going to get into college
"Well what happened prior."
"Well I came into school and Harry was being, for lack of a better word, a prick, as usual. So I ignored him and went to go find, do you know Charlie spring he's in yr 10?"
"Yes I taught him last year. Continue."
"Yeah okay well when I got their he told me Harry jumped him so I kinda went ballistic"
"Okay, I understand you wanted to protect you friend-"
"Boyfriend sir" I cleared my throat and looked down. Shit I just told my head of year I have a boyfriend "that's the reason he jumped Charlie. Because he's gay. That's the reason he was being a prick to me. Because I'm bi. I used to be close with him to be fair but since meeting Charlie I realized he's a horrible person and dropped him basically. Naturally he heard about Charlie and myself well... dating and it's been fuel for him for the last 6 months so I finally just snapped I guess."
"Okay thank you for clearing that up. Look Nick I know you are a good kid and you wouldn't do that if you weren't provoked.... But that doesn't mean their won't be consequences, for both of you"
I sigh. At Least Harry's getting punished as well.
"I'm not gonna exclude you, but you are going to be in iso for the rest of the week."
I finally looked up. I'm not getting excluded. Thank. Fuck.
"You're not gonna exclude me?"
"No. You're a good kid Nick who had an off day. Harry on the other hand will be excluded but not permanently. He was on his last straw. But I need your full cooperation as Charlie isn't going to say anything about what happened so I need you to tell me" he demands
"Sir.... I don't know. I mean can I atleast ask him first. He wouldn't even tell me I had to force it out of him"
"Okay you may ask him but Nick, please don't do something stupid like that again. Charlie was right, you know, you would've killed him." He looks me dead in the eyes.
"I'm sorry sir" I say
"That's fine come with me to the iso room"


Charlie comes back to my house and we are both greeted by an intense questioning from my mom
"Nicholas, are you going to explain why I have had Harry's mom on the phone saying you nearly killed him and the school saying you got into a fight!" Her shrill voice attacks my ears. For what feels like the 75th million time I explain everything.
"Oh god Charlie love are you okay, do you need anything?" She immediately pesters Charlie with her mum things
"No I'm okay thanks though" he replys quietly
"As for you Nicholas... I get you were protecting Charlie but you shouldn't have sent the lad to the hospital" she rolls her eyes. We head upstairs and lay down on my bed. Charlie lies with his head on my chest and I wrap my arms around him.
"Are you gonna get permoed" he asks
"Nah Mr Mason said that I just have iso.... but he wants me to tell him everything that happened with you and Harry. I haven't yet told him I wanted to ask you first to see if you were okay with it. If we tell him about all the shit he has done to you we can get him permoed and I really really want him gone."
"I guess you can tell him but I don't want people knowing I told you" he sighs, his voice is still quiet, he sounds really tired.
"Yeh of course I won't tell anyone." I squeeze him reassuringly and he winces "are you okay you look really ill" his face is bright white and his looks drained
"Yeh I'm just tired and my head hurts a little"
"You should've gone home in the day it's so shitty they wouldn't send you back"
"No, I wanted to spend time with you" he yawns.
"You do know you can sleep if you want to" I look down to see him battling his eyes.
"But I don't want to be boring" he closes his eyes fully instead of fighting to stay awake.
"Charlie. go to sleep"  I ordered. He doesn't reply so I just kiss him on the forehead and let him stay their

1205 words 😍

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