Drunk pt 1

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Based off drunk by zayn


I stumble out of the crowded, humid room. I can't see straight. Missing the step I fall forwards and whack my hip off the iron bar in front of the club. Whilst getting up I check my phone

1:32 am

Shit my parents are gonna kill me. I can't go home in this state. I'm wasted. Fuck. I trip into a wall and latch onto it for balance. My vision is cloudy and my head feels like it's spinning off my body. I tried to call Tori as she might be able to sneak me in but I got no answer. Shit. How the fuck am I going to get home. Removing my hands from the side of the wall, I begin to topple forwards and scrape my hands on the floor before eventually sitting myself on the steps in front of the club. It's freezing and the sodden floor doesn't help with the cold but my body physically can't stand up. I check my phone again just to find it more blurry than the first time but I clumsily open it up and call anybody I can find. After going to voicemail about 25 times I finally got an answer.
"Hello" a deep voice answers phone "Charlie it's 1 o'clock why are you calling me"
"Hello!" I yell into the phone
"Yes hello, why are you calling me?" The voice sounds annoyed
"Whoa no need to be mean I've been really nice I don't know why you have answered the phone being mr meanie pants no need for it really" my words slur and I sound like a toddler
"Charlie, are you drunk?" The man sighs
"No! Well maybe a little bit went clubbing and may have had a few drinks but I fime. Huh fime is a funny word isn't it. Fiiiiiiiimmmmmmeeee. Wait no it's fine. That's less fun."
"Charlie, where are you?" The man sounds angry
"It's none of your business where I am! Where are you huh? Because you're not at club 96!"
"Okay I know where you are I'm coming to get you don't move"
The phone call ends. I sit forwards on the step with my head in my hands trying to hold it steady. But the time the world finally stops spinning I hear the loud honk of a car horn.
"Charlie get in now"
"Nick! What are you doing here!?"
It's been so long since I have seen him but he looks just as handsome as before. He has the same messy blonde hair, the same auburn eyes but at the same time there are so many differences. He's changed. He's not as full of life he just looks...sad
"I'm here to pick you up now get in the car"
"No I don't want to get in your car you shouldn't be here I'm waiting for someone I just called him actually" I wave my phone in the air before nearly dropping it.
"Yeh that was me now get in the car" he sighs. Was he angry at me? Why was he angry?
"No! It wasn't it was my new boyfriend and he is coming to get me!" I declare.
"Okay well I'm here so tell your new boyfriend your safe and get in the car"
"Charlie. Now!"
"No you're mean and angry I don't want to get in the car with you!" I yell. The loudness of my voice seems to spark the interest of everyone around me as I feel about 10 pairs of eyes turn to face me.
"Fine" the car door swings open and all of a sudden I am being lifted up and put in the car. His touch sends what feels like an electric shock through my body, but whether it is a good or bad feeling I have no idea. I'm too drunk to take a guess now.
"Whoa, you're very strong. You've still got your rugby arms ahahahaha" I say poking and prodding at his arms as he buckles my seat belt. He smells different. He changed his cologne. Why did he change his cologne? I loved his cologne. Nick then angrily gets in the car and begins to drive away. We sit in silence for a short while before nick finally talks to me
"Why the fuck are you out on your own" he says sternly
"That's none of your business" I shrug "you're not my boyfriend anymore!"
"Yes but your pissed up and alone you could've gotten hurt" he sighs
"I don't see how my well being is your priority surely that's down to my new boyfriend"
"Well your new boyfriend isn't here I am. Are you okay? Are you hurt in anyway"
"Yes I'm fine. Well I did fall walking out of the club but apart from that I am spick and span mr moody pants "
Silence again. I try to think of ways to fill it but I can't. What should I say to him? That's if I can say anything, I told him I've got a boyfriend for fucks sake why would tell him that?
"So what's your new boyfriend like then" he doesn't take his eyes off the road and keeps a stern expression on his face.
"My what? Oh yeh! Well he urm...... he has brown hair and urm.... Blue eyes and he plays football he's really tall and has fluffy hair"
"What's his name?" His eyes are still glued to the road
"Urmmmmmmm....... Mattheo" I stutter before silence fills the car again
"Do you want me to drop you off at your boyfriend's house then?" He clears his throat.
"What! No no urm i don't want to urm wake him up just drop me off at home"
"Charlie your parents will kill you and I thought you said that he was coming to pick you up" Silence filled the car once more.
Shit what do I say to that? Why did I fucking lie? I'm so fucking dumb. I hate myself
"Charlie?" Nick finally takes his eyes off the road and stares at me interrupting my abhorrent thoughts.
"No I didn't urm...." My words trail off. Is it possible to get more drunk whilst not drinking alcohol?

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