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As I'm flicking through TikTok, I hear a loud kind of sigh and I look down at my chest to see Charlie with his eyes closed.
"Tired much" I say to him, he is lying on top of me, his arms wrapped around my neck, his face placed delicately on my chest and one leg arched, resting ontop of my own.
"Mmn-hmn" he grunts and nods with his eyes closed.
"Well what time did you go to sleep"I question as I know he had work at 7 today.
Charlie shrugs his shoulders "like 4ish" he tightens his grip around my neck and adjusts his body so he is further up my chest.
"And why were we awake until 4 in the morning?" I ask.
"Because August is a cunt" he moans.
"Woah what has August ever done to you"
"He released Prince Wilhelm and Simon's sex tape" Charlie pouts
"Oh young royals" it finally clocks he wasn't on about he month August.
        I don't watch young royals but Charlie is obsessed with it, I only ever watch it if he forces me to. It's not bad to be honest. I mean it is made a lot better because the guy who plays August is insanely hot. Same with the guy who plays Prince Wilhelm. And Simon. Okay all the guys in it are hot. And a few of the girls. A very attractive cast overall. Okay, I see why Charlie is a smidgen obsessed. However, it's a little hard to understand as it is in Swedish so my brain doesn't like that the words they are saying don't match up with the way their mouths are moving and it makes me want to throw the TV out the window. Charlie really likes it though so, despite all of my desires, I don't throw the TV out the window.
        He nods his head then snuggles down onto me . His fluffy curls tickle the top of my chest so I brush them slightly out of the way.
I can see that he is tired so I don't question him anymore. Instead I grab my phone and take a picture of us. He is so cute when he is asleep. I then put my phone down and wrap my arms around Charlie. I gently trace over his back with the tips of my fingers. I feel him nuzzle his face into my neck. I grip his waist tighter, pulling him closer to my body as I do so. Charlie is my favourite person on the planet. He is just...perfect. So, when these moments occur, I don't fail to cherish them.
"You smell really nice" Charlie mumbles into my neck
"Really?" I ask ; I haven't put any cologne on since this morning.
"Mmnh" he mutters, moving his head onto my chest.
I grab my phone and peer down at the picture I have just taken and smile.
"Your so pretty" I say to him
"Hmnh?" He grunts
"I said your so pretty" I raise my voice a little and I move my face a little closer to his ear. I see his cheeks go red and he giggles.
"What you are!" I say as if he has accused me of something. I then kiss him on the forehead and just let him sleep


I wake up still lying on Nick's chest with my arms around his neck. He is just scrolling through his phone. I stare at his face for a while. He has his glasses on with messy hair and he is turning to the side so you can see his side profile and jawline, he also, may I add, is shirtless. Holy shit, my boyfriend is the most attractive man on the whole planet.(I am aware that Nick doesn't wear glasses but I am a slut for glasses) After staring for a good 60 seconds I started to move and this must've gotten Nick's attention as he looked away from his phone.
"Oh your awake" he mumbles
"Yah" I squint my eyes as I'm still half asleep. The room is a golden colour thanks to the LED lights nick insisted me put up. I wanted a sunset lamp however, Nicholas would let me as they are to 'boring' and 'don't look cool'. Like who gave this man the authority? Although, I did get to put a Himalayan salt lamp in here so I can't really complain.
Once my body has had time to wake itself up a little p, I sit myself up on one arm and lay facing him.
"You still look really tired," he states, looking at me. As if it were clockwork, the second he uttered the word tired a large yawn spawned across my face. I blink my eyes aggressively and collapse onto my back.
"It's cuz I am" I let out a weak laugh, which was really more of a sigh, and turned my head towards nick. He shuffles down to my eye level.
"Why don't you go back to sleep then" he replicates my position
"Because I have stuff to dooooooooo" I force myself to sit up by chucking my body forwards
"What stuff?" He again pushes himself against the headboard, copying my position.
"Wait Lemmie check I have it written down" I reach over him to grab my notebook from our bedside table. I didn't realise at first but when I looked back he had gone a little red in the face. He's so cute when he blushes. I roughly flick through the pages until I find the one with today's date at the top
"Urm yeah okay so I have to: Go shopping because we have no food in the house, Do the laundry, Clean whole house, Get a wedding gift for Tao and Elle, Double clean apparently, I don't know why I've put clean twice, Urm get a birthday present for Ollie, I have to put all the money my Nan gave me in my bank account, and do some shit for work" I point at all the things with a pen as I am listing them
"Why didn't you tell me I could've gone shopping and cleaned! Oh and gotten presents!"
"Yeh but I like shopping and urm... I don't like the way you clean"
"What! What's wrong with the way I clean!" He whines in a half shocked half sarcastic manner
"You just ... do it wrong" I mumble
"HOW CAN YOU CLEAN WRONG!" He yells clearly offended by what I have said, but at the same time has a beaming smile on his face.
"You just put everything in the wrong place and you never ever polish the sides or mop the floor. You clean like a man" I laugh back at him
"We'll I don't know what you expect, I am a man"
"Yes, But so am I and I don't clean like one"
"Whatever." He rolls his eyes and smirks "I still could've gotten the presents for people"
"No you couldn't"
"What do you mean? yes I could!"
"Okay what would you get Elle and Tao?"
"Exactly" I hiss at him
"No wait what about Ollie I can get presents for Ollie"
"Fine, what would you get Ollie then?"
"A new game for his switch"
"What game?"
"I don't know but it would either be that or Lego"
"Okay fine, you win with the Lego, but you are pretty useless when it comes to the other things" I slap the book closed and chuck it down behind me, dropping the pen on top of it. I cross my legs and tilt my head slightly to one side.
"How rude of you to accuse me of being useless" he pretends to be offended. "I can't believe my own boyfriend, the man I love, would say such a thing. I feel hurt and distraught. It's going to take weeks for the sheer heartbreak to pass. In fact, I don't think it will ever pass, I think I shall stay this way forever. Just a broken sack of bones and muscle. Nothing more. All because of what you, Charlie spring, have said. This could be the end of me... I may die from the absolute Tom foolery that has taken place right here. I am absolutely beside myself with grief at these accusations you have made. Completely destroyed by your hurtful words and flabbergasted by the lack of soul you must possess for you to utter such absolute filth to someone, let alone I your boyfriend."
"Are you done ?" I scooch my way closer to him
"Am I done? What a diabolical thing to say. I am expressing my feelings and you don't even care. How on earth can I speak my mind if my own boyfriend doesn't want to listen. The pain, the sorrow, the heartache. I am truly truly offended by what has taken place and you have the audacity to ask am I done. No I am not done, in fact I have barely even started. There are a lack of words to describe the atrocious feeling going on inside my heart right now. Never in my whole life would I think that my boyf-"
I interrupt him by grabbing his face and kissing him
"You done now?" I question
"Mnhnm" he just nods and kisses me again, more passionately than before. He chucks a few pillows behind him to pull himself closer to me, not once breaking our kiss. I wrap my hands around his neck and he pulls me upwards onto his lap. My fingers lace their way through his hair and his track their way up my back. After about 20 minutes of this I break away.
"I want to, but I can't. I've got to do stuff. Maybe later" I say lightly cupping his face and kissing him on the nose
"UGH!" He complains as I get up to start getting ready. I stand in the mirror, trying to sort out the nest on my head with little luck.
"FOR FUCKS SAKE WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" I exclaim at the top of my lungs, pulling on my curls.
"What? what have I done?" Nicks face looks up from his screen, flustered
"What? Oh no my hair is a bitch"
"I think your hair looks pretty" nick states getting out of bed and walking to me
"Really?" I look at him through the mirror as he grabs my waist from behind me 
"Yeh" he states before kissing my neck gently
"Are-urm- are you urm- are-" I stutter "are you sure?" I manage to ask
"Positive" he whispers into my neck. I bring my hand up to the back of his head and entwine my fingers in his hair.
     Now I'm not sure how the next events happened but I am now sat on top of nick at the edge of our bed with a few hickeys placed strategically along my neck. I know I need to go out. I know I shouldn't be entertaining this.
"Nick" I breathe in between kisses
"Mnmh" he reply's
"Stop" I say still kissing him
"Okay" he states. We don't stop
"No we have to" again we don't stop (#dontstoppers)
"Okay" he replies. Right we are simply just liars now
"No wait okay" I finally pull away "no we have to seriously" i cup his face in my hands, holding it an arms length away.
"Ugh fine" nick rolls his eyes "Wait, pass me the book and pen." Nick demands pointing to the book
I hand over my notepad and pen and he scribbles something down onto the paper. He pushes the book into my chest and stares at me as I read what he has written. Under my last pointer work stuff he has wrote down
Nick Nelson :).
"Your really not funny" I stare at him
"Personally I have to disagree with you there" he says in between his giggles.
I roll my eyes "your a dickhead who is now 100% not getting dick or head"
"Okay okay I'll stop I'm sorry for my juvenile behaviour I take it back 'twas not funny"
"You're still not getting head," I say standing up, heading towards the door. Before I leave the room I hear a loud huff.

2047 words 🤭

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