Truth or Dare?

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I have been reading ALOT of 5sos smut and this is what I have birthed out of it. I'm so sorry. Enjoy 😜

TW: lime/smut


"Okay truth or dare" the boy opposite me spoke. We were at a house party and this game had begun with about 12 of us, however it was only me and the blonde boy left. We were playing truth or dare however if you forfeited you had to chug a pint and if you were sick you were out. Some people weren't sick they just stopped playing others however left covered in puke. The boy opposite's name is Nick. I don't really know him that well, I've seen him at parties and stuff but like he's a year older than me so we don't intermingle very often. He was very competitive and determined to somehow get me to forfiet however their was a 0% chance of that happening.
"Truth" I say back earning a loyal groan from those around me
"Why do you always pick the boring ones!" My bestfriend Tao spoke. He forfeited after he had been dared to give the girl he has been swooning over a lap dance and decide that 'this game is for children'.
"Oi shut up let him do whichever one he wants'' Nick yells quieting the rowdy group "you sure you wanna do truth?" He speaks directly to me
"Okay what's your most embarrassing sex story?" he laughs. I let out a deep sigh. Does he really think I'm going to opt out of that?
"Okay so basically, this guy had been talking to me all night in some night club and brought me back to his place" I begin "and well he was like rlly fit but urm when I went down on him he pushed me head like down too far and obviously I started gagging but he took that as encouragement and pushed me down even further causing me to gag more. And urm essentially I had to make him stop, ran to his bathroom and puked everywhere." I smile "But the thing was though yeah that I had already told him I had like a really weak stomach and like it doesn't take a lot to make me sick but he decided that I was lying" Nick but his lip as if deciding whether to laugh or not.
"Right okay your turn truth or dare" I say dismissing the previous story
"Truth" he smirks
"Where's the weirdest place you've hooked up with someone" I say without hesitation
"Ooh there's a few actually" he ponders "Oh okay this is a good one. I was out at some bar back home and this guy was hitting on me the entire time I was their so I was kind of like alright then we'll see where this goes and like the first time wasn't that bad but he messaged me the next day and was like meet me at merry hill which is like this shopping place and I was like what the fuck? sure bcs i thought it was only a one time thing. But basically I met him their and he took me to the range which was were he worked and was like 'look last night was great but I can only get off if it's public' so I was like ah who gives a fuck and we did it infront of a mirror in the range" He shrugs like its not big deal. It feels like my brain has just exploded. What?! Not just the fact that he fucked someone in the range but he's gay?! I thought my gaydar was good but like apparently not.
            After a short while of playing we get interrupted by Reggie, one of nicks friends.
"So my children what are we playing" he sits down inbetween the two of us chucking his arm around us both
"Truth or dare, Reg" Nick smirks at him
"Oh okay count me in then whose go is it?" He asks
"Mine" Nick nods
"Alright Nick Truth or Dare" Reggie asks seemingly forgetting that I'm here
"Dare" he speaks confidently
"Okay" he scans the room if looking for inspiration. "I dare you to spend 30 mins in heaven with twinky over here" he nods his head towards me. 30 MINS! SORRY?! like don't get me wrong Nick is fine as fuck but like I don't want to spend 30 mins in heaven with him in some randos house. I swear to god if he doesn't forfiet I'll cry.
"Alright then"
For fucks sake
"Cmon Char lets go" He grabs me and takes me to someone's bedroom, I'm assuming it's Reggie's by the immense amount of protesting coming from his mouth. Stands infront of me with me back against the door pushing it shut. His one hand is leaning on the door way and I'm not going to lie if I had ovaries they would be exploding right now.
"Don't freak out I won't do anything unless you're comfortable with it and you want me to if you want we can just sit here for 30 mins" he speaks in a low tone. The room isn't very well lit so I can just about make out the calming expression on his face. There's something about this that calms me down significantly. I let out a sharp exhale. "Let's just sit here"
"Okay" he shrugs throwing himself back onto the bed and chucking his arms behind his head. I hover around awkwardly not really knowing we're to go as well I'm alone with him for the next 30 mins. I think he senses my lack okay direction and gestures for me to sit down next to him. I comply sitting at the edge of the bed rather far away from him.
"You know I didn't know you were gay" he sits up and scoots towards me to look me in the eyes
"Really?" I reply shocked "I thought it was pretty obvious" I laugh
"Nah not really" he shrugs
"I didn't know you were gay either gon be far" I say back
"Well I'm not really open with it but when you asked me that question I thought why not you know? Like I've hooked up in weirder places with girls but I wanted to let you know that you know I was like a lil bit homo" he laughs
"Why'd you want me to know I don't even know you that well"
"Yeh but you like kindof sort of my exact type so I was like let me send so slight signals and maybe he will decode them"
"Yeh well im not that observant" I say as silence fills the room. In an attempt to start up the conversation again, I question him about one of the weirder places he's hooked up with a girl in.
"Okay it's not that weird but at Reggie's moms place whilst his mom was home."
"Sorry what?" I exclaim
"Yeh I kindof slept with Reggie's sister"
"NICK!" I burst out laughing
"Yeh but that started a sort of chain reaction so he then slept with a girl in my actual bed then made me wash the sheets. So I then set him up on grindr with this lad and they actually ended up hitting it off accept Reggie didn't know that it was a date and when the dude tryed to kiss him then Reggie found out so he then set me up with this really like, well, older woman and it was really strange and she tried to like groom me but like she was someone's mom so then I brought this boy back into Reggie's room at a house party to pretend that were fucking when we actually aren't."
"Right so I'm I piece of yours and Reggie's war then" I laugh although I'm somewhat disheartened by it.
"Well now you are I suppose but not initially"
I frown
"Like well if... like I didn't intend for you to be apart of this but like I didn't want to make you uncomfortable so now you are you get me?"
"No" I do understand him. But I want him to say it.
"Forget it" he laughs
"No tell me" I laugh
"No I don't want to now" his cheeks flush red
"Nick please. why are you being all shy for what happened to the guy who was telling all his weird sex stories to a guy he basically just met?"
"Ugh fine" he lies back in the position he was originally in "basically i asked Reggie to give me that dare but I promised him that I wouldn't go in his room and that we would go into like the bathroom or a closet or something but I realised that if I really wanted you after that story then I would need my full range of movement"
This last sentence takes me by surprise. If I didn't want to fuck him before then I definitely do now. A sudden wave of confidence springs upon me and i get up and straddle his legs.
"I'm still a little confused, can you show me what you mean?" He sits up getting closer to my face
"I can but I don't take accountability for any injuries sustained" he desperately crashes our lips together. His hands reach for the hem of my  shirt, pulling it over my head then him doing the same to his own. My lips break away from his own and begin to make their way down his body, creating marks along the way down. As I'm kissing his neck my hands begin to undo his jeans and slide them off his body.
"Your good at this you know" he half moans
"What can I say I'm experienced" I speak against his stomach.
When I finally reach the waistband of his boxers I remove them the same I did with his jeans
"Try not to puke this time love"

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