Sneak peak

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This is a snippet of a longer story I am working on but I wanted to show this bit alone as well I was really proud of it

TW: lime/spice


"Baby" he whispers into my ear as I continue to sink my lips into his neck. My stomach swarms with butterflies. Fuck. "What are you doing?" he trails his hands across my back finally settling at my waist, holding me in place on his lap. He knows what I'm doing. And he knows what he's doing. I leave a lingering kiss on his neck as  I reluctantly pull my lips away to meet his gaze. He's looking up at me and yet still I'm the one begging. His eyes hold so much power.
"You know what I'm doing" I whisper back, holding his gaze.
"Do I?" His hands run up my sides, lifting my shirt with them. The contact with my skin sends goosebumps across my whole body. "I don't think I do. Will you tell me... baby" the last word sends shivers down my spine. I can hear the cockiness in his tone, no matter how low he makes his voice sound, the smirk is practically palpable. The way he says baby does something to me. I hate 'baby' but when he says it... it's something different. Something sexier. Something hidden. Something desperate. Like I can tell he wants me just as much as want him. The Hunger. The Lust. The Desire. All mixed into one word.
"You do." I breathe
"Really?". His tongue darts out to dampen his lips before toying with his bottom one between his teeth, the darkness of the room highlighting the glowing white of his smile. I watch the whites of his eyes as they trail up my body, drinking in the sight of me sitting straddling his lap.
"Yes" I command in an attempt to establish some form of power in this situation however just end up melting right back into his gaze.
"Okay let's say I do then" he gets so close to my ear that I can feel his breath tickling my ear lobes. "It doesn't change the fact I want to hear you say it"
My heart feels like it's beating at 200 miles a second. All the oxygen has been stolen from my lungs. I shakily exhale as he brings his face away from my ear. I'm so aware of everywhere his body is touching mine. So aware of each particle of carbon dioxide that leaves his mouth and ever so graciously caresses my neck. So aware of the heat radiating from our body's. So aware of the throbbing in his trousers that I forget about my own. The words are on my lips. They part to allow for them to fall out but instead connect with his own. Slow. gentle. delicate. His hands glide up my body and attach to the sides of my face as we deepen the kiss. I'm waiting for him to take control. To run his tongue across my lips and beg for access. To press his fingers into my back and plead with me to take him in. To take the passion and turn it into hunger.
"No no no" he grabs my face and holds it away from his own, "You can't kiss me without permission and I can't give you my permission until you tell me what your doing charlie" his tone is firm yet soft. Harsh yet sweet. His hand graze over my arms landing on my lower back
"I am trying to get you all riled up...and by what I can't feel beneath me i can see that it is working" i push my hips down into his crotch watching as he melts under me. "You know what I'm doing and you know what I want."
"Oh yeah what d'you want, spring?" He rubs his palms across my thighs as I feel his control settle in over me
"You. I want you." I exhale
"Ask me nicely" he smirks
"Stop being a fucking tease or I will get off your lap right now and go to bed" I joke.
"You and I both know you're not going to do that" he states,his voice is sounding like he has just downed a whiskey in one gulp. Deep. Dark. Husky. Completely juxtaposing my own "so I'll say it once more ask me nicely"
The dominance he is instating is sending hot flashes across my body. It's taking all of the power I have not to cave to his state and beg for him to take me. To have me. I am all his. Yet he shan't know that as I am not willing to boost his ego any more than I already have. So instead, I make an attempt to alter the power
"Do you really think I'm about to beg for you Nicholas? Huh? Do I look like the type to beg?" I change my tone to fit his own. Two can play at this game "I'll tell you what sir if you stop speaking and kiss me right now then there's a chance you will let you finish tonight if not then you and your right hand are going to be doing it all alone"
"Did you just call me sir?" He murmurs
"What if I did?" I pout
"Call me sir again"
"Why? Does it turn you on? You're a teacher Nicks isn't that a little pedophilic? Do you feel the same when your students call you sir?" I feel my cheeks heat up
"Only when you say it char." he replies
"Oh so it does turn you on sir?"
"You turn me on" his tone is blunt.
"Let me kiss you then" I smile as I attach my lips to his. There is no rush. No desperate need to devour each other. Yet there is so much passion behind it. His hand cups the nape of my neck to pull me in closer, slipping his tongue into my mouth as he drags me down. I grind my hips against him as the kiss heats up, earring a groan from his lips and a whimper from my own too. I repeat the same action, desperate to get some form of release but to little success.
"Charlie if you keep doing that I'm going to cum in my boxers"
"Well then let's get you out of them" I say without thinking. I don't know where that came from. I didn't Even think it through (I actually don't know where that came from). Within a second, I feel myself being lifted up into the air. My legs are now wrapped around his middle and my hands in his hair. The kisses have become smaller and more desperate. I need him
"God - you're - strong" i say in between kisses
"You should know that by now Mr. Spring." He pulls away. His hair is all messed up from where my fingers were laced in it and his cheeks and flush pink. His parted lips are slightly swollen and there is the famous nick nelson twinkle in his eyes. The twinkle that I believe he saves only for me. You wouldn't notice it unless you were extremely close. But I always see it. It's the twinkle that highlights the dark hazel color in his eyes. The twinkle that shows every emotion he could possess. The twinkle that adds an extra layer of magic to his gaze. It's as if tiny specks of gold and amber dance within the depths of his eyes, creating a captivating and enchanting effect. It makes them come alive as they bring you in with the warmth of their touch. However, just like that they could also scold you if you weren't careful.
   Before I even register the new room my back is hitting the bed and my boyfriend is crawling on top of me. Like clockwork, my hands fly to his shirt and I begin to hastily unbutton it.
"Wait" he stops. I lean forward reaching for his lips once more as he steps back off the bed. He frantically plugs in his speaker and connects, allowing Right here by Chase Atlantic to fill the room. He places his right knee between my legs, allowing himself to hover over my body. I slip my hands through his wide open shirt, wrapping my hands around his torso, feeling every square inch of his skin and pull him down onto me. The swiftness of my movements takes him by surprise as his stomach and chest collide with my own. His face contorts into a toothy smirk before scoffing
"You really want me don't you?"
"What gave me away?" I roll my eyes scoffing back. His lips ghost over mine. So close, but not touching. The air is hot and it's taking every bit of self restraint not to kiss him. I will not let him win the war. I won't even let him win the battle.
"Oh baby, I think you know what gave you away" He says, looking me up and down. I know what he's insinuating, however I've had him semi-hard  since I sat on his lap to cuddle him. I'm 100% winning.
"Shut the fuck up" my mouth tackles his desperately. I kiss him like their is no tomorrow. I kiss him until I am close to forgetting both our names. Until I forget where we are. Until we forget about the world around us and we are simply vessels coexisting in the same space taking every part of each other in.
   He brings his mouth down to my neck and I release a breath I didn't know that I was holding. His hands fiddle with the hem of my t-shirt before slipping his hand underneath it and trailing his fingertips over my body
"Arms" he mutters into my neck
"That's right! Well done Nicky!! These are arms!!" I say in a baby voice "now what are these" i say poking at his shoulders. He doesn't find my joke amusing. He doesn't ever smile.
"The fuck did you just call me?" He retracts his lips from my neck "you do realise that's what my mother calls me. What did you plan to accomplish? Turning my off?" He sounds angry
"I planned to get you angry which I can see is working." I look him up and down as best I can "and from what I can feel your still very much turned on" I trail my hand over his trousers. He is still in the formal ones he has to wear for work accept they are much MUCH tighter. He see his face knot and body tense as my hands tease him over the fabric.
"Fuck you" he manages to speak out through gritted teeth
"That's what I'm trying to get you to do"
He practically rips my shirt off over my head and unties the knot holding my joggers to my waist. Well they are his joggers and his shirt but nevertheless they are no longer on my body.
"You're much hotter when you're angry" I mutter
"And you're much hotter when you're not talking"
"I know you love to hear me" i mock
I find my way to his belt rapidly undoing the buckle and dragging it from its clutches.
"Did I say you like take my trousers off" he sits back on his heels
"How do you expect to fuck me with them on?"  He doesn't answer with words. His tounge darts to his cheek and and he licks his lips. I then watch him as he unbuttons his trousers before hovering over me once again . He grabs my hips with his right hand and rolls us over so I'm now on top of him, straddling his hips.
"You started this let's see what you've got" he winks at me chucking his hands behind his head. Relaxed. Why is he relaxed? How is he relaxed? Does he not know what he is doing to me?
"Buckle up" I smirk. I start at the waist band of his boxers, kissing and licking my way up his whole body. I reach his chest and make an attempt to leave as many hickeys as I feel humanly possible across the broad surface area. I feel his breaths become deeper and his body tense as I push my body down and grind on him to the beat of the music.
"That's —fuck— that's all you've got? Cmon sweetheart I —god—- I know you can do better than this"
"Sounds like I'm doing just fine" I kiss up his neck
I trail my hand over his boxers earning a whimper to leave his lips "feels like I'm doing just fine as well"
"Fucks sake" he mutters and uses his hips to flip us over "you win. I'll give you what you want"
I watch him as he maneuvers down my body, branding my skin with each kiss. He is trying to prove to me that I am his by marking places only he and I will see. Taking the thing I detest the most about myself and marking it with his love and affection making it impossible for me to reject any further.
"God you're so beautiful" he breathes into my skin "I fucking love you so much"
The sweet nothings continue with each kiss over my body. With every kiss I get a new compliment. Never reused. He treats me like I am god and he is simply just happy to be here, never failing to make me feel like the most gorgeous person ever. I watch him as he leaves a trail of hickeys along the waistband of my boxers, making sure to keep me waiting for as long as possible. He's nice but not that nice. Finally he hooks his fingers around the band glancing up at me
"May I?"
I nod in response
"Use your words,love" he smiles softly. A complete contrast to the way we have both been with each other for the past 10 minutes. I open my mouth to protest but change my mind.
"Yes you may"
"That's my boy"

2367 words 🤪

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