Okay pt 2

838 13 1

All songs used in this one shot in order
(=pt1 ☑️=pt 2 ✔️=pt3)
-in my blood - shawn mendes
- I want to write you a song - one direction
-flash drive - the driver era
- conversation- Michael aldag ☑️
-fool for you - zayn ☑️
-okay - Michael aldag✔️

When I get to the venue their is only a few girls
outside. Naturally i've dragged Elle with me as tao refused to come, something about the fact we "fuck eachother with our eyes" I don't even know he started ranting about it so I zoned out. Tara and Darcy went to his first show in London as they were down their for work and Issac doesn't really do concerts. This makes it sound like Elle was a last resort which she obviously wasn't. I invited everyone and she was the only one able to get here. We start queuing and the doors open at exactly 6pm. Nick doesn't actually know I'm coming to this show so it's going to be surprising to see his reaction, that's if he spots me, I'm not super tall. We get into the venue and this all foggy and lit up under gold lighting. Elle and I are directly at the barricade in the left corner so it would be harder for him to spot us. How funny would it be if we went the whole show unnoticed. I doubt we will though he is somehow rather observant. Especially for a man. I feel like their is a pit in my stomach
"Im shitting myself i'm so nervous for him" I yell to Elle. It's difficult to hear over the loud speakers so anyone could be listening in right now
"He'll be fine. He's Nick. He's always fine" she yells back.
"Yeh I know that but still playing in front of this many people must be terrifying. I would literally be dying right now if I was him"


I feel like I'm going to either pass out or puke, maybe both. I'm. So. Nervous. You would think each show gets easier as you're getting feedback but no it just gets worse. And what's worse is that I've been working on a song for a few months now and today is the day I finally perform it. It's the first time anyone is going to hear it and it's quite different from my other stuff so I hope people enjoy it.I'm trying to calm myself down using some of Charlie's panic attack techniques and they seem to be working so far. I don't know whether it's just the adrenaline or actually nerves but whatever it is needs to go away as I don't feel like barfing on stage in front of everyone. I really wish Charlie were here right now. He would be able to calm me down. Bring me back down to earth you know. Alas he isn't. Through no fault of his own though however. He's a writer and has a very important dinner with his publishers today. This could be his only shot at getting a book deal. I think part of my nerves are my nerves for him. I really hope he gets this deal. I mean he's such a talented writer and an amazing person he deserves this more than anyone I know. I hear the final applause after the opening act has finished and I know that it's my turn to go on stage.
"Just breathe okay in through the nose, out through the mouth" I mumble to myself before stepping out into the crowded lounge room. I'm immediately blinded by the floodlights at the back of the room but the track starts and I know that's my que to begin

You give me nothing to go off
I have to dream up the convo-
Stations that we have in my brain
They last for hours and I say

"I LOVE YOU" the crowd shouts

And you say


And the cow jumps over the moon
I crash back
Down to earth and
Low and behold its you


I can't help but smile as I hear him singing. Conversation was one of the first songs he started writing. We get to the bridge of the song and i just sort of melt hearing his voice. Ho-ly shit my boyfriend is so hot

Could we be more than what we think we are
I could be everything you want me to
Could we be more than what we think we are
I could be everything you want me to
Could we be more than what we think me are
I could be everything.....

And then he does his silly little high note which literally makes me evaporate. I've never been so proud of a person before in my entire life. I just want to squeeze him until his eyes pop out but... I can't. After the song ends there's a round of applause from everyone their and I would like to think I'm the loudest. He brushes his hair back out of his face and scans the crowd but he still hasn't spotted me yet.
He has a big boyish grin on his face and he looks so cute. I love him so much.
"That was conversation, one of the first songs I started writing. That's actually one of the few songs that's fictional so it's not really based off my life which you know makes it a little difficult to write about" he jokes "but urm yeah i'm waffeling here is fool for you"
I hate to brag but this song is about yours truly. I actually do love this song a lot. I would actually listen to this song even if Nick wasn't my boyfriend. The piano intro starts and once again I am a puddle

This love it's tainted
I need you and I hate it
Your Caught between a dream and movie scene
In a way you know what I mean
And when the dark turns to mist
I just can't resist it

"CAUSE I'M A FOOL FOR YOU AND THE THINGS YOU DO" he points the mic into the crowd and once again I believe I am the loudest as I truly am a fool for him and everything he does. He is the only man I am a fool for. Well him and Zayn Malik but he doesn't need to know that. He looks so happy when he is on stage. He's just in his element isn't he really. I keep saying this but I love him so much. I just watch him in awe of everything he is doing. He's so cute.

I know, I know
Given the chance I'd do it again I
'Cause I can't help myself
'Cause I can't stop myself
I just love being a fool for you

Another one of his bridges that I want injected into my veins that's really cute. I'm not even kidding, I want it tattooed on my forehead.
"He's so good, what the hell!" Elle exclaims
"I know I'm literally going to pass away in about 0.25 seconds" I reply. Again no joke I'm evaporating as we speak
"This is one of the ones about you I'm assuming?"
"Yes I have songs written about me" I say smuggly applauding the end of the song. He scans the audience again and again, not spotting me. Is this man actually blind i swear to god. Should've gone to spec savers honestly. He goes on to play a load of his other songs, and I may or may now have gone past the point of evaporation now. I don't even know what I am except a mess to be honest. After Polaroid he scans the room once more and for the first time he does a double take. I lock eyes with him and smile, waving. His face contorts between pure joy and shockedness as he points at me. He looks like he's about to cry.

1330 words 🤭

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