Tied up pt. 2

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I hope you guys like this I have just written a 1000 word smut shot for you lot 💀


Charlie's grip tightens around my wrist as he drags me upstairs to his dorm. The short walk up the stairs is made longer by the complete lack of words exchanged between the two of us. The last bit of communication we had was "make me" and I believe he is going to do just that. The silence is killing me. I don't know whether I am scared by this interaction or excited but whatever I am feeling is causing a fight of butterflies to conjure in my stomach and I feel like I'm gonna scream. I get an overwhelming sense of heat spread across my body as I am physically dragged up several flights of stairs. I can't slow down though, as Charlie is on the other end of me and he shows no signs of stopping. My wrist is beginning to ache with the lack of blood flow, and my legs feel like they are going to collapse beneath me at any second. Luckily, We finally reached his dorm room, me lethargic and unstable, him perfectly fine. He swiftly opened the door, pulled me in and allowed it to shut on its own. Startled, I found his hands on me before hastily being pushed down onto his bed. He climbs on top of me and kisses me. I wish I could say he was more gentle than I but if I did, I would be lying. His kiss felt like heaven and hell at the same time. I soon realized that I was not scared but excited as the butterflies got more and more aggressive As more and more of his body connected with mine. My heart was pounding in my chest as he trailed his hands up my leg and then further up to my body. His lips laced with mine and our body's lightly clashing against each other, as my fingers find their way up to his hair. I gently pulled at his curls as he began to undo my shirt once more. After tackling the first few buttons he sits up, His legs straddling my hips. He starts to take his blazer off. Then his jumper. Then his tie. He then starts unbuttoning his shirt, however not all the way he leaves a few buttons done up at the bottom so I can see his exposed chest and his cross necklace dangling from his neck.  He then stands up, leaving me to lay on his bed, confused and nervous. Casually, he makes his way to the door and locks it. My eyes can't help but follow him around the room as he makes his way to the large window on the wall of his dorm. Aggressively, he slams the curtains shut after looking outside. Understandable. However, what is not understandable is him then walking round the bed once more and checking the door for a second time. My eyes still follow him around like a dog with a toy. He walks over to his desk now and bends down to switch on his LED light strips. The golden lit room suddenly goes dark before a faint red tint washes over my eyes.  Watching him wander around like I'm not here is driving me insane. I wish to just grab him and throw him down but he is clearly doing this for a reason so I just let him. I feel like a dog being taunted with a treat as he moves around me, purposefully brushing his body across my legs which are dangling over the edge of his bed. I watch him slowly plug in his speaker and turn the volume all the way up before sitting down and scrolling on his phone. Is he trying to kill me?
"What the fuck are you doing?" I throw my head backwards to make eye contact with him
"You're free to leave if you want to" he smirks as shut up and listen begins booming from his speaker. I look him dead in the eyes smirking. This man really used my own words against me "Thought so" he put his phone and climbed back on top of me, his chain now in my eye line. I collect it in my fingers and being to play with the silver symbol
"Religious, are we?" I joked
"Only on my dad's side" he whispers before pushing his lips against mine again. The atmosphere he has set is fucking completely with my head. That and the fact he is now carefully making his way down my neck and onto my chest. I use the term carefully loosely. My shirt is now fully unbuttoned and his lips are all over me. Jesus Christ. His kisses are so firm yet so soft I don't know how to describe it. Deep, heavy, breaths tumble from my mouth as he digs his lips into the nook of my neck.  I grip the back of his head and once again pull at his curls. My body forgets how to act when he gently moves his hands across my legs.
"This isn't very religious of you Mr Spring." I manage to word
"This isn't very heterosexual of you Mr Nelson" I breaks away from my neck and meets my eyes
"Oh yeah" I smirk
"Yeah-" I cut him off by pressing my lips against his once more. Carefully, I rolled us over so I'm now on top of him. We make our way further up the bed still in this same position.
"My turn to have the fun now pretty boy" I smirk
"Shut the fuck up" he says once more
"What if I don't know what you're gonna do about it then huh? Leave? I don't think so"
"You don't know what I could do"
"Well are you gonna leave"
He doesn't mouth speak a word but somehow the silence he gives off speaks one thousand
"Didn't think so" I smirk
"Just fucking kiss me" I grabs the back of my head and pulls me down to his lips. I moved down to his already bruised neck. I work on the opposite side before  leaving deeper and darker marks. Have fun explaining those to Mr vali. Petit whimpers fall from his lips as I make out with his neck. I remove his necklace with my free hand and he pulls away
"What do you think your doing?"  he questions as I place the necklace on the bedside table
"Trust me what I'm about to do to you god doesn't need to see" I smirk as I go to kiss him again

1115 words 💀💀

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