The more the merrier...i guess

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This was the one y'all voted for the least however I wanted to write it so like yeh but you will get the winner soon


"Do we have to go" i sigh
"Yes we have to go, we promised. And we have also canceled the last 3 times so, therefore, we are going" Nick replied as he's looking for his car keys. "Have you seen my keys?" 
"Ugh but I don't want to people today" I fire back "And yeah they are on side in the kitchen"
"Well we promised them." He yells and leaves the hallways to get his keys. I really don't want to go out. I've been at work all day and just want to go to sleep. I understand why Nick's patience is wearing out though. As I knew we were going out today and still forced him to have 'one drink' with me last night. So I suppose it's my own fault I'm in this state. However I'm still going to blame Not because, well, why not.  I roll my eyes and sort myself out in the mirror on the wall. I look like a mess. My hair is frizzy and my under my eyes are purple."Look" he says entering the room again making me turn around "How about this we will just go for a few hours then if you still want to leave we will leave" he grabs my hand and looks me in the eyes. Ugh he's just so ugh.
"Fineee" I quickly diverted my eyes. Great now we have to go bowling. I tell Nick I'm going upstairs to go and change for the 40th time, however I'm just gonna sit up their and delay for as long as I possibly can. It's not that I don't love Tara and Darcy, because I do. But my social battery is so unbelievably low that I barely even want to spend time with my boyfriend, whom I literally live with, let alone our friends. I sit on the floor against the radiator and read my book for a short while. Call me by your name. I got it a few weeks ago and I still haven't finished it. It's not even long, it's just that I know what happens so I just keep getting bored. It's really well written however, the film really did do it justice.
"Char, are you nearly done?" Nick yells up the stairs. Fuck I suppose I should actually get changed. 


"Charlie!" I bellow up the stairs "We have to go"
"Okay fucking hell wait their lemmie get me showes (Pronounced shew-wez) on" he yells back "okay im here" he walks down the stairs cautiously. He is in beige cargos paired with a white t-shirt hanging out of a sage green hoodie. He has his white converse on and is bearing about 20 rings on his hands and a silver chain around his neck. He looks fine as fuck.
"How are you gonna bowl with those rings on"
"I could say the same to you" he looks at my hands. I'm not wearing nearly as many as him. I'm wearing a silver one on my left thumb and a black on on my right middle finger.
"I have 2 on you have about 10. Your  gonna be so shit" I laugh ushering him out the door
"I am not!" He yells at me, twisting his body to face me whilst walking out the door.
"You were gonna be anyways with your little twink arms" I Laugh as I walk round the car to get in.
"Fuck off you wouldn't even know what a twink was if I hadn't told you so shut the fuck up" he hisses "And you can double shut up about me being a twink because your built like a Lego man" 
"You like the fact I'm built like a Lego man shut up" I laugh reversing out of the driveway.
"You like the fact I'm built like a twink"
"Okay and? I can still point it out even if I do appreciate it"
"You're so annoying. I'm putting music on"
"Don't put on that shitty little band your obsessed with" I say. All i've heard for the past week are the same 100 songs played over and over again. I don't even know what the band is called but I know the lyrics to their songs.
"What? Do you mean this one?" He begins to play the exact band i was talking about
"Charlie I hate you so much"
"Shush 5sos is on" he turns the music up to full blast
"CAN'T FORGET MY ENGLISH LOVE AFFAIR TODAY IM 7000 MILES AWAY THE MOVIE PLAYING IN MY HEAD OF HER KING SIZED BED MEANS I CAN'T FORGET MY ENGLISH LOVE AFFAIR" he yells towards me. Luckily, I only have to bear a few more songs before we get to the bowling place. I stand behind Charlie as we walk through the door to sort of push him through all the people.
"Nick" he whispers up towards me
"What?" I bend down to his mouth
"Their are so many bald men. I'm gonna cry."
"I know I was gonna say. They all look like the bowling balls" I place my hands on his waist as I whisper in his ear
"We're gonna have to leave we can't stay" he says sarcastically, however i know their is a hint of sincerity
"We'll be fine. Look there's Tara and Darcy." I say pointing forwards to the two girls at the counter.

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