Straight? No gay

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This is gonna be in third person so idk if it's gonna be alr or not but here goes also appreciate the HS reference

The 2boys walked into the coffee shop, hand in hand smiling. This was the first time since exams started that they were able to see each other as nick was busy with his A-levels and Charlie was busy with his AS-levels but since 28th June the boys have been free of stress. They slowly strolled towards the front shop where a smiling barista greeted them
"Hi what can I get for you guys today" she grinned at the boys
"Hi, urm could I just have a plain iced latte please and urm char what d'you want?" Nick said
"Urm Could I have the iced mocha latte please" Charlie muttered to the barista
"So an iced latte and a mocha latte, anything else?" She questioned
The 2 boys shook their heads
"Okay well your total is £4.50 will you be paying with cash or card"
Nick, feeling particularly generous, said cash and handed the girl a £20 note and told her to keep the change. She smiled and thanked them before they walked off to find a table.
" Did you just tip that girl 15 quid" Charlie exclaimed flabbergasted
"£15.50 actually Charles"
"Sorry little Miss. further maths" Charlie rolls his eyes whilst sitting opposite Nick at a table.
"You should be sorry" he kisses his teeth before smirking at the boy opposite him
"Oh yeah really should I" Charlie licks his bottom lip and smirks back. Nick suddenly turns bright red as Charlie holds his eye contact and turns away
"Oh my god you're so weak!" Charlie giggles
"Yeh well if I looked at you like that you would fold as well!" He defends himself
"Alright bet" he smiles confidently.
Nick looks his boyfriend up and down then smirks clenching his jaw. Charlie's face glows red but he doesn't break eye contact. Nick then leans back on his chair resting on arm on the back of it and man spreads his legs, before licking his bottom lip and smirking again. They stare into one another's eyes until Nick finally looks away
"See I guess I'm just not as gay as you are" the brunette boy laughs
"Excuse me I am very straight thank you very much" the blonde boy scoffs
"Your on a date with your boyfriend..."
"So are you!"
"You literally couldn't look me in the eyes"
"Yeah well you kissed me first"
"Yeh but you kissed me again afterwards"
"Yeh but- "
"Annnnd you told me you loved me first"
"Yeh but"
"Aaannnddd you tried to secretly hold my hand whilst i was asleep"
"Well you looked all cuddly and like I liked you or whatever"
"Oh yeah and you hugged me as a quote straight male for 10 seconds after saying I looked really cuddly!"
"Okay okay I may have done all of that yeah but you have literally proved my point in that last sentence"
"G'wan how have I"
"You counted the amount of seconds I hugged you for therefore you are more gay than me Boom" Nick laughed as Charlie was forced to admit defeat. Soon after the argument the barista came over with their drinks and the boys thanked her generously.
"I don't get why you're so adventurous with coffee surely it's to sweet" nick rolls his eyes
"Nah it's so good try it" Charlie hands his cup to his boyfriend who takes a sip and grimaces
"It's nice but like very sweet"
"Gosh your so straight" Charlie rolls his eyes
"Gosh your so gay" nick says playing with Charlie's hand before holding it in his.
Nick suddenly turns around to see a middle aged white woman staring at them with disgust
"What's her problem" he whispers to his completely oblivious boyfriend
"No clue"

           After the boys finished their drink and left the cafe they took a walk along the beach, hand in hand once more. They walk across the pier laughing and joking until they physically can't breathe. Nick pushes Charlie into a tree but Charlie actually smacks his head off the tree causing nick to worry
"OH MY.P GOD CHAR I'M SO SORRY!" The blonde boy rushes over to the brunette boy who is laughing and clutches his head, pulling him into a tight hug.
"Nick it's fine I'm fine" he laughs
"I'm so sorry I didn't mean for you to smack your head off the tree just to like bump into it or summ" he is still squeezing the life out of Charlie.
"Nick seriously it's fine" Charlie giggles
The blonde boy breaks away from the look and takes the brunettes hands in his
"Are you sure?" He says staring directally into his eyes. Whether it was the look on his face or the way he cared for Charlie something about this made Charlie blush and look away
"Yep no yeh I'm sure" he clears his throat and is grinning uncontrollably
"Did I just make you blush?" Nick grins
"No..." Charlie really was an awful lier
"HA I KNEW YOU WERE JUST AS GAY AS ME!" Nick yells bringing attention to the 2 boys. All of a sudden the same middle aged woman who gave them a dirty look in the café was approaching them
"Hi excuse me hi urm would you mind keeping it down a little my son is over their" she aggressively tells them
"Oh my gosh yeh no we're so sorry for yelling we will keep it down if your kids trying to sleep" Charlie begings to apologise
"No hes perfectly awake I just...I just don't want him seeing this sort of thing you know the whole gay  thing" she whispered it directed towards nick. Charlie went to turn around and walk off but nick held him still.
"I'm sorry does me spending time with my boyfriend upset you" Nick blurts out
"No no no ofcourse not I just don't think you should be that affectionate in public especially when their are children around"
"Excuse me what are you on about?!"
"You know the whole holding hands and hugging it's abit much don't you think"
"I'm sorry but I'm hardly sat their with my cock up his arse am I I'm holding his hand"
"You Heard me"
"Well that's hardly very appropriate is it to talk to someone older than you like that"
"Oh I'm sorry does me talking about who I put my dick in upset you. Would it upset you more if I did this" nick leans in and passionately kisses his boyfriend on the lips "did that upset you?"
"This is completely vulgar behaviour I ought to call the police"
"And tell them what exactally 'oh yeah these too boys were holding hands and hugging and because I'm a nosey cow I was staring at them and it made me really angry that they were being affectionate so I came over and told them to stop being gay and they were mean to me about it'"
"To be quite honest I don't see how me and my boyfriend sorry... my boyfriend and I holding hands is any of your business so if you would kindly fuck off that would be very much appreciated thank you" Nick dissmisses the woman away and she runs back to her husband.
"Nick!" Charlie yells laughing
"What she asked for it"
"I love you so much"
"I love you more"

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