Just breathe

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Charlie :

1:30pm; lunch. I make my way to the restaurant where I find nick already sat at a table with Tao and Issac. I sit myself next to Nick so Tao and Issac are opposite me and they all start chatting and talking and eating. I however stay quiet. Last lesson was really stressful. It was cooking. We made this weird soup that in all honesty doesn't taste too bad but it looks like dog sick. I leave the flask in my bag so that nobody can get ahold of it, I'll probably just give it to my dad when I get home, he will eat literally anything. My knees bounce up and down vigorously under the table. I feel myself struggling to breathe. Charlie your fine stop stressing just breathe and talk to your boyfriend
"Hey how was your lesson" i quickly whip my head to face nick who seemed surprised by my sudden spark in conversation
"Yeh no it was okay i guess i had maths with mrs emery we had to do simultaneous equations and i like actually understood what I was doing so like I'm really quite proud of myself to be fair. How was cooking?"
"It was okay i guess we made some weird ass fucking soup or somet i don't know" i begin to pull the flask out of my bag and give it to Nick. He takes it and opens it up. His face recoils as he smells it
"Why does it smell like that" he laughs
"I don't know she told us to put curry powder in it" I give out a breathy laugh
As nick goes to close the flask Tao pipes up
"Ew what the fuck is that smell" he gaggs
"It's this weird soup thing I made in cooking" I sigh. Tao takes the soup out of nicks hands and sniffs it dramatically gagging afterwards. Issac then gets a whiff and they both start heaving over the soup
"To be honest it doesn't taste that bad try it" i say trying to shut them up
"No I think I would rather eat reece sharmans jizz than try that" Tao howls "Charlie's smeggy soup man"
I feel a hole open up in my stomach.
You ate that. Everyone is going to think you're a fucking freak now.
No. I don't think like that anymore.
Your a sick fuck you know that a sick fat fuck.
My heart rate quickens and so does the rate of my breathing.
Actually just kill yourself you fucking creep.
My leg is bouncing uncontrollably underneath the table. I can't breathe. I feel like I'm hoping to throw up. The sounds of Nick, Tao and Issac's laughs echo in my brain. I need to leave. I stand up and walk to the toilets not saying a word. When I finally get to a stall I collapse onto the floor, my knees come up to my chest and tears fall down my face. Begin shaking my hands like I am drying them after washing them to try and distract my mind.
No not again please.
I find myself hunched over the toilet with my fingers down my throat.
You deserve nothing. Nick hates you. Tao hates you. You will never be good enough for anyone. You're just a fat unloveable cunt. Fuck knows how you pulled Nick your a fucking state look at you. He's probably just doing it for a laugh. He hates you really. Everybody hates you.
"Charlie are you in here"


I notice charlie run off from the table but I don't think anything of it i suppose he was just going to the bathroom but after about 10 mins and he isn't back i begin to worry a little
"Hey urm I'm gonna go find Charlie I'll see you lot later" I dismiss myself from our lunch table and wonder off down the blue corridor to the toilets. When I finally get to green I hear loud breathing coming from inside one of the stalls
"Charlie are you in here" i Mutter not to loudly incase it isn't charlie. The noises stop and I hear a small shuffling on the floor. Under the small gap in the stall I see Charlie's hands placed firmly against the floor
"Charlie c'mon what up I know it you in their I can see your hands" I step closer to the stall and rest my head against it
"Go...away" I faint whisper floats out from underneath the door. He has been crying.
"Charlie i'm not leaving until you atleast open the door" I say keeping my voice calm. I here the small click of the door lock opening and a cavity appears between the door and the wall. Within the stall I see Charlie sat on the floor, his knees up to his chest, his hands pancaked onto the floor and his head leaning up against the wall behind him.
"Char" i rush down to comfort him and he just bursts into tears in my arms.
"I'm sorry I'm so so sorry" he sobs
"Charlie you have literally nothing to apologise for"
"But I do Im an awful person and I deserve nobody especially not you I don't know what to do with myself I hate myself I feel like just a disgusting piece of shit you dont deserve me you deserve someone better someone who isn't like this"
"Charlie I need you to breathe" I say clutching his face in my hands. He spits out some shaky breaths before continuing his rant about how he isn't good enough for me
"You deserve so much better than me Nick"
"I don't get why you haven't left yet look at the state of me"
"Honestly I'm a pathetic excuse for a person everyone would benefit from me not being here"
"charlie!" I raise my voice "if you weren't here I don't know what I would do with myself please don't say something that stupid again okay. Squeeze my hands and follow my breaths" I take deep slow breaths and make Charlie follow them.
"In for 5, hold of 2, out for 10 okay" i tell him. After a short while his breathing stabilises and he stops crying.
"Do you want to talk about it?"
"No I'm okay, its a slay anyways" he lets out a small chuckle. I grip him in my arms and squeeze him tightly.
"Thank you" he whispers
"For what?"
"Being here"

This was kind-of a rant but in heartstopper form Ig. I Kind-of wrote this whilst I was crying in green toilets at school bcs green toilets >> but yeh slay
1111 words

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