I see red (part 1)

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I know this isn't tied up part 2 but I'm working on it don't worry!!

⚠️TW: mentions of blood, homophobia, violence ⚠️


"C'mon Nicky you can't ignore us forever!" A voice bellowed from behind me.

Nick breathe don't punch the man in the face and don't yell either neither will result in happy ever after for you just breathe and walk forward

"Mate what the fuck I just want to you like stop being a fucking prick!" Harrys voice echoes through my ears as he grabs my shoulder and turns me around. "Their we fucking go your finally like actually looking at me"
"Harry what'dyou want" i sigh
"No need to get arsy with me nelson I just wanna know where you little boyfriend is" the way he says boyfriend makes me physically cringe. Like does he not know how to just say it normally without the whole song and dance about it.
"I don't know where he is I'm just going to find him now so if you don't mind" I spin around and carry on walking. I hear his laughter fade into chatter as I make my way down blue corridor. I haven't actually seen Charlie today, which is weird. He usually messages me if he's not coming in so I'm assuming he's here but still, I should've seen him by now. As I'm walking towards ellow toilets, I see it. A huge cut on his bottom lip, a black eye and an ice pack placed firmly against his nose. His hands are covered with blood as well as a few speckles on his tie, which have mixed with the blue to make a red/purple. He is slumped on the floor, with his back against the only vacant wall, his knees pushed against his chest.
"What the fuck!" I whisper under my breath, quickening my pace heading towards him
"Charlie are you okay what the fucks happened?!" I sit down next to him and pull him into a tight hug
"Oh yeah, urm, well, urm, yeh, urm I fell over on the way here and bost up my nose" he stutters
"Oh yeah, did you fall on your eye as well!?" I say sarcastically
"No urm...Olly hit me last night hence the bruised eye and fat lip" he chuckles weakly. He's lying. He always uses Olly as a cover up when he is lying. Olly isn't strong enough to do that to him.
"Sorry I didn't know your 4 yr old brother was Bruce fucking Banner!" I yell again
"What? Who's that?" He questions
"It's the Hulk, stop trying to change the subject! What really happened?"
"Sorry I just wanted to know who you were comparing Olly to Jesus. And I've told you the truth that's what really happened stop pestering me about it" he shrugs switching the ice pack into the other hand.
"No Charlie you're lying I can't tell when you are lying or boyfriend now tell me what happened" I keep my voice calm this time. I look him directly in his eyes which I can see are red and puffy, we'll eye, the other one is purple, black and blue. I held his gaze for a while. Not taking my eyes off of his.
"Harry" he mumbles
"What" I didn't quite hear what he said just that he said something
"Harry happened" he says looking down into his lap, taking the ice off his nose revealing it to be all swollen and bruised just like his eye. A small trickle of blood fell from it as he punched it with a tissue and the ice again.
"What." I say. I heard him perfectly clear.
"I was walking in today and he and his mates were behind me. They were yelling stuff at me but I didn't really care. I just continued walking and ignored them but it got to one point where he grabbed my arm and pulled me around....


"Oi stop being a prick we get that you like em but still their is no need to act like one tho" Harry's voice boomed
"Harry I haven't got time for you bullshit right now can you be a cunt to me some other time" I roll my eyes and carry on walking
"What if I don't want to be a cunt to you later? What if I want to be a cunt now? What you gonna do about it fag"
I ignore his mindless dribble and walk, my head down and hands in my pockets.
"OI IM FUCKING SPEAKING TO YOU DON'T FUCKING LOOK AWAY FROM ME YOU CUNT." he shoves me over so I hit the ground. The concrete is cold and small little stones stick into my hands, like how they would when you have PE outside. His laughers irritates me ears as he starts cackling to his mates
"Brev he's so fucking weak it's funny. Like I get your gay and that but still come on it's embarrassing" he wheezes
I go to stand up but a small shadow appeared over top of me
"Where the fuck do you think your going you puff" he kicks me in the stomach which earns another round of laughter from his mates. I curl into a ball clutching my stomach. He winded me.
"Harry, can you please take all 154cm of yourself away from me so that I can leave?" I gather the courage to say. Oops he didn't like that one bless him. Suddenly the delightful pain of his foot kicking me in my stomach hits me again. He drags me up by my collar and punches me repeatedly round the face. Each blow causes more and more pain. I tried to shove him off me but their was no point. He was 10 times stronger than me, even if I was taller it was no use. You can't win a fight by being lanky. I throw my head back as his final punch hits me in my eye sending a searing pain through my whole body.
"Are you done?" I ask, pretending to be unphased by the copious amounts of pain zooming through my body. With this comment I get a final punch directly to my nose turning one what feels like a hose pipe filled with blood. I swiftly pinch my nose
"Now I'm done" he finally lets go of his collar and heads over to his mates who were surprisingly, not all laughing.
"Lovely" I mumble to myself as I continue to limp away. My vision is slowly drifting away and my head feels heavy, I feel like I'm going to pass out. I make my way to school then to first aid. I tell them I fell over and whacked my nose off the floor and they give me an ice pack before sending me on my way. I crash into yellow toilets and slump onto the floor before falling unconscious.

1152 words 😘

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