In sickness and in health

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Charlie comes round mine everyday after school but he's had exams for the past few weeks so we haven't seen much of each other, but today he finished his exams and I finally got to see him for the first time in ages. When he got here I gave him a huge hug and picked him up
"Yay no more exams woooooo" I laugh but Charlie doesn't laugh he keeps the same stern face before stepping back towards the door and falling down onto the floor.
"Oh my god char are you okay" I ask him and he brings his hands up to his face. He shakes his head
"What's up?" I scooted closer to him and put my arm around his shoulder. He doesn't say anything, he just puts his head on my shoulder with his eyes closed.


After a few seconds he jolts up and runs off to the sink, his hand covering his mouth and gagging.
"Shit charlie" i jump up and run after him
"I'm so sorry" he mumbles still hunched over the sink
"Okay first what's going on and second what are we sorry about" I tell him, placing my hand on his back. He goes to say something before he begins to heave again.


"I don't know I have just felt sick and like I was going to pass out all day, but i thought it was just stress because of exams and I also had a fight with my mom so I was gonna stay here with you but I would be fine once I got to see you but- when I was walking here I felt like I was going to pass out and then when I got here and your picked me up" he folded onto the side moving away from the sink "I'm sorry I'm such a mess" he sniffled as he sat back down on the floor with his head in his hands
"Charlie you have nothing to be sorry about, your ill it happens" I got to kiss him on the forehead but he moves away
"No I do I'm disgusting and gross and-" he breaks down into tears
"Charlie you're not disgusting you're not gross you're not anything but amazing okay. Now are you going to let me take care of you or are you going to keep pretending your not GORGEOUS"
He moves his hands and looks up at me, his lip quivering and his eyes all red from crying. He sniffles at me
"You really think I'm pretty" he blinks tears out of his eyes
"Of course I do" I kiss him on his forehead and he doesn't move this time.
"Even when I'm sat here on the floor bawling my eyes out and look like I've been dragged backwards through a hedge?"
"Especially when your sat on the floor bawling your eyes out and look like you have been dragged backwards through a hedge" I smile crouching down to meet his eyes "Wait here okay I'll be 2 seconds"
I run upstairs and grab Charlie, his fav hoodie of mine and some joggers. I ran back downstairs to see him exactly where I left him. I walk up to him and hand him the clothes
"When you're feeling okay I brought you some clothes to change into." I sit on the floor next to him.
"Thank you" he blubs
He rests his head on my shoulder and I wrap my arms around him. After a few minutes he gets ip and we go upstairs. He gets changed and we snuggle down under my duvet and he falls asleep on me.
He's so pretty. Even when he is ill. He's just gorgeous. I've always thought he was stunning when he was asleep. I don't know why. Maybe because I know he isn't stressed or nervous or worried he's just asleep. He just always looks so stunning. I remember the other day we went out and oh my days did he look hot. He was wearing a trackie of mine because he left all of his clothes at home and Wowzaz. It was so different from his normal clothes it was a massive shock to my system. I must've stared at him for about 2mins with my mouth wide open because I couldn't form words. It was like when you have a crush on someone at school and you see them in non school uniform and you just melt. That's how I felt seeing Charlie. It was amazing. I look at him now and think the same, Well not exactly the same because that would be rude and insensitive to think that when he is ill, I see this stunning boy curled up under my duvet and my life is complete. He's so perfect.


I woke up to a sharp pain in my head. My eyes are heavy and every time I move a shooting pain goes across my forehead. I slowly begin to roll over however, I am I swiftly stopped by a blinding pain in my left temple. I wince as I clasp my head where the pain is. After stopping moving for a few seconds I continue my journey to turn over. When I have finally accomplished my roll I see Nick sat right beside me on his phone. He looks so pretty with his messy hair and his face illuminated by his screen. I think he notices me moving and turns his head towards me
"You look awful" he said sympathetically
"Tar" I squinted my eyes
"Sorry" he smiled "are you feeling any better"
"No I've got a migraine but I don't feel sick anymore so" I cover my already closed eyes with my hand as the minimal light getting to them is making me want to rip my own head off
"Oh love I'm sorry" at this point he switches his phone off and puts it on the side. "D'you want pain killers?"
I just nod my head as I can't muster the strength to talk anymore. He kisses me on the forehead
"Jesus your hot"
"I know I am" I give a weak smile and Nick giggles as he leaves the room.
Nick comes back a few mins later with some ibuprofen and a glass of water. I sit up and take the two ibuprofen immediately and slump back down under the covers shivering. Nick cuddles up beside me and holds me till I stop shaking. My the time I have stopped I'm getting really tired again
"I love you" he mumbles
"I love you more" I utter before falling back asleep

1166 words sorry abt nicks waffle I tried to get it to over 1k words slay

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