Drunk pt2

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For the first time in 6 months I find myself cradled in Nick's arms. I find myself home. The smell of his aftershave flows through my nose and implants itself there. There's nowhere else I would rather be because when I'm with him I'm so much happier and it's times like these where I'll remember in the years to come. I find myself falling asleep in his arms, with his head on top of mine. I wish for this moment to never end


Waking up for the second time today feels like bliss. Instead of being greeted by pain and regret I am met with joy and fulfilment. I've got my Nick back.
"Hey" I hear a low rasp above me
"Hey" I reply butterflies soaring through my body
"What time is it?"nick asks his eyes still slightly squinted
"Urm...." I say reaching for my phone "12:30"
"Oh my mom should be back In about half an hour "
"Oh how is your mom by the way"
"She's okay she misses you though so this will be a nice surprise for her" he chuckles "that's if you want to stay here whilst you're not drunk and I'm not on a blow up bed"
"Are you asking me to stay the night?" I smile looking up at him
"Maybe" he grins back down at me
"Well if you are of course I'll stay" I kiss him again before he pulls away
"You stink of alcohol" he cringes
"I know I need to shower" i laugh
"Just use our one"
"Are you sure?" I ask
"Char c'mon it's only been 6 months it's not like it's the first time you ever round here"
"You called me char." I giggle standing up to go shower. I walk into the bathroom and leave the door open. A few mins later Nick walks in
"Took your time didn't you"
"Shut up" he grabs my face and kisses me. I can feel him smiling against my lips as the water hits our faces. I have missed him so much. He breaks away to kiss my neck and I feel like I'm in a dream. 6 months is way too long.
    We didn't do much in the shower as we only had about 30 mins before Nick's mom got home, but it was still fun. Once we were out the shower I realised that I have no clean clothes at nicks
"Shit none of my clothes are here anymore!" I exclaim as Nick is getting dressed.
"You can use mine it's fine don't stress" he looks back whilst he is putting in his joggers
"No I mean like literally nothing clean so like no boxers or anything"
"As I said use mine you know where they are" he moves over to the mirror and begins to sort out his hair
"Nick, you're clothes are huge on me"
"The bigger the better" he smirks
I roll my eyes as I grab some clothes out of Nick's draws. It sounds so silly but it feels just like we were before. Like we didn't break up. Like these past 6 months were all some weird dream and we are right back where we were. I quickly get dressed and I look like I have deflated.
"Nick I love you but I look stupid" his clothes are hanging off me in every way but a good way.
"Haha you told me you loved me" he giggles to himself
"You look cute shut up" he says, turning away from the mirror to face me. I look at him judging, making him giggle. "Honestly you look cute," he says, hugging me. We head downstairs to get drinks and some food when we hear the door crack open.
"Nick I'm home but not for long though cuz- oh you're here oh and so is Charlie! Charlie dear!" She comes to give me a hug and I accept
"Oh sweet it's been far too long"
"I know it's been ages!" I say whilst still in her embrace
"How is everything dear? Are you okay? Is your family okay?"
"Everyone is fine, don't worry how are you?" She holds my face at arms length
"I'm wonderful dear!"
"Mom hello" Nick waves from behind me. I think he is jealous to be fair
"Hi Nicky how are you?" She says in a monotone voice.
"I'm good how come your not back for long"
"Oh your auntie Christi needs me for something so I have to go back out, I'm probably going to stay over there tonight so you're gonna have the house to yourself again." She starts getting her bags but stops when she sees me in Nick's clothes. You can see the pieces being put together in her brain before a look of pure joy and happiness spreads across her face
"Awww bless. Are you two...?"
"Mom!" Nick gives her a look
"We're working it out" I reply looking back at Nick smiling.
"Well in that case I'll get out of your hair then. Nick be responsible while I'm gone don't do anything stupid, Charlie it was lovely to see you again dear, bye boys" she says leaving the house
"I swear she loves you more than me" Nick laughs, wrapping his arm around the back of my neck. "So what do you wanna do today"
"Urm im not sure I don't mind but I should probably text my mom that I'm here so she doesn't think I've been kidnapped or something"
"Oh yeah you probably should"

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