1+1=3!?! Pt 2

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We spent the whole day playing with Bow. I have brought her loads of toys so we have been breaking them all in. She hasn't used the bathroom all day which I think is weird. I mean we have fed her and she has drank but she hasn't done anything all day. I suppose it's just that she is nervous, i mean it's a new environment with new people and new smells so she must just be worried. I go into the kitchen to get her a treat when i step in something wet. I look down to see a large brown mess beneath me
"Oh my god no I'm actually going to be sick" I gag
"What up" Nick looks up from the dog as a sprint to the bathroom.
"I've just trodden in dog shit" I say hovering over the sink. Nick lets out a quick loud laugh before telling the dog off and putting her outside. He then comes into the bathroom and sees me hunched over the sink with one foot in the air.
"It's not funny i actually think I'm going to be sick" I laugh
"Just give me your sock and I'll wash it" he laughs at the state of me
I sit down on the edge of the bath and begin to take the sock off before the stench reaches my nose and makes me gag. Nick starts laughing and me as I go back to standing over the sink.
"You've got such a weak stomach" he laughs leaving with my poo covered sock.
"At Least i can hold my alcohol" I yell back.
He walks back in and seems to have composed himself
"Are you okay, love?" He sincerely asks placing a hand on my back
"Yeh I'm fine" I say straightening up and acting as though nothing has happened. I lean against the sink and face him
"Are you sure?" he grabs my hand and looks me directly in the eyes
"Yes I'm sure"
"Good" he exclaims leaving the bathroom"Did you buy any wee pads" he asks letting the dog back in after cleaning everything up"
"Urm yeah I think the shelter gave us some actually check in the bag"
He retrieves the blue pads from the bag and places one at the door in our bedroom, in the living room and where the shat last time.
"Okay so if she looks like she is going to use the bathroom you need to pick her up and put her either on one of the pads or outside, preferably outside and if she does her business their you give her a treat if she doesn't you put her outside so she knows that that's where she has to go to use the bathroom" he sounds so smart "and you said that she would do anything because she is an angel"
"She is an angel and hasn't done anything wrong she was just nervous bless her"
"Okay sure" he rolls his eyes and goes back to the dog

     It's about 11pm now and Nick and I are ready to go to Bed . We put Bowie in the little den we brought for her and zip it up before going into the bedroom ourselves. Nick takes off his shirt and lays down resting his head against the headboard. I climb in next to him and we turn on Netflix.
"Wait yesterday you said to me that you would call me by your name with me so we are watching that right now" I say, snatching the remote off him.
"Alright bossy we will watch call me by your name" he says
The film barely begins when a loud whining starts to come from the living room. I get up quickly to see it's just bowie crying in her hut
"Hey sweetie what's wrong you want to come stay with me and daddy" I say in a baby voice to the dog. I don't know why I am talking like this. She can't understand me. I open the zip and pick her up, carrying her into our bedroom.
"Charlie why have you got the dog" he looks fed up
"She was crying"
"She is going to you have to leave them or they will get attachment issues"
"Yeh but she is just a baby and she is all alone in the dark bless her" I say holding her closer to my chest
"Charlie, I'll just bring the hut in here and she can say in the hut in the corner but you have to stop babying her or she will never learn" he sighs getting out of bed to get the hut. I'm not going to lie, he looks really hot. He has plaid pyjama bottoms on and no shirt. He also has his glasses on and messy hair. Honestly..... double smash. He comes back into the room with her little hut and places it on the floor. He then takes Bowie off me and puts her in the hut before sitting back down on the bed with his arms stretched out waiting for me. Of Course I obliged and lay in his arms but only for a few more minutes before bowie started howling again. I go to stand up but nick grabs a hold of me
"Charlie you can't or they won't learn"
"But she's crying"
"Bowie no!" He yells at the dog and she stops crying immediately
"Your good at that" i say turning my head up to face him
"I know" he smirks
We managed to finish the film and it's now 1:30am. We turn off all the lights and the time and go to sleep. After about 45 mins of sleep I hear now howling again.
Please just go to sleep. I say to myself hoping the manifestations will come true but instead this just encourages the howling and it get louder.
"Bowie shut up" I yell
She carry's on
"Bow shush" I yell again
She gets louder
"BOWIE SHUT THE FUCK UP!" I yell waking Nick up as well. She stops.
"Why are we telling the dog to shut the fuck up?" He says his eyes still closed
"Because she wouldn't listen so I had to swear at her" I say falling back into nicks arms
"Oh okay then yeh bowie shut the fuck up" he laughs and we both fall asleep again

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