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I saw somebody else do this but this is basically how I think the whole "pillow fort" scene came about


           For the 3rd time this week I am sitting on Nick's sofa curled up in his arms watching a movie. As he chose the last 2 I got to pick this one and decided that to make up for the 2 marvel films I had to watch I was going to make him watch the shining, a psychological thriller. It's not scary, don't get me wrong it's a bit uncomfortable but definitely not scary, well in my opinion. Nick's opinion however seems to be different from mine as quite a few times I have looked up to see him facing away from the screen with his eyes shut. He is so precious. Horror movies have always been the one thing I've had over Nick. He is taller than me, stronger than me, older than me, just better than me in so many aspects but he has always been a pussy. Always.
        Although I am lying down on Nick's lap my neck is killing me. I adjust myself and curl back up to Nick who has his eyes cello-taped shut again.
"Do you want me to turn it off?" I laugh while pausing the film.
"What? No yeah no it's.. fine whatever I don't mind" he says flicking his eyes open. He seems a bit confused
"Awwwwwww are you scared" I like winding him up
"No I'm fine" he adjust himself
"Would you rather we go build a pillow fort to play trains in" I stick my bottom lip out and laugh. I love holding this over him
"Pillow fort?" Nick questions
"Yeah...a pillow fort" I say furrowing my eyebrows
"What's one of them"
I mouth hangs ajar
"You don't know what a pillow fort is" I clarify what he has just said
"Oh god is it something I should know" he looks at me scared
"NO WAS I SUPPOSED TO HAVE!" he laughs back
"Well David's like a lot older than me so like when I would've been pillowfort age he was not so like yeah no I ain't built one before" he gives me a downwards smile and furrows his eyebrows upward. He looks like a puppy. I love him.
"Right no get up right now we are going to build a pillowfort" I say grabbing his arm and dragging him up. He seems relieved to get away from the film to be honest. I push the sofa backwards a little to leave room for the fort and begin to boss him around.
"Right get all your pillows and duvets and sheets and just anything cosy" I demand. I see him smirking as I start pulling the cushions off the sofa. God he is such a teenager. He potters around grabbing everything he can and dumping it on the floor in front of me. After a hefty pile of all things bedding has spawned in front of me I start sorting it out.


        After about 20 mins of me attempting to help Charlie, Charlie then yelling at me telling me I'm doing it wrong and Charlie redoing what I have done we finally have a completed pillow fort. The only way to describe it is aesthetically pleasing, it looked straight out of an American teen movie. I go and make Charlie and I some popcorn and hot chocolate as  my popcorn and hot chocolate is just superior to everything ever and we sit in our little fort that we have made. It's quite long and majorly grey as that is the colour of most of the decor in the house. We have 2 chairs balanced at either end so that it resembles an actual fort and we also have it pegged at the top so that it forms a sort of tent shape. Inside it is layered with blankets and pillows; it looks so cosy.
"This is actually really cute to be honest" I say sitting down in the fort next to Charlie who, may I add, has already wrapped himself in a blanket which, double may i add, is the thickest one in their. He looks like a giant teddy bear
"I would be better if we had fairy lights" Charlie states
"Yeh.... Wait, I've still got Christmas lights in my room. Do you want me to go grab 'em?"
"Oh my god yeah why didn't I think of that"
"Because you're not as smart as me" I laugh before bolting up the stairs to grab the lights. It takes me a while to untangle them from my curtain pole but I get their in the end
"Shush I'm way smarter than you" i hear him yell up the stairs
"Yeh well at least I'm not a nerd" I laugh coming down the stairs and handing him the lights
"At least I'm not a chav"  he says weaving them around the front of the fort.
"Me.... A chav c'mon" I rock back onto my arm and watch him
"Yeah a chav" he says sitting down next to me after turning on the lights
"How am I chav?"
"You just are"
"I'm a chav with a boyfriend am I"
"Yeah a homosexual chav" he grins taking a sip of his hot chocolate, getting whipped cream on his nose
"Your such a dickhead" I laugh and wipe whipped cream off his nose and his cheeks go crimson "but you cute"
He rolls his eyes and throws a few pieces of popcorn at me
"Don't waste the popcorn it's very precious you know I make really good popcorn" I say snatching the popcorn away from him and putting it by me
"Fine" he sulks grabbing the blanket away from me
"Your so rude" I say my eyes wide
"If you want it give me the popcorn" he demands
"Fine" he hands me the blanket back and I give him the popcorn, not before grabbing a handful and throwing it at him
"Nicholas, I hate you so much!" He lunges at me again and I grab his hands and fall backwards so he is on top of me. He wrestles to hit me but I hold him away. He is still fighting me when I quickly kiss him.
He suddenly stops wrestling me and kisses me again, and again, and again until we have been making out for about 10 mins and I am now sat up with him on my lap. I break away to kiss his neck and he seems to forget how to talk
"Is....is....is your mom still staying at your.....aunts" he half breathes half says
"Mmnh hmnh" I say into his neck
     I'm pulling at his shirt and he at mine;I'm taking off his shirt and his hands are slipping under mine; he is undoing my joggers and I his jeans; my body is up against his and my brain has stopped working. He is everything.

     A short while later I find Charlie asleep in my lap. His arms wrapped around my waist and his head resting on my stomach. His hair is all fluffy and the blanket is covering just his legs. He is wearing one of my shirts which is way too big on him and he looks so peaceful. He always looks peaceful when he is asleep. I just want to cuddle him. I generally sit myself up ever so slightly and cover him with a blanket as I can see him shivering in his sleep. I take a quick picture of us as he looks beautiful and add it to my Lock Screen which is just a bunch of Charlie pictures. I may be a tad bit obsessed with him

1329 words 😜

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