Tied up

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     I'm officially in my second year at truham and everything is actually going alright to be fair. I've got some friends but not a huge friend group and it's quite fun to be honest. I don't like the houses though. When you first join the school you get put in houses, a bit like in Harry Potter but  not magical. Their is 4 houses, red, blue, green, yellow. It's basically like a form but they have called it a house because it's not just, one year group it's everyone. I'm in a red house which is, unfortunately, the worst house. Literally everyone is so stupid it hurts. Not just that but I have to wear a red tie and red is so ugly. I've been trying to transfer houses for about a year now so I would be in blue but no I'm not allowed. All my friends are in blue as well which is horrible. Anyways right now I have just left english. Well I say just left, I left 30 mins ago and am just now deciding to go to my dorm. My English teacher is my fav. I can't lie. His name is mr minton and he is honestly such a slay so I'm in an okay mood. I've been in the library revising but it was getting a bit boring down their on my own. All of my mates are in lessons as well making it double boring. As I'm about to head up the stairs I feel a hand grab my wrist and pull me to the side.
"What the fu-" my yell is silenced by a large hand covering my mouth. I blink my eyes and look upwards to see a 6ft tall, blonde boy towering over me. His hair is fluffy and long it just about covers his eyes. He has hazel brown eyes which look black in the dark lighting of the cupboard I have been dragged into. I look down to his hands, one of which is firmly gripped onto my wrist and the other that is still covering my mouth. He has a few rings on. On his left hand, the one gripping my wrist, he has one on his ring finger, a plain black one. One on his pointer, this one is silver and has a leaf pattern engraved into it and then one on his thumb another black one. On his right hand, the one covering my mouth, he has one on his pinky and one on his thumb. My attention then falls down to his uniform. He isn't wearing a blazer and is just in a grey v-neck jumper. His green tie is tied loosely around his neck, under his shirt collar. His top button is messily undone revealing the small tattoo of a snake he has on the side of his neck.
"Shhhhh" he whispers, getting closer to my face. The scent of his cologne assaults my nose in the best way possible. He loosens his grip on my face but still keeps a hold of my wrist.
"Nick what the fuck!" I yell
"Shut the fuck up" he grips my face again. I grip his hand and pull it away from my face
"What the fuck? Why are you in a dark cupboard? Why did you drag me in here? Why aren't you in class? Why-" his hand covers my mouth again"
"I'm skipping and I saw you so I was like oh it's Charlie" he whispers. Butterflies start to appear in my stomach.
"Nick, why am I here?" I sigh
"Your free to leave if you want" he nods to the door as he sits on a makeshift chair, still firmly grasping my wrist. I threaten to move but change my mind "I just wanted to see you" he pulls me closer to him.
"Nick we are at school" I can't Control my blushing as he grabs my waist with the hand not attached to my wrist.
"So" he finally loses my wrist and brings the hand to accompany the other one on my waist. I'm standing in the gap between his legs and he has his head resting against the wall. Fuck. He looks so hot.
"What do you mean, so?"  I'm not going to hook up with you in a cupboard at school" I'm hoping my smile is concealed by the darkness of the cupboard. He takes one hand and moves it to the back of my neck before trailing one finger down to my collar. He brings to play with my collar before loosening my tie. My breath hitches.
"I said you're free to leave" he whispers, directly into my ear. He stays their even after his words have hung. I can feel his hot breath tickling my neck. My feet don't even threaten to move. "Thought so" he whispers before gently kissing my neck. I release a breath I didn't know I was holding as he trails his lips up and down the side of my neck. I fully undo my tie and chuck it on the floor so he can take in more of me. He softly continues to kiss my neck. My breathing deepens as he makes his way to my lips. I grab the side of his face and kiss him more aggressively, pulling him closer to my face. I allow my tongue to explore and he allows his to aswell. I pull him upwards, not breaking contact with his mouth. We back into the door and I take off my jumper and he takes off his and his tie carelessly throwing it wherever. Before his lips re attach to mine I turn around to lock the door
"Just to be safe" I spin back around. He lets out a raspy chuckle before entwining out lips once more. I feel myself wanting more of him even though he is right here. He places one hand against the wall next to my head pinning me their before going back down onto my neck, this time not so gently. Without warning I feel a low moan escape my mouth.  This seems to encourage Nick to kiss me harder. I grab the back of his head and move my head to the side so he can get a better angle. His lips melt into my skin like butter. I undo a few more buttons on his shirt so that now only three are closed. I push my hands inside his shirt and wrap them around his back pulling his body closer to mine. He was radiating heat.  All of a sudden I get a glimpse of my watch.
"SHIT!" I exclaim pushing nick off me
"Lessons started 25 mins ago" I started buttoning up my shirt.
"Oh fuck" he brings to sort himself out
I grab my tie off the floor but don't bother putting it on, I just shove it in my pocket and will sort it out when I get in class. I walk/ run down to my science room with Nick as we are in the same science. As I'm walking I take the tie out my pocket and begin to tie it round my neck. We reach the door and i begun to apologise
"I'm so sorry we're late sir we had a free period and didn't hear the bell go" I'm frantically fiddling with my
"No time for your excuses. I will hear them later, just sit down. Oh and Mr spring i don't recall you being in green house" he looks at my tie
"Wha-" I look down to see a green tie halfway done up around my neck. Nick snatches the tie out of my hands and hands me my red tie, aggressively.
"Oh and urm Mr spring" mr vali states
"Yes" I'm scared for what he is going to say next
"I think you and Mr Nelson might want to sort yourselves out in the bathrooms then come back in once you have composed yourselves" he smiles. I swiftly leave the classroom covering my face a little to hide the embarrassment and head to the bathroom with my head down. Why do I do this to myself?
      We head to the bathroom and sort ourselves out. Unfortunately, since being in here countless hickeys have had time to develop on my neck.
"Shame I didn't get to finish your neck would've looked absolutely wonderful." Nick smirks
"Shut the fuck up" I snap back
"Make me" he smirks
And with that I grab his wrist and walk him back to my dorm. Who needs science anyways right?

1440 words 🤭

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