Thats just...peachy

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Ik literally nobody requested this but I've have stayed up all night to write it and it's quite long so I'm going to put the work count at the top so yall know what your signing up for

4190 words 🤭


"No no no!" I yelled
"Why man"
"Why do you think man" I replicate his tone leaving a pause between think and man to emphasize the fact he has just called ME man
"Nah mate don't even please i beg"
"No mate n o means no"
"Brooooooo cmon please"
"BRO ARE YOU BEING FOR REAL RIGHT NOW" I scream rising up from the sofa so I am stood infront of him
"Okay I admit bro was abit far" he laughs
"You think" I say with a tone
"I'm sorry" he laughs and grabs me by the waist before pulling me down towards his lips.
"No I don't like you right now you just called me: man, mate and bro in the space of about 30 seconds" I sit down next to him and just look at the TV, trying to look as angry as possible.
"What are we watching then" he sighs. i still don't look at him
"I don't mind just put whatever on"
"No cuz you're mad at me" out of my peripheral i see he has turned to face me.
"Just put on your film i don't even Care anymore" i start scrolling through my phone
"Char are you actually pissed at me" he questions
"No I'm fine just put Iron man on"
"For fucks sake come here" he pulls me down so my head is resting on his shoulder "I'm sorry for calling you bro and mate and man and then trying to manipulate you afterwards" he squeezes my arm and kisses me on the forehead. "You can pick the film I have picked last 2" he hands me the remote.
       After my mediocre success against Nicholas Nelson I have decided to not only put on my choice of film but one I know he really doesn't want to watch; Call me by your name starring Timothee chalamet and Armie hammer the cannibal. I watched this for the first time last summer and I'm reading it right now and I love it. Don't get me wrong it's....interesting, but the whole thing is so pretty and well written it's just perfect. Naturally, I've been trying to force Nick into watching it, however with little success. But tonight as he knows I pissed me off with him so I'm going to put it on. As the opening credits are the longest thing on the entire planet, I stop being moody and actually talk to him

"What's this film actually about then?"
"Basically," I cross my legs on the sofa "it's these 2 closeted gay guys pining over each other for like 3wks then they finally get together and yeh"
"Hmm sounds familiar" he smirks and looks at me
"Yeh wonder from where though" I tap my chin and look around
"I think it's from a movie or something"
"Yeh must be" I shrug. We sit in comfortable silence for a short while as the opening credits continue to play through
"Were you actually pissed at me or did you just want to put this film on"
"I was actually pissed at you. You may as well have called me 'mush'"
"Even you know I wouldn't go that far"
"Yeh I suppose" I look down at the sofa space between us. "Promise you won't ever call me bro or man or mate or just anything like that ever again" my knees bob up and down still in their crossed position and I start picking at and ringing out my hands.
"I promise" he looks down at me as I focus on that same space between us
"Char?" He bows his head down to meet my eyes "are you okay?"
I simply nod my head still bobbing my knees and ringing my hands
"Charlie" he places a hand on my knee to stop it from moving "come here" he pulls me down so I'm sort of lying sideways on his chest. I curl my legs up on the side of the sofa and lie their.
"You know I'll fall asleep if I lay here like this" I say
"Oh well"
"No not oh well I need to be awake for this whole film"
"Just a few more mins" he states, getting a tighter grip on my shoulders. I can't help but smirk a little.
"Why are these opening credits so long jesus"
"I literally have no idea but like they are pretty I suppose"
"Yeh I guess but it's just some sculptures"
"OH OH MY GOD do you like peaches" I blurt out looking up at him
"Yeh peaches"
"Urm yeh they are alright i suppose. Why?"
"Just wondering" I bury my face into his shirt to compose myself.
Towards the end of the credits my neck starts to hurt so I have to re-adjust
"Okay my neck hurts" I sit up and pull my knees up to my chest. Nick scoots closer to me and I rest just my head on his shoulder. Finally after what feels like a decade the credits end and the film begins
"Wait that's Timo-tee chalalamet"
"Yeh did i not tell you he was in it"
"Nah oh and that's what's his face, the cannibal dude"
"Yeh" I laugh
"Timothee conglomerate and Hannibal the cannibal, how lovely" we finally shut up and watched the film.

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