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⚠️I make a joke about suicide in this but it is only one line and that is it⚠️


I've been reading 'Call Me by Your Name' by Andre Aciman all day and I'm not even halfway through the book. It's. So. Long.  Well, I say it's really long but it isn't. It's only like 200/300 ish pages and the font size isn't even that little it's like, normal sized but because it's so... descriptive.  It's so long winded it's making me aggressive. However within the book I have discovered my new favourite phrase which is 'apricock'. I have never laughed that misch at a book before in my whole life it just felt completely out of the blue I love it. I've been in a reading slump for the past few days (months) but I'm finally getting back into the swing of things, so when a 6"1 strawberry blonde boy comes bounding into the room safe to say I am a little taken aback. He leans down onto my bed, using only one hand, causing it to creek as though it is about to break.
"Woah you need to fix your bed" he mutters closing his lips in onto my forehead "hey"
I smile up in his general direction, not wanting to loose my place in the book. I have read this page about 10 times and I still cannot grasp what is going on. All I know is that Elio is being a horny little weirdo but that's pretty usual for this book.
"Wow do I not even get a hello" he scoffs playfully, sitting on the stool beneath my drum kit.
"You're hardly hard done too. Give me a minute I need to finish this page it's driving me insane" I speak at him
He doesn't say anything but I can sence him rolling his eyes at me. I don't even need to look at him to know.
I have missed being with Nick. I have had mock exams for the past 2 weeks for my A-levels so I haven't been able to see him much due to revision. For my A-levels I chose maths, psychology (ironic right) and criminology.  Nick likes to claim that choosing maths was the 'work of the devil' and that 'only someone with sociopathic tendencies would choose to work hand in hand with Lucifer himself'. Nick never really fell into the typical categories of being either a maths and geography kid or an English and history kid (English and history for the win) he was more of a sport and geography kid which I found semi- insane. GCSE PE was the worst decision I have ever made and I have literally tried to kill myself. In year 9, I was really good at running. Like none of the other year groups could beat any of my times at all. So when it came to choosing our options, all the teachers convinced me that I would be really good at it and how great it was so I decided to give it a go. We had a drop down day where we got to try out some options that we thought we might choose so for an hour I was stuck in a classroom doing GCSE PE and it was the worst hour of my whole life. It was just about sports and science. It made me want to kill myself. I actually believe that was the start of my downward spiral into insanity. So when Nick chose TRIPLE SPORT as his A-levels I was absolutely flabbergasted. I myself have always been a maths and history kid. Maths because I am good at it and history because I am gay so it was bound to happen. I still regret not picking history over maths at A-level but it's too late to change now.
  I finish up my last couple words on my page and close the book. I look up at Nick and give him a cheesy smile
"Come gimme some sugar Rugby boy" I open my arms wide, tapping my fingers to the bottom of my palm like you would do if you were waving at a baby. He picks myself up from off my chair and saunters over to me. He gently lies down on top of me and buries his face into my neck, placing chaste pecks upon it. I wrap my arms around his neck and just breathe him in. I have missed him so much.
"I have missed you so much" he mutters into my neck.
We take a few minutes to recharge, before he sits up from my neck
"How was your last exam" he smiles his one cheek all red from being pressed against my skin
"It was okay to be honest. I don't think I have done that badly" I reply
"Of course you have done well, you have literally revised more for your mock exams than I did for the my real ones" he gets up off of my body and proceeds to stand up and make his way to the stool he was once sat at
"I honestly do not think that is something to brag about"
"Not in your eyes no" he lets out a breathy laugh before bending down to put his shoes on
"Really you're leaving me already? You come round for 30 minutes after not seeing me for 2 weeks then fuck off home?" I joke
"Get up" he reaches his hand out towards me
"Why" I grab a hold of it hesitantly
"Because we are going to go somewhere"
"Where?" I question
"I don't know yet but somewhere" he moves his fingers in a beckoning motion gesturing me for him to take his hand. I look at it puzzled.
"I don't want to go anywhere can't we just stay here" I pout
"No we are going somewhere. We haven't been out properly on a date as a couple for weeks now I want to take you somewhere" he pouts back
"Yeah but I'm not dressed and I haven't showered"
"Then get dressed and have a shower then" he counters
"Yeah but I'm tired and don't want to go"
"You literally told me to come over 30 mins later because you were having a nap you can't possibly be tired"
God he is very good at this game
"Okay but my parents aren't home" I purposefully look down at his lips
"Charlie, stop being horny and come on, I want to take you out." 
"But I don't want too!" I am positive I look and sound like a toddler throwing a tantrum but I couldn't care less. "Please"
I plead with him. He walks his way over to the edge of the bed so he is hovering above me. "No we are going somewhere and I am taking you out"
"What if you stay over tonight and then we could go out tomorrow?" I play with the strings of his hoodie that are now within my grasp. He looks at me with what can only be described as the mid ground between defeat and compromise.
"Only if you promise I can take you out somewhere tomorrow" he extends his pinky finger for me to latch onto.
"I pinky promise" I hook my pinky with his
"Ugh fine" he sighs
I know for a fact he won't want to go anywhere tomorrow but at the end of the day, neither will I.
"Just a random question, how much longer are your parents gonna be out of the house?" He kicks his shoes off at the edge of my bed
"Urm all night I think they are at my aunties" I reply innocently
"Okay that's good to know"

1295 words

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