Seeing blind

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Seeing blind - Niall Horan

Ik i said the next few would be shorter but urm I got a bit of inspiration and popped out a long one


"I swear to god your taking so long" I Roll my eyes and check my phone "All we had to do it put some mats away"
"Yes but you don't get it the mats are being cunts they wont stack up where I tell them too and they are heavy which you would know if you HELPED ME!" Nick yells back at me
"Yeah no I'm good tar you used the mats not me I haven't had PE today, I'm just here because if I don't wait for you, you spam me" i exclaimed
It was lesson 5 on Wednesday which for nick was PE day. He had physical PE twice on week A and once on week B, unfortunately for me today was Wednesday lesson 5 on week A. The only reason I know his time table is because since we became sortof friends he has been making me wait at the gate for him at the end of school and if I don't I get a bollocking, but if I'm brutally honest I don't really care about the fact i have to wait because - well - I get to spend time with Nick. I've liked nick for about 2 months now and he doesn't know because the probability of me e telling him I like him is about the same as the probability of me meeting harry styles, so, like, I mean it could happen but it's just very unlikely. I mean like extremely unlikely. Even if I did tell him I'm like 98.4% sure he is very much a heterosexual and I would just be setting myself up for heartbreak. Their is always that 1.6% chance though.
"Yeh well its not my fault that I'm taking long, you could help me but no you don't want to because your a -" he stops to push the last mat on " - bitch" he wipes his hands clean before picking up his bag to leave the store room.
"Thank fuck lets go" I say leaning against the door but nothing happens. I shove my shoulder more aggressively into the door multiple times but no budge. I turn to nick with a look of panick on my face.
"It's locked!" I say shoving the door with all my might
"You sure?" He pulls my shoulder back and stepped forward to try the door
"Yes Nicholas I'm sure I'm not that weak"
He tugs at the door and it still doesn't budge
"Yeh no we'em defo locked in" he looks at me before chucking his bag down and on the floor against the back wall, behind the mats. From what I can see, His face is normal and he seems calm
"What the fuck are you doing we are stuck in the store rooms and your sat their like everything's fine!" I scream at him. He looks back at me with a quizzical look "EVERYTHINGS NOT FINE '' I begin to pace around with my hands on my head. Why lord did you trap me in a room with the man I am in love with knowing full well he is going to say or do something and I'm going to blurt it out?
"Charlie sit down" he mumbles
I ignore him
"Charlie stop stressing sit down" he says a bit louder
I ignore him
"Char!" He yells
That I didn't ignore. Did he just call me... Char? Stop. I'm going to die. HE JUST CALLED ME CHAR WHAT. THAT'S SO CUTE WHAT. HAHAHSHJSIDJWHWBAJ. I'M GOING TO PASS AWAY. Containing my emotions, barely, I look up from the floor.
"Come here" he nods his head to the spot next to him. I sit. "Breathe" he grabs my hands and squeezes them tightly whilst I take deep breaths in and out. "Better?" He asks after a few mins. I nod gently "okay right so the yr 8s have football training tonight, the coach came in whilst I was putting stuff away don't even think about calling me a nonce," he adds before the words can even come off my lips ''They have training today so once they are done we will be let out okay" i go to say something but he carries on "We will explain that we got locked in here accidentally and that we didn't do it on purpose, Mr field is my tutor, he knows me, and me and mrs Thacker are besties, they know that I wouldn't prat about in here so it's okay" did he just read my mind? what the fuck! He grabs the back of my head and pulls me into a hug. A very long hug. Like a whole 20 seconds before he clears his throat and pulls away. He smells really nice especially considering the fact that he is still in his PE kit which is weirdly tight on his arms.
"How was PE?" I ask quietly
"It was okay we did netball and it's actually quite confusing to be honest. I played wing defence (my position💪💪) and basically I was only allowed in like half the court and kept getting yelled at for offside which, you know,
Was a tad bit annoying i'm not gonna lie but, what's it called, harry he got to play ficking center which is the best fucking position like this man fully snatched the bib out of my hands little 5"4 looking ass bitch!" He yells. We both start laughing at this last comment. " No because it was actually really funny because we got put in a group with the netball girls and their centre is quite tall shes around 5"7ish but she was marking harry and kept winning the ball it was class. I think she was trying to show off to me to be honest though because she has been all over me for about 2 months" great here come my "the other woman" moment.
"Well, is she pretty." I jokingly say trying to mask my sadness with humour
"God no, well I suppose but I've sort of maybe got my eyes on someone else..." what. Someone else. Way to kick a man whilst he's fucking down. I brace myself before asking a further question
"Ooooooh Nicholas has a big fat crush" I tease. Charlie don't cry right now you still have to sit here for another 40 mins with him.  "Are you gonna tell me about her then or just sit their in silence for the next 40 mins"
"Excuse you, did you just assume their gender?" He says accusingly. I can't tell if he is joking or not so I play along pretending it's a joke
"My apologies, are you going to tell me about T H E M then or just sit there in silence for the next 40 mins" what if he wasn't joking and I isn't a girl. Wait no I shouldn't get my hopes up just to crash and burn.
"What d'you wanna know?"
If it's me
Including if it's me
"Define everything"
"Nicholas i swear to god"
"Okay fine. Well they have brown curly hair and blue eyes. They are really funny and sweet and just amazing. They have the cutest dimples I've ever seen in my whole life but it's only on one cheek though which just makes them cuter. They also have a really pretty smile but their hair is my fav." He scoots closer to me. Why did I ask? I'm having my "the other woman" moment. I hate this.
"Bless you really like them" I smile.
Smile and wave charlie smile and wave
"Yeh I guess, I really want to tell them though but I don't know how. Like we spend a lot of time together but I very much don't know how to be romantic and I don't just wanna message them and be like 'd'you wanna go out' because that feels cheesy but at the same time in person is scary because I'm like 99% sure that their best friend hates me so I don't want to tell them incase like the best friend hears what should I do?"  he carries on. He really likes them. Great!
"Well okay let me ask a few questions beforehand so I can give my best advice. Do I know this person like am I friends with them?"
" I wouldn't say friends but you see them on a daily basis" great someone i know this just makes it better
"Okay well if it were me and I knew I liked someone I would want the person I liked to just make a move you know. Just we we are alone to just kiss me or to just tell me they liked me instead of the whole foreshadowing and mixed signals because it really messes with your brain" why did I give him actual good advice for fucks sake
"Yeh" he leans his knee up against mine.
Charlie, he's just being friendly.
"That's the thing though I don't know how to just do that because I would like to just kiss them but I don't want to do something they aren't comfortable with"
Great he's really respectful too lovely jubbly
"Well maybe just give hints then like physical contact. Put your hand next to theirs not so much that you like fully holding hands just like they are touching, pretend their hair is sticking up and sort it out for them just little things like that."
Great now he is going to ask this person out in the best way possible love it
"Yeh i could do that" he shrugs, his shoulder's touching mine. We sit in comfortable silence for a while.
"Can you at least tell me what this mystery person's gender is?" I turn to face him
"Why d'you wanna know so badly Charles" he faces me. I can smell the spearmint gum on his breath
"Because I can. You're also asking me, Charlie francais spring relationship advice. For who I'm assuming is a girl. I mean you're asking the only gay kid to give you advice about a girl. Isn't that a bit counter productive, i mean surely you have friends who are girls why don't you ask you know them" I laugh
"I think you give better advice" nick whispers with a smirk
"Really c'mon get a grip. Charlie and the girls don't mix. Charlie only seems to attract straight men who want to use him" i smile
"Yeh but was Ben really a man he was more like a prolapsed anus" Nick laughs
After about 5 mins of silence I finally speak again
"Thank you for helping me when I was freaking out earlier" I nudge him
"Well I'm not going to sit their and let you completely panic am I" we are facing each other again
"Yeah but anyone else would've sat there are just watched but you helped me" i say to him. I notice he is just staring at me
"Wha-" before i can finish my sentence his hand is against the side of my face and his lips are on mine


Yeah. So, urm i may or may not like Charlie just a little. I say a little, it's more like a lottle. I've liked him for about 2 months but I didn't want to say anything because of everything with Ben and then just the fact I was going through a bit of a crisis and didn't know who or what I was, which I mean is still going on but. All of a sudden a switch flicks on in my brain and I pull away
"Shit im so sorry!  i didn't-  i wasn't- you-" I stutter and stand up. I begin to pace around as I can't leave.
"Nick" Charlie mumbles but I have so many thoughts that I can't process his words. Why did I do that? I'm so stupid.
"Nick" his voice loudons but all I hear are the higher tones of his voice, no words. He probably hates me so much. What if he thinks I'm like Ben? I hear him stand up and walk closer to me
"Nick!" He grabs my arm and pulls me down towards his lips before kissing me. It feels like a jolt of electricity soaring through my body. I feel like my heart is going to explode. He places his hands on my chest before gently pulling away
"Your hearts racing" he laughs in a whisper
"Not gonna lie before you kissed me I thought I was going to have a heart attack" I giggle back, our foreheads resting against each other. We stand like this for a while, well until we both stop going into cardiac arrest, it's... sweet. Whilst we are still stood their we hear the twist off the lock and quickly separate
"Nick what're you doing in here?" Miss Thacker and Mr field walk in
"Basically, after PE, Mr Parsons asked me to put away the mats then just left then he forgot we were in here and locked us in!"
"Okay but why is charlie spring in here he's a yr 10 he hasn't had PE today?" Miss Thacker asks
"Well basically charlie and I walk back together right, and he was walking past here saw me and started laughing because I had been left to put like all the mats away on my own then he came in and refused to help me, the door shut, parsons locked him in here with me" they both fold their lips over to stop themselves from laughing.
"I'm not even gonna..." Mr Field walks away to get the stuff from outside and Charlie and I leave. As I'm leaving however Miss Thacker grabs my arm
"I have one last question, why when I walked in did I find you cradled in each other's arms and both of you looking very flustered."  She laughs
"Did you?"
I nod
"Did he?"
I nod
"Are you?"
I shrug " I'm gonna walk him home and find out"
Her mouth stands ajar "okay let me know how it goes" he pats me on the back and then lets me leave. When we finally get outside it's chucking it down and i see Charlie is already at the gate
"CHAR!" I bellow he spins around the weight of the water weighs down his hair making it all long and curly
"Hi" i say catching my breath after running after him
"Hi" he smiles
"Did you really think you could kiss me like that then just fuck off home?" I laugh
"Well you seemed preoccupied with your teachers i didn't want to intrude sor-"
"We decided on no sorry a long time ago don't go switching up on me now" we laugh. As I'm walking him home we talk about nothing but at the same time everything. It's like when you see someone from your childhood who moved away and you have to catch up on life back home but we have only known each other for 2 months.  After a 20 min long walk we got to his house, soaking wet.
"I'll urm message you when I get back bye charlie"I wave and start walking to mine
"Wait nick" he does a small jog after me "Don't stress about anything that happened today but just to clear the air, I like you a lot and if your figuring things out that's perfectly fine I won't tell anybody but I don't want you to feel pressured because you kissed me or whatever I just want you to be able to figu-" I kiss him for the 3rd time. The rain hits my head and I grip his waist as he grips my face. I feel him smiling against my lips but still not breaking away. It's freezing cold and raining but we still stand in the street, our lips entwined as though nothing else matters.

2676 words 😜

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