Happy birthday pt. 2/ little things - one direction

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Only bcs you guys asked for it
Playlist used: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0p4WoBmWc60u9NNg1TlbJb?si=rZGJJ0RDThy-QmfodZcUgA


When we get back to the apartment complex I rush upstairs to our flat with Charlie's hand in mine. Swiftly I open the door and pull Charlie inside. I gently place my lips upon his and he returns the favour.
"Are you sure about this"
"Nick we have been dating for 6 years i don't think you need to ask for consent anymore" he laughs
"Okay my bad sorry for being respectful and not wanting to assault you" I smirk before kissing him again slightly more aggressively this time. With our lips still intertwined we stumble towards the sofa and Charlie sits on my lap. My brain stops working and the only thought that can semi-occupy my mind is the immense feeling of joy swimming around my body. Six years, six whole years and I still worship him like he is god. Six whole years and I still Cave at the looks he gives me. Six whole years and my body still turns to jelly the second his lips touch mine. When Charlie breaks away to start kissing my neck my brain switches off entirely not a single thing or thought could penetrate it (well maybe one thing 😜😜)
"God I love you so much" I whisper breathlessly
After making out on the sofa for a good 45 mins we make our way upstairs to our bedroom. I felt it would be better than on the sofa because I'm classy like that. I lay Charlie gently on the bed and reach into our bedside drawer and pull out a condom.
"Are you super sure I can do this" i question again ignoring his earlier remark in regards to consent
"Nick..." he rolls his eyes "Yes i'm sure"
I turn on my playlist and sweat by zayn comes on. I make my LEDS red and kiss Charlie softly on the lips, then on the neck, then on his chest, the stomach, and before I know it I have kissed every square centimetre of his body. He is everything.
"Oh my god Nick" he whines


We lie there, wrapped in eachothers arms, just being together. This is the best possible way I could've spent my birthday. Just with nick, no stupid surprise party with stupid people just a day at home with nick. After lying their for about 1hr nick suddenly gets up
"Are you okay?" He starts putting his shirt on and looks a bit flustered
"Yeh no I've gotta grab somet I'll be like 2 seconds" he starts pulling on some shorts that were left on the floor then leaves the room. After about 5 mins he returns with something behind his back.
"Okay so I got you a present"
"NICK! I told you-"
"Not to, I know but obviously I was going to get you something we have been dating for 6 yrs now c'mon. But yeah I've got you something" he speaks shyly. From behind his back he pulls a bouquet of red roses
"Nick this is the gayest thing you have ever done" I laugh
"Idk the sex was pretty gay to be fair" he laughs back. I prop myself up against the bed and accept the bouquet from his hands. As I retrieve the flower i see a strong pink blush spread across his nose and cheeks
"Your cute you know" I smirk
"Okay I urm also got you this" he pulls a ring out of his back pocket and gets down on one knee
"Charlie, char urm we have been together 6 yrs now and they have been the best 6 yrs of my life honestly I wouldn't have traded it for the whole world. You are the greatest person in the whole world I love everything about you, the dimples in your cheeks when you smile, the excitement in your voice when your talking about Harry styles or something else you're passionate about, how excited you get when someone you like releases a song, literally every little thing about you. Everyday with you is the best day of my life and I want to spend everyday for the rest of my life with you so in summary, yCharlie Francis Spring, will you marry me?" Nick stutters.
I sit there speechless for a few seconds processing what has just happened. He wants to marry me? HE WANTS TO FUCKING MARRY ME!!!!!!
"Yes. Yes of course I will marry you, you div!" I grab him by his neck and kiss him "I love you so much rugby lad"
"I love you more you gay nerd"
"Really? I'm the gay one in this relationship, you just proposed to me after we had sex"
"What can I say I'm just super romantic like that" we both laugh and I rest my head on his shoulder. I love this man so much

Sorry it's short but like I think it's cute
812 words 😝

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