Merry Christmas pt. 2

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TW: this bits a cheeky bit slict guys so like yeah


We sat downstairs for a while before heading upstairs at around 8pm to go play Mario kart
I always beat Nick at Mario Kart because he is shit,No that's mean, because he is challenged. I stick on my tv and he vows to beat me this time which we both know isn't gonna happen. I let him pick the race we do and to my surprise he chooses rainbow road. He has decided to 'beat me' at the most difficult race in the game, what an idiot. The race starts and I speed ahead. I don't even try at this point bcs when i look at nicks half of the screen i see he has already fallen off the edge. I stay in First the whole race and end up winning by miles, Nick comes 5th.
"I knew you wouldn't beat me" I shrug as winning doesn't really matter anymore as Nick seems to get worse every time we play
"How do you always win man!" He exclaims chucking the joy con down onto the bed
"There is no way you win every time... you're cheating!" He rages "Swap joy cons with me and we will race again" i roll my eyes and give him the joy con. We raced again and again and again and every single time I won.
"HOW ARE YOU DOING THIS!" He chucks the controller down onto the bed so hard that it bounces off onto the floor "I'M DONE WITH THIS SHITTY GAME!"
"Woah someone a bit angry" I laughed at him sulking. I crawled behind him and hugged him around his neck before kissing him on the cheek. "How about we turn off the game and listen to music instead?" He nods in reply so that's exactly what I do. I plug in my Alexa and ask her to shuffle my playlist full stop. I have never played this playlist in front of Nick before mainly because I made it specially for tonight. The playlist begins with Earned It by The Weekend. Nicks sat up against the headboard to the bed and was scrolling through his phone.
"I didn't know you liked the weekend" he frowns lot looking up from his phone
"I like a few of his songs" walk back over to the bed and sit on his lap, my legs placed either side of his hips. He moves his eyes from his phone as I wrap my hands around his neck, his phone in this right hand.
"Put your phone down" i whisper in his ear
He says nothing and just  places the phone on the night stand by my bed and the second it leaves his hand I kiss him softly. I pull away from his lips and begin to gently kiss his jawline a few times before kissing his lips again.The feeling of his lips on mine, the feeling I have been longing for, felt heavenly. My tongue explored his mouth as his hand found its way up to my hair.
"Holy shit" he breathes as I kiss his neck and collarbone. My heart rate increases.
"Charlie.." he moans
My heart feels like it's gonna burst. He just moaned my fucking name.  My name. Fuck. I pull my lips away from his skin and switch sides. He chucks his head back as I reach the sweet spot on his neck. I feel his body tense beneath me as I dig my lips further and further into his skin. Despite his efforts to contain himself, low moans escape his mouth making my heart beat at 100 miles and hour. This is the most attractive man in the world. The sound of his voice gives me butterflies. I gently run my hand up his shirt and across his abs. My fingers carefully trace the outline of his body before slipping behind him onto his back.


The feeling of Charlie's body on top of mine is enough to send me to another dimension. I have missed him so much. His hands feel like gold on my skin. His lips like diamond. His body, so delicate and fragile and yet has the capabilities to change me into a different man. My fingers snake around his waist and pull his body down closer to mine. He places his hands in my hair as i kiss him cautiously along is neck. I look back to admire what i have done. I see several purple marks drifting their way down his neck and onto is collar bone. I turn around and place Charlie onto the bed so I can get a better position. He throws his head back onto the headboard as my lips fixate on his sweet spot. I gently slide my hands down his leg and cup the inside of his thigh. I feel his muscles tense as I allow my hands to find their way up and down his leg. His breath hitches as my lips slowly trail their way across his waist line. Without my asking, he removes his shirt so I do the same. He was drop dead gorgeous. I move my hand from his leg and use it feel his body.
"Fuck me nelson" he moans
"Believe me i am trying my hardest"

Sorry this one is a little shorter than all my other one shots. I haven't had a very slay week and I just wanted to get this finished and published so y'all could have it. I know it isn't very good and I do apologise but my mind has been a little preoccupied and I am also recovering from seeing ROSS LYNCH LIVE. But I just wanted to let you guys know that the next one shot will be better than this one and I think that this is gonna be the last of the spicy one shots you get unfortunately. Anyways I have had to Waffel this bit so I can get this to 1000 words but yeh have a good day/night love yalllll xxx

1014words 🤤🤤

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