Mon amour

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LMK if y'all want a part 2 because I have a few ideas


6:30 am

I awake to the suns rays beating down on my face through the gap in the blinds. Today was the day before we went to FRANCE. LIKE THE COUNTRY. NOT JUST THAT BUT WE ARE GOING TO DISNEY LAND. WHAT. I'm so exited now don't even. I've had my things packed for weeks now which, although i thought it would be smart and productive, it has only ended up in some very weird outfit choices for a while. But that's okay. Because im going to France. TODAY.
         I stayed over Nick's last night because he wanted me to help him pack, however we may have gotten a little side tracked and ended up making out on Nick's bed for much longer than I intended, then finishing season 2 of young royals (i forced nick to watch it and he actually enjoyed it!!!!) so essentially we have to finish packing today. That's why I have set my alarm for 6:30. I stretch out my body and roll over to see Nick curled up in a ball next to me. His hands are tucked into his chest along with his chin and his hair is sprawled all over the pillow. He looks like a puppy.
"Nick" I whisper, not wanting to startle him. I don't know when he fell asleep last night because I went to sleep way before him, as usual.
"Nick" I spoke a little louder
"Nicholas" I poked him
"Mmnh" he groaned
"We have to get up" i tell him
"Time is it?" he grunts moving his face so that it is visable and not buried into his pillow. His eyes were still sealed shut and it was very clear he thought that this was a dream
"Mmmh" he grunts again
"Nick you have to get up i have to finish helping you pack"
"Gimme 5 more mins" his voice is deep and gruff. Dumb ass man having an attractive morning voice. Little bitch. He buries his face back in the pillow, isolating any forms of light that may break through.
"No nick now" I yank the duvet off him
"If you think I won't sleep here in the cold you have another thing coming" he still hasn't opened his eyes.
"Nickkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk" I say rhythmically, shaking him awake.
"Mkay im getting up" he stays outstretching his body. I rock back onto my knees and watch him whilst he stretches. Suddenly, I am hit with a sharp blow to the side of my head sending waves of pain pulsating through my temple. I look at Nick with a pillow in hand. I wince in pain and bring a hand up to pressurise the spot he punched. A searing pain shoots through my head and I blink the tears out my eyes that have begun to water due to the impact.
"Shit Charlie, I'm so sorry!" He brings a hand to cover his mouth but I can tell he is smiling.
"Can we please pack now?" I smile although it feels like more of a grimace.
"Charlie... are you okay?" Nick speaks in a concerned tone.
"I'm fine. Can we pack?" I dismiss him and get out of bed. He follows me out of bed, not bothering to get dressed, and grabs my hand as I try to clean up his room.
"Where did I punch you" he calmly states
"Nick I'm fine it doesn't matter" I brush him off but he tightens his grip on my wrist
"Where did I hit you" he repeats more sternly this time"
"My temple" I mumble.
He brushes the curls off of the side of my head and kisses where he hit me
"I'm so so so sorry" 
"It's fine" I smile. An actual smile this time. He stares at me like I'm battling a chronic disease and am on life support
"Stop fussing, I'm fine, just start packing your shit. We have to be at the school in a few hours and you get distracted very easily." I wiggle free and continue packing.

We reached the school around 10 o'clock. We are barely their for 5 mins before having to leave again to get on the coah to get to the train to go to France. Oh haven't I mentioned I'M GOING TO FRANCE!!!!!!!! As the school are excruciatingly dumb they have told us that boys and girls are to be in separate dorms and due to a lack of students they have put two people in a room. There was supposed to be 4 to a room but their was a huge house party and 90% of the people that went got COVID and couldn't make it. This is why being socially awkward pays off. I'm so thankful that they all decided to go so now not only do I get to share a room with Nick and it not be separated but I get to share a room with JUST Nick. Personally I think the whole separated thing is stupid I mean we are Years 12 and 13, we are legal anyways. And also they put that rule in place before it was 2 to a dorm, like anyone is gonna wanna get off with their mate watching them. But I don't care about everyone else because I get to share a room with Nick. I am a little nervous though as, well, everyone knows we are a couple, even the teachers, so what if, on a whim, they decide that because we are together we aren't allowed to share a room together? I mean can they do that? I hope not. I really really want to spend this with Nick. Also their are only two occasions Nick speaks French, when he is angry and when he is in France (obviously) so I'm going to be living my best life with my boyfriend just talking in the language of love. So slay for real.
       The coach ride to the train station was okay. The roads were a little curvy so it made me feel a little nauseous but there was nothing I couldn't handle. But now we are finally about to get on THE TRAIN. The one that takes us to FRANCE. When I first step onto the train the thing I immediately pick up on is the heat. It's so warm I feel like I could pass out. Like it was freezing cold on the coach and now this train is boiling hot. Why does the transport have to dabble in extreme temperatures? Me and Nick find a small booth with Tao and Elle in a corner. Tao and Elle didn't go to the party either so thankfully they got to come with us. They also have an exception to share a room with each other as a significant number of the teachers are transphobic and don't believe Elle is a girl. And the ones that do are a slay and would let them share a room anyways.
I feel like the temperature in this place is increasing by the second. I've taken my jacket off leaving me in just my jumper and jeans but I'm still roasting. I really don't want to take my jumper off as I only have a t-shirt underneath but if I don't I might pass out
"Is anyone else freezing?" Elle asks us huddling up closely to Tao.
"Don't even I'm so cold" Tao replies wrapping his arms around her.
"Tara and Darcy are in a different compartment and they said that is really warm in theirs" Elle glances at her phone then to Tao
"Yeh no, let's go see you guys. Don't get necking on with each other whilst we are gone" Tao states
"Fuck off Tao" I reply. I don't understand how they are so cold. I'm so warm, I genuinely think I have heat stroke.
"Mon amour are you okay-" Nick suddenly states, staring at my blood red face. Did he just say mon amour? Did I just get called my love in French? Did my boyfriend call me a pet name in French? I'm gonna die. Pass. Away. Gone. Dead. Deceased. Vanished. Suddenly it's really warm and I feel like I'm sweating. I can't breathe. Mon amour. AHHH. MON A-FUCKING-MOUR.  I genuinely think I'm gonna faint. Or explode.  Or melt. I feel like I'm floating right now. Gonna #die real quick. Shit wait I haven't answered his question. Wait, have I answered him? Wait, I'm so confused.
"Char..." no i haven't answered him
"Huh, what, yeh what huh" i say flustered. Hehe, mon amour.
"I asked if you were okay you look really red"
"Oh? Yeah no I'm fine it's just abit warm in here" I say taking off my jacket. Tao and elle stare at eachother. Yep, they know what this whole charade is about.
"It's like 3 degrees, are you sure you're okay?" No Nicholas, I'm not okay, you just called me MON AMOUR.
"Yeah no I'm fine"
"If you're so warm, why don't you take your hoodie off?" Nick innocently states, before swiftly realising why I haven't taken my jumper off. The look of realisation on his face spreads into this sympathetic downward smile which then contorts when he has an epiphany
"Okay well if you take your jumper off you can wear this" he tugs at the much thinner flannel he has on "It's loads thinner so you should be okay" he states taking off his jacket before u can even protest
"But won't you be cold I don't want you to be col-" I'm interrupted by a finger being pushed against my lips
"Shut up and put the jacket on" he gives me his flannel and I put it on m. It hangs off every surface of my body. I love it
"How do I look?" I laugh at nick
"You look adorable," he laughs back.
I'm so excited to spend this next week with mr Mon Amour.

1678 words 😘

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