Tied up pt 3

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This is the final part to the whole tied up saga !!!


January 8th 2022

8:35 am
Me: Nick where are you?

8:40 am
Me: don't fucking ignore me we have science now and you aren't here

January 11th 2022

  14:26 pm
Me: you were literally online 4mins ago answer me you prick

16:03 pm
Me: This isn't fun for me either but atleast I'm not being a pussy abt it. Just suck it up I need to talk to you


00:09 am
Me: yk what fuck you this is all your fucking fault anyways and you can't even be fucking arsed to answer me. Your a fucking prick.

I slam my phone onto my bed out of anger. How fucking dare he? He gets us caught then doesn't even fucking reply to my texts how much of a cunt can you be? It has been exactly a week since Nick and myself were late to science and urm well got caught essentially. Obviously, now the whole school knows that the gay kid and the rugby captain have been secretly hooking up so we have both been experiencing various amounts of abuse. I say we both, but I haven't seen or heard from Nick since he left my dorm 1 week ago. Where the fuck was he? He is actually starting to piss me off now. He doesn't care about anyone but himself. He never did.
   I wake up to the sound of my alarm blaring in my ears. I groan before turning it off and covering my face with arms. For fucks sake I'm so tired. When I finally pry my eyes open, I check my phone. No response. Ofcourse. I don't even know why I care. I mean he was just a hookup, it was nothing special. I didn't feel anything for him. I guess I wanted him to view me as something more than just a guy he gets off with. I give up on him. If he wants to be a prick then he can be, no skin off my back. I chuck my phone down and hoist myself out of bed to start getting ready.

      Walking the corridors is still a bit strange. I'm still getting judgmental glances and side eyes from everyone. It has calmed down however since last week, I no longer feel completely isolated from society, it's more of an outcast feeling than isolated. The only thing I can do is keep my head down and walk.
"Fag" I hear someone yell at me. I mean he isn't wrong. All I can do is give them a thumbs up and continue. I don't feel like arguing today. I finally got to English just to find out the seating plan has been changed. Mr Minton begins to call out where we are all sitting.
"Charlie can I have you at the front here and urm Ethan can you sit next to him please" he says I quietly take my seat, not bothering to protest.
"Nah sir I ay sittin' by 'im" I hear Ethan's voice
"And why is that Ethan" mr Minton sighs
"Nah 'ave you not heard it jokes man" he starts to laugh and so does the rest of the class.
"No I haven't heard Ethan would you please fill me in"
"Nah because he's a freak getting it on in school with some lad I mean come on-"
"That's enough you will be sitting next to Charlie and that's the end of it"
After a few mins of him huffing and puffing he finally sits down next to me. Now maturity has something I have mastered over the years. Being publicly gay means you have to not respond every time someone says something to you and take the high road but for some reason this time something in me changed.
"You do know that just because I sucked him off doesn't mean I want to do the same to you I do have standards" I whisper to him
"Nah sir HE'S a proper freak man move me now!" He yells out
"Ethan I said enough! If you're not happy, leave!" And with that he left the classroom. I can't lie being immature is quite funny sometimes.
            After English I leave the classroom to take my free period. I don't hang around in the library today, I just want to go sit in my dorm alone listening to music in the dark. I make my way up Green hallway and just as I am about to reach the stairs I get dragged into a cupboard by my wrist.
"Nope nuh uh not doing this again nope" its nick he's standing there in the dark. He looks the same as he did a week ago. I turn to leave the dimly lit cage when  Nick shuts the door
"No Charlie wait please it's not that just...please" his voice sounds... different. It's not as commanding as it usually is
"What is it nick?" I sigh, folding my arms. To be honest I'm a little pissed off he has dragged me in here again. I just wanted to spend my free alone but no I have to be in a cupboard with Nick Nelson
"I just... it's" he sighs
"No I'm not having this tell me what you want. You haven't bothered to talk to me for a week so unless you start talking I'm going" I don't bother whispering. I don't care who hears us at this point. He doesn't say anything so I turn and open the door when his hand grips my wrist.
"No Wait please I'm begging you" he states I give a deep sigh, shut the door and shrug
"Fine go on"
"It's just... ever since science last week everything has gone to shit. I was having fun fooling around with you but now everyone is speculating things and I don't know what to do. Don't get me wrong I'm not ashamed of you or of myself but... I don't know who I am yet myself and-" he stops and takes a deep breath before continuing " And now everybody thinks they know who I am when they don't. Because if I don't, how can they. I just... i just.... I don't know what to do" he leans up against the wall and collapses into a ball. He brings a hand up to his face and tries to mute the sobs coming out of his mouth. I crouch down next to him and place my arm over his shoulders. It's strange seeing him like this, being vulnerable. It's like when you see your dad cry for the first time you don't know how to comfort him because it just doesn't happen. I didn't realize that this had affected him as well as myself. I had been so obsessed that it was found out that I was hooking up with someone and that Nick wasn't answering me, that I hadn't stepped back to realize he had been outed to everyone because of a stupid mistake we made. I pull him onto my shoulder and squeeze him tighter.
"I'm so so sorry" he weeps " I don't want to lose whatever we had going on but I can't keep living in this state of uncertainty. I don't want to string you along with me because you don't deserve to be someone's secret gay hookup but I can't make any choices right now. Charlie I'm so sorry"
"Nick, you have nothing to apologize for. You just got outed to everyone and instead of making sure you were okay I have been a complete dick. I shouldn't have been so self centered I'm so sorry" I reply. I actually mean this apology. It's not like some stupid sarcastic one. It's genuine.
"Charlie I - I don't know what to do how can I show my face again i just- " he begins to cry again
"Hey, listen to me, it may not seem like it right now but it will all get better okay. You'll be okay. People will forget about it and move on because some chick will get knocked up or some teacher will be a nonce and the fact 2 lads were possibly hooking up will be pushed to the back of their minds, okay. Even if you don't know who you are right now you don't have to force yourself to figure it out because it will all work out in the end okay. I promise you" I say directly towards him. For the first time I actually felt something for him. Before I mean I obviously thought he was attractive, why else would I be snogging him in some cupboard, but now I find myself trying to fix him. To help him be okay again. I feel...bad for him. I actually care about him. Like as a person, not just sex.
"You promise" he looks up from his hands, his face red and stained with tear tracks. His eyes were puffy and bloodshot making the colour of them stand out more. He holds eye contact with me as he waits for his answer
"I promise" I reply. He pulls me into his bear hug and squeezes me so tightly I can barely breathe. I hugged him back, ofcourse, applying just as much pressure as he did. When we break he stares into my eyes, cupping my face. He does the box look; left eye, lips, right eye before kissing me. This isn't an 'i want sex' kiss its different, way different, but I can't quite pinpoint it. There is passion behind it, it's not lust or greed it's caring. We slowly pull away from each others mouths
"Thank you" he whispers with his forehead resting against mine "for everything"

1642 words 🫶🏻🫶🏻

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