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TW: spicy 😜


12:53pm'm on my own in my dorm, Adams out (my roommate) I don't know where he is but he's not here, I've just got back from a lecture and I don't have another one for a few hours, all of my mates either don't stay in dorms or are out, I have literally nothing to do. I check my phone for what feels like the 100,000,000,000,000th time.
Yeh no it's still the same time it was about 30 seconds ago. Why is uni so boring? Like everyone proper gasses up uni saying it's the best years of their lives but im so fucking bored. Like yeah the party's are fun but like in the day their is literally nothing to do. When I left 6th form I was so gassed to do things like rugby and stuff here but it's just a bit shit to be fair. I check my phone again
Wow it's been 2 mins how great
I message the group chat


Me : do any of you lot wanna do summ im bored as fuck just like come to my dorm or summ idrgaf
Delivered at 12:55pm

I flick through snap for a while until i finally get an idea. Charlie.

Me: what are you doing right now?
He replied almost instatally
Charlie 🧎‍♀️: I'm in a lecture
Me: leave
Charlie 🧎‍♀️: no, what do you want nick
Me: I'm bored
Charlie 🧎‍♀️: I'm not leaving a lecture because your bored
Me: where are you sat
Charlie 🧎‍♀️: why does that matter
Me: because it does now where are you sat
Charlie 🧎‍♀️: I'm at the back why
Me: then just leave nobody will care
Charlie 🧎‍♀️: no I'm not leaving because your bored talk to Adam
Me: please adam isn't here
Charlie 🧎‍♀️: wait so your alone
Me: yes
He better get here
Charlie 🧎‍♀️: fine I'll leave
Me: good boy
Charlie 🧎‍♀️: shut the fuck up
Me: make me
I am just a Genius.
Charlie: I will
Me: oh yeah really how?
Charlie: you'll find out in 5 mins
Around 5 minutes later I hear a knock at the door. I open the door, knowing who to expect . A siren eyed, brown haired boy stands in my doorway . He is wearing baggy, ripped, blue jeans with a light blue champion jumper layered over a white shirt. He also wears a silver chain and countless black rings on his fingers. On his left hand, in the gap between his thumb and finger he has a small cross tattooed. The veins are protruding out of his olive hands. Not saying anything I drag him in and pin him up against the back of the door and kiss him.
"Nice to see you too" he smirks
"Shut up" I say, kissing him again. I firmly grab him and lift him up off the ground so his legs wrap around me. Our tongues collide and we fall deeper into the kiss. His back still against the wall I break away to kiss his neck. Low moans escape his mouth as I kiss his jaw and the small amount of his neck that isn't covered up by his shirt collar. After about 5 mins I switched to the left side of his neck. I didn't look properly but from what I saw I did a pretty good job on the right side.
"Fuck" he breathes out. I'm glad he's enjoying it. It is at this point I realise my curtains are wide open. So I put him down on an office chair next to the door. I walk over to my curtains and shut them, sending the whole room dark. I move over to the plug and turn on my leds and set them red. I ask Alexa to Shuffle my playlist full stop and into it by Chase Atlantic starts playing. When I walk back over to Charlie I notice he has taken the jumper off leaving him in his jeans and i white button down. The top button is undone and his legs are slightly spread apart. I walk over to him and grab his face to kiss him more. I feel a pool of heat developing in my abdomen as Charlie's fingers lace up in my hair. Midway through Mount Everest by labyrinth I feel my phone buzz in my back pocket. Not looking, I take it out and throw it on my bed, not caring where it lands and definitely not taking my lips off Charlie. I place my right hand against the wall beside him and use my left to unbutton his shirt further. His fingers wander over the top of my cargos and up to the button as he begins to undo them. Once again my phone buzzes but I again ignore it. All of a sudden I hear a knock on my door and someone tries to open it.
"Nick" it's Niall's voice. Why was he here?
"Shit" I say buttoning my trousers back up "hold on!" I yell
Charlie is sitting there breathless and panting heavily. I cover his mouth with one hand and open the door with the other.
"Niall hi how come your here" i clear my throat
"You said to come up to your dorm on the group chat and I just got out of a lecture why are your lips swollen" he stares at me analysing my features
"Yeh no urm" I wipe my lips. "I think I've had an allergic reaction to something"
"Oh... well can I come in then"
"No urm sorry no i'm kind of busy i should have said in the group chat but i've urm not been on my phone" shit. I can feel Charlie's hot breath against my hand. Thank god this shirt is baggy.
"Are you okay why are you sat in the dark and what the fuck kindof music is that-"
"Oh" niall smirks "you've got a chick round"
I look down at the ground doing my best to compose myself. He looks through the gap in the door and must see Charlie's jumper before I can close it more "wait no you've got a lad round?" His smirk grows wider
"Goodbye niall" I say shutting the door on him laughing
"Have fun nickkkkk" he wheezes.
I remove my hand from Charlie's mouth. To reveal a cocky smirk on his face. He bites his bottom lip and just sits there, His chain dangling through the gap in his shirt and covered in hickeys. I walk over to him and he looks me up and down
"Pucker up pretty boy" I mean down and whisper into his ear. Before I continue what we were doing before

1119 words 😜

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