Happy birthday

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BUZ. BUZ. BUZ. I feel my pillow vibrating underneath my head. I quickly turn it off so that I don't wake Charlie up, who is sleeping next to me. Today was April 27th; Charlie's birthday. This is the first birthday since we moved into our own place a few months ago. First birthday of it being just us. I cautiously get out of bed, luckily charlie prefers sleeping next to the wall otherwise I would've been a bit fucked. Quietly, I tiptoe towards our wardrobe and put on a t-shirt and joggers. I creep out of the room, grab my car keys and put some shoes on before heading out the door. I have decided that instead of making Charlie something and pressuring him to eat it I'm just going to get him a fancy coffee. This doesn't sound very romantic but it is trust me. Although Charlie is nearly fully recovered from his ED, I still don't  think that bombarding him with loads of his old fear foods would be the best idea, so instead I am bombarding him with balloons, flowers and coffee.
       I get back to our flat after being away for about 45mins and check the time
Thursday 27th April, 2022

Okay, Charlie usually wakes up at around 9 o'clock but we were up until like 2am last night (😏) (jk) so I doubt he will be in the mood for a semi-early start. I sneak back into the bedroom to see he is still fast asleep. Thank god. I spend the next 35 mins decorating the room with tat that I brought from the card factory: bunting, balloons, confetti, literally anything I could find. I got a few helium balloons and they are situated in the corner of the room next to the tv. At around 10:10 i go back to our bedroom and crawl back next to Charlie and wrap my arms around him. I feel him stirring in his sleep and he grabs my arms and embraces my hug before slowly flickering his eyes open
"Happy birthday, mon amour" i whisper in his ear and he lets out a small chuckle
"Stop it with the French" he laughs his cheeks blossoming red circles
"quel français? tu veux dire que je ne peux pas t'appeler mon amour. Oh mon amour je t'aime tellement. oh mon amour je te chérirai pour toujours. mon amour"(what french? you mean i can't call you my love. oh my love you i love you so much. Oh my love, I will treasure you forever. My love )  i say to him squeezing him in my arms and kissing him repeatedly on the cheek
"Stop it" he laughs, shoving me off him. He sat up and checked the time on his phone before lying back down in my arms.
A few moments later I hear my phone violently vibrating so I look up to check it

Charlie must've noticed the furrow of my eyebrows and asked me what's wrong. I have to tell him
"Tao and Elle are throwing you a surprise party and have told me not to tell you" I sigh. I see a Look of anger spread across Charlie's usually happy face
Charlie hates parties.
"We don't have to go, I'll just tell them you don't feel the best" i reassure him
"No we have to, they have done it because they care about me and I can't just not show up because then they will reschedule it and I will have to go then" hs lets out a tempestuous sigh
"Okay then we will only go for like 1hr tell them you don't feel well while your their and we can come back here"
"Alright we'll do that then" He sighs and gets up. As he opens the door a grin spreads across his face changing the miserable expression it held before.
"Nick what the fuck" he laughs standing in the door way
"Happy birthday" i smile from our bed
"I hate you so much " he giggles
"tu sais que tu m'aimes vraiment" (you know you love me really) I laugh before dodging an old shirt he threw at me.


    It's around 5pm now and Nick and I have just started getting ready for the party. I have been told emphatically by Nick that I have to act surprised when we get to Tao and Elle's as I'm not supposed to know they are throwing me a party. I still don't understand why they have thrown me a party because they know I don't like them. Well I think they do. I supposed I have never really told them specifically but like I have mentioned my hatred for them in the past but they must not have caught on. It's fine though because Nick says we only have to go for like 1 hr then we can leave and come back here. He's been really weird today, Nick. I don't know why. He just keeps hiding things from me in random places. He literally hasn't let me go into the closet all day (not that I would want to be back there tbf) and when I try to grab the hoover from there or something he rushes in front and hands it to me. I know that it's something to do with my birthday and he has some weird surprise planned but still, I would like to know what's going on in my own home. I did get a peak in there whilst he was rummaging around and I could see anything but there was an overwhelming smell of roses on Nick's clothes when he left and I mean I'm not complaining about it to be honest.
              I spend about 45 mins getting ready as for about 20 of those minutes I was choosing something to wear before inevitably going with what I always wear: black jeans, a blue chequered shirt, a white t-shirt, and my white converse. I fluff my hair a little before I feel nicks arms wrap around my waist
"You look nice" he smiles
"I look the same as I do every day" i roll my eyes
"Exactally my point" he says sitting down on the bed
"Anyways what time do we have to be their for aga- woah my boyfriend is in jeans and a shirt what!" I turn around to see Nick in a pair of blue baggy jeans and a white t-shirt with a collar.
"Yeh i thought I would you know dress up abit" he says as i wrap my arms around his neck
"You look good..." I say as I find his hands gripping my waist
"Yeh... you think so" his face inches closer to mine
"Yeh i do"  i say as he plants a kiss on my lips, then another, then another, then another untill we have been making out for 10 mins and my hair has gotten all messy.
"SHIT! Nick the time! We've got to go" I say scrambling to fix my hair in the mirror.
"NICK!" I yell, staring at my neck. On my neck I see several marks have appeared, several purple and red marks. "FUCKS SAKE!" In the same breath I swiftly button up the shirt I am wearing which somewhat covers the hickeys nick has left on my neck. To hide the ones you can still see I angle my jaw so the shade covers them up. We quickly rush out of the house and into the car. I message the group chat to let them know we are on our way before frustratedly fighting with my collar for the rest of the drive their


When we get to Elle and taos house i notice charlie looks a bit panicked so I squeeze his hand to let him know that everything is okay. We knock the door for a few seconds before a loud creak announces that someone is at the door. The door swings open to reveal Tao standing in a dimly lit room and ushering us in before switching the lights on and about 50 people yell surprise from the shadows. I only recognise about ¼ of the people but by the look on Charlie's face I realise that he recognises even less. He grips my hand so tightly I see his knuckles going white while he puts on a fake smile and acts surprised.
         We briefly exchange pleasantries with the majority of people before wandering off to get a drink. I see Charlie aggressively fill half a cup with vodka and the remaining half with lemonade and chug it like its water
"Charlie..." I say as he is downing his second vodka lemonade again with a 3:1 ratio of vodka to lemonade.
"Yeh" he says making his third
"How about we don't resort to alcoholism when we are stressed" I say taking the cup from him and drinking half the vodka in the cup and moving the bottle away from him so he can't fill it up any further. "I don't get how you can drink that like its water man it tastes like hand sanitizer"
"OI LOVE BIRDS" a familiar voice booms around the house and finds its way into the kitchen. "Nicholas how've you been bro it's been time I lie" Harry Greene exclaims dabbing me up.
"Alright harry how's you" I nod ignoring him and focusing on Charlie who has now had 3 vodka lemonades that were mainly just vodka
"Alright mate, fun to see that you two are still together n'd that you know. Like I'm not even gonna lie right i don't think yous two was gonna get through uni to be fair mate but like you both look great i cant lie bro"
"Cheers Harry" i sort of grin
"Oi spring happy birthday n'd that innih" he turns his attention to my boyfriend who has wandered off to find the ice
" 'Preciate it harry" he replies
"So like does he get like birthday sex or is it like different for gay people because like I can't lie birthdays would be so boring without birthday sex" when he says this i hear charlie choke on his drink and i have to cover my face to suppress the agressive maroon colour my face has gone. As Charlie lifts his hands to cover his face i notice Harry's eyes fixate on Charlie's neck. "Wait never mind I see you already got to it." He states examining his neck "fuck me Nicholas are you a fucking cannibal or summ"
"Nah mate I'm just good at my job" I smirk which earns me a lovely kick in the shins
"Anyways I'm gonna go now cuz to be fair I only showed up to see you two I hate everyone else here" he spoke as he walked away.
Charlie and I both start laughing out of both embarrassment and because it was genuinely funny.
     After about 1hr of mingling Charlie comes and finds me. Im sat with some of my old mates from the rugby team in the conservatory. He is clearly a little tipsy but not completely incoherent. He sits on my right knee and whispers in my ear
"I physically cannot stay here any longer"
"Ok we'll go let's just find Elle and Tao to thank them" i whisper back
We find Elle and tao before leaving the party. Charlie lets out a sigh of relief after getting in the car.
"By the way when we get back I'm going to want to finish what we started earlier" he whispers into my ear before I drive off. This boy has no clue what he does to me

Woah this is longer than I thought it would be 1982 words 🤭🤭

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