Mon amour pt.2

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    We have been in Paris for around 4 days now and it has been absolutely amazing. Charlie and I have had free reign over what we do so we have been absolutely everywhere. On the first day, i made him climb to the top of the Eiffel Tower with me despite his protesting. I mean he can't be afraid of heights forever he;s 17yrs old he needs to live a little more. It was so beautiful from the top, I could've stayed there forever just watching time fly by. I think the view made up for the fact that we were 300ft in the air and the fact that it cost €25.90 each to get to the top. I didnt get to dictate everything we did on this trip however charlie, as revenge, made me go to so many museums it was unbearable. I understand thye are interesting but some of them were so boring that i wanted to physically rip my own eyeballs out and throw them at people. Their are only so many times i can walk around saying 'oh thats cool' before i physically want to cry. However apart from the museums this trip so far has been fabulous. We have had the whole dorm to ourselves, which could've singlehandedly made the trip to be honest. Lets just say that it turns out that because we were alone we were able to 'exercise' quite a lot. Don't worry though we are both over the age of 16 therefore we are allowed to exercise without breaking the law. As today is our last day, Tao has decided to throw a secret party at his dorm. I've had to go hunting for booze, being the only one who can speak french and also the only one who is 18. I've managed to secure enough drinks for tonight with the money I had left. I forget how expensive everything is here. Anywho, I;m actually quite excited about this party tonight as, simply put, i want to get pissed. I am rather nervous though as if we get caught then im gonna get in a shit tone of trouble for buying alchohol for minors. I mean like some of them are nearly 18, like it's charlies birthday in a few weeks and their are quite a few lads who are actually 18 but just forgot to bring their ID like the dipshits they are.
        The party is not until around 9ish so Charlie and I have some time to chill before we have to get ready. This chill period maily consists of Mario kart and making out as we have exercised everything we can do here without a car and money. Charlie consistanltly beats me as usual then makes up for it for about 20 minutes afterwards. Honestly, having a boyfriend is so great. I love it. At around 8:30 we started getting ready.


The party so far has actually been quite fun. I lost Nick about 1 hr ago to a drinking game. It's some really dumb one that his rugby mates made up. He did try to explain it to me once but I didn't really understand. All I know is that it involves fire and that was my cue to leave. Currently I'm with Elle, Tara and Darcy playing a drunken never have I ever.
"Okay...." Elle slurs "Never have I ever.... had a drunken hook up in a bathroom" Both Tara and Darcy take a drink.
"Oh c'mon Charlie don't lie" Darcy spits out
"I have more class than that" I actually haven't had a drunken hookup in a bathroom. Nick and I aren't creatures
"We've caught you to in the bathroom together!-" Tara exclaims before making the same realisation that everyone else had already done.
"Okay then never have I ever hooked up in a bathroom" Tara emphasised. 6 pairs of eyes fall to me as I take a sip of my drink. 
"I knew you had that's why I asked in the first place" Elle states. I'm not as drunk as the girls but I'm definitely not completely sober. The room is spinning a little and I feel heavily dizzy, so I'm a little tipsy. We continue the game of what has switched from never have I ever to how drunk can we get Charlie. I have gone from barely even tipsy to rather drunk very quickly.
"Okay my turn" I exclaim "never have I ever..." I trail off as a strong pair of arms grab me by hips and move me to the side. He allows one arm to drag across my back as Nick walks past me to the cupboard.  I exchange looks to the girls and they scatter. The arm is now back on my hip and reaching down to me is nick.
"You look so good right now" Nick slightly tilts down and attempts to whisper in my ear whilst walking past me, however, due to the booming music echoing through the house, it comes out as more of a yell. I feel my body temp rise by about 100 degrees. I forgot how forward he is when he is drunk. As he walks past me,  I follow him with my eyes as he gets himself another beer out of the fridge.
"You think so?" I ask him tilting my head to the left and taking a small sip of my drink
"Yeah I do" he rests a hand on the kitchen island next to me preventing my escape, not that I was planning one anyways.
"Why do you say that then?" This is so fun for me. I'm not as drunk as Nick is, however, I have reached a high enough blood alcohol level to have the confidence to flirt back. I flick my eyes up at him with this last syllable giving him the biggest 'fuck me' eyes on the planet.
"Don't look at me with those eyes"
"What eyes?" I'm no longer looking at him from an angle, I'm looking at him straight on now.
"Don't play dumb with me you know what those eyes do to me" he takes a step forward as I take one back, edging us closer to the corner counter in the kitchen.
"As I said before, what eyes?" I give a cocky grin exposing the gum I have been chewing on for the past few hours. Another step is taken and I go back to the counter. Our body's are touching and I can practically feel his breath on me. I hold eye contact with him, refusing to break. His stare is so demanding I'm struggling to hold my own. With one glance up and down his body and back into my original stare, I witness him break
"Fuck Charlie" he exhaled throwing his head forwards and staring at the floor. He takes a second to compose himself before chucking his head back, revealing his neck. I jump back up into the counter as the strain of looking up at him is now starting to hurt my eyes. He walks his way in between my legs placing a hand on each knee. "You look so good right now" He exhales once more
"You've told me that already" I reply with a frown and a cocky grin. A short raspy chuckle tumbles from his lips as he stares at the ground once again. When he finally meets my gaze again, he is accompanied by the same grin I have worn so proudly tonight.
"Just so you know" he leans down "if this place weren't so public I would have you on this counter right now" he breathes into my ear, his hot breath leaving me weak. He places delicate kisses on my neck and when he stops he still keeps his face glued to my neck. I exhale trying to compose myself with little luck, thankful Nick doesn't notice the flush in my cheeks.
"Yeah? What do you mean by that?"  I widen my eyes
"I mean" he states moving closer to me "that I would fuck you on this counter if I knew our friends wouldn't walk in"
"Mnhm" I glance around me. Nobody was paying attention to us. I could just have him here but I feel I have more class than that
"Not just that but" he bends down to whisper in my ear again, this time on the other side "but I would fuck you so hard that you wouldn't be able to walk for the next 2 days" and before my brain can make a decision for me my dick does and I hop off the counter taking Nick by the hand and dragging him into the coat closet. As soon as I am in there I aggressively push him against the wall, snogging him to my heart's desire. There is a hunger present in both of our kisses that is so deep instead of being a romantic kiss, it's just a hot sloppy mess
"Wow a closet really" he pulls away and speaks in between exasperated breaths
"Just a reminder of where you came from" I reply, my hands on either side of him against the wall and my face dawned a brash smirk.
"You're a fucking bitch" I'm not allowed anytime to reply as before I can even process what he has said, our lips are clashing together once more. Suddenly I am being moved away from the door, which I had pushed Nick up against, and moved towards the back of the closet. Luckily, it was empty except for a few stray coat hangers poking into my back now and again. It's hot and stuffy in the closet, I feel like I'm suffocating. Between hot breaths i find myself starting to take of my shirt before I feel a hand press down preventing just that. A finger comes up to his lips as we hear the faint giggling of our friends
"They are deffo hooking up in the bathroom" Darcy laughs
"Of course did you see them earlier. Nick was all 'whisper whisper' and chat was all 'fuck me Eyes' I will pay anyone who thinks they are not hooking up in that bathroom right now" Elle states
"Who's hooking up in the bathroom" the sound of the footsteps alone lets me know Tao is now apart of the convo
"Nick and Charlie"
"WHAT THEY BETTER FUCKING NOT BE" Tao runs toward the bathroom. We have to get out of here. Discreetly, me and Nick tiptoe out of the closet when we feel the coast is clear. Nick walks in front of me as some form of concealment for my new friend in my jeans. Thankfully Nick had a jacket so he is fine. We slip out the front door without being noticed and head back to our room. Tonight's going to be fun.

1816 words 🫶🏻

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