Truly, madly,deeply

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Okay so this one shot is based off the song
Truly, madly, deeply by one direction

Also this was the first one shot I ever wrote way back in may 2022 it was even pre-Harry's house I believe so she is pre-historic


I glance up at Nick, catching his eye. He looks back down at me, taking my hand in his and stepping closer towards me. Butterflies run through my body as he grabs my waist and pulls me towards him.
"What are you doing" I whisper to him whilst trying to conceal my grin
"Your brother is in the next room" i have failed to hide my emotions and am full on grinning now
"I don't care anymore" Nick says back to me "You're the only thing I'm sure about Char. The only person I..." he takes a pause as if debating what to say next
"The only person you what" I say with a slight panic that it will be bad news
"The only person I love" He says now smiling as well "I love you Charlie Spring" he adds on
"I love you too Nicholas nelson" i say laughing now knowing how much he hates it when people call him Nicholas
"Shut up" he laughs before pulling me into a kiss
    We stare at each other for what feels like hours, but is only about 5seconds not speaking; just staring before Nick chimes in and says something
"Don't you ever call me Nicholas again" he says trying to sound serious and stern but is giggling and smiling
"Okay sorry Nicholas won't happen again Nicholas " I say smirking just to wind him up further
"You're gonna regret that charlie spring" Nick says, pulling my face towards him and kissing me once more.There's something different about this kiss; something new. It reminds me of the first time we kissed. Back at Harry's party in that ballroom. The feeling of relief that he feels the same way to me as i feel towards him. The feeling of happiness that my life could be this way. And one new feeling, the feeling of love towards him. I kiss him back, rising up onto my tiptoes. He runs his hands through my hair as I grab his waist and we just kiss. It's like my mind has completely switched off and in this moment here with him I am okay. And all the problems in my life vanish because I have him in my arms.
         As he pulls away, instead of feeling fulfilled I feel a feeling I have only felt one time, after the first time we kissed. I feel myself longing for more. Longing for his lips on mine again. Longing for his touch. As if we have been separated for decades and I just want to be in his presence again. Accept we haven't been separated for decades,and he is here with my hand in his.


For a while Charlie and I  just stand in my kitchen staring into eachothers eyes. I have always loved Charlie's eyes. They are such a pretty shade of blue, not an ocean blue or a sky blue it's like the perfect inbetween really. They glisten under every light making them stand out on his face.
      Swiftly, I look through the doorway and can see my older brother still sitting on the sofa with his headphones in. Okay thankfully he didn't see that, I think to myself.
          David knows about Charlie and myself I think he sort of accepts it now. He's still a little weird with it although I think he is coming around to it. However, I just don't like people watching us kiss. Not because I'm ashamed of Charlie or anything but because it's just weird you know. I wouldn't want to watch anyone snogging their partner so I feel it would be a bit hypocritical of me to make people witness me and Charlie doing the same thing. Also I like it go be a moment between just us. Nobody else needs to be involved. People always gave so many opinions, they don't need to have anymore coal to fuel their judgement.
           After looking around briefly, I look back down at Charlie whose eyes are now glistening from the sunlight behind me. I stare at his eyes for a while.
"Why are you looking at me like that for" he says sound a bit puzzled
"Huh?" I reply baffled
"Nick what's wrong?"
"Nothing i just really like you face Charles Spring" i reply back.He hates Charles. More than I hate Nicholas. But I call him that anyways as I am a menace to society.
"I hate you " he says sounding very unimpressed
"Really Charles? I thought you loved me Charles!" i reply back leaning backwards holding onto his hands for balance
"Yeh no I am taking it back" he says letting go of me, making me lose my balance. He bursts out laughing watching me crash back into the oven. As i get up, he conceals his smile with his hand so that i can't see him laughing but i can tell his is by the redness of his face.
"oh so it's gonna be like that is it. I tell you I love you and you leave me to fall to my death" I say, scooping him up into my arms and carrying him out of the kitchen.
"Put me down, Nick !!!" he says laughing whilst trying to wriggle free. I carry him upstairs into my room. Whilst walking up the stairs i pretend to drop him a few times, each turn earning a new insult attached to my name. When I reach my room, the curtains are sewn shut, leaving the only bit of light to bee from the landing outside my door.
"Nick stop!!!" Charlie laughs as I jolt downwards again. I spin around in circles until I'm so dizzy I can barely walk straight and throw him down onto my bed. He has turned a pale shade of green and looks like he is going to be sick.
"I hate you so much" he looks as though he is suppressing ever urge to puke.
"I know you do" I then say, dropping down onto my stomach next to him. He simply closes his eyes and squeezes his lips together until they are white.
"I know that you hate me yeh but could you please not be sick on my bed" I joke earning a little laugh out of him. "I'm sorry" I look up at him. He gives me a thumbs up dismissively. After a short while, a few mins max, he opens his eyes.
"Did I actually make you feel sick?" I ask him
"Yes but I did just want to make you feel bad"
"You prick" I playfully shove him over.
"You felt bad though" he shrugs
I snatch the phone he is holding out of his hands holding it at a height so he can't grab it
"Oi!" He attempts to grab it back
"Nah apologise for making me feel bad" I laugh
"Okay you wont get your phone back"
"Okay fine! I'm sorry for making you feel bad" he laughs then grabs the phone out of my hands.
I lie admiring his face whilst he checks his phone. His face lit only by the light of his phone, his knees bent towards his chest. God he is so perfect. I quickly take my phone out of my pocket and take a picture of him. This catches his attention and he yells at me
"NICK !!! DELETE THAT I LOOK GROSS!!" he says in a whining voice
"You'll have to get it off me" I say, rolling over onto my back and holding the phone out of his reach once again. He climbs over me grabbing the phone out of my hands but before he can get off me I grab his waist. I edge my face closer towards his and whisper to him
"i really do love you char"
"do you now ?" he replies back in a sincere yet sarcastic manner
"Yes i do " i say in the same tone
"I really love you as well" charlie says kissing me 

1375 words 😜😜

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