The key (pt 1)

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6:00am Thursday 15th February. I groggily opened up my eyes and checked my phone to see one unopened message.
Nick <33
Goodnight love <3
I feel a smile creep onto my face as I turn to my left and see Nick curled up behind me. I must have fallen asleep before him last night for him to message me.
       This was something we used to do when we first started going out. As we were dating in secret, we couldn't sleep round each others houses; so we would message until one of us stopped replying so we would message each other to have something nice to wake up to. Most of the time nick would fall asleep before me because he was tired from rugby but he would always try to stay awake until at least 11 just messaging me. I always felt bad keeping him awake so sometimes I would just stop replying but he would always continue messaging me and I couldn't help but message him back.
       I rub my eyes and carefully get out of bed trying not to wake nick but that fails as i stupidly lay next to the wall and have to crawl over him to get out of bed. As I lift my left leg out of Nick's bed I feel a hand grab my right ankle.
"AHH!!" i let out a high pitch scream before quickly covering my mouth realising what time it is
Nick lets out a breathy chuckle his eyes still closed as he is still half asleep
"Do you really have to go to work today?" he says in his croaky morning voice. It's so deep and gruff and never fails to make me blush.
"Yes i doooo if we want to be able to go away at the end of the month then i need to be able to pay" i say back shaking my foot free and grabbing my clothes from off the floor
" I've told you I have paid for it, will you stop stressing about it? You don't need to pay me back. As your boyfriend I am allowed to treat you sometimes you know that" nick states with one of his eyes open and squeezing the other eye shut. He then rolls over to look at me as I am now frantically searching for my work uniform shirtless.
"Yes I know that but this will probably never happen again. Do you know how much i have had to beg my mom to let me go with you she still refuses to understand that i am 18 and am able to spend weekends away with my boyfriend" I reply now buttoning up my white shirt and sorting out my hair in nicks mirror "Does my hair look weird to you i fell like it looks weird"
"No you look perfect."
"Ok I need to go" I say heading towards the door
"Wait" he chucks the duvet off of himself leaving him lying  in tartan pajama bottoms and no shirt. "Gimmie 10 mins to get ready so that i can atleast drive you"
"Fine," I say, flopping down onto his bed.
My eyes follow him around the room for a while before i get bored and scroll the my phone


I hate it when charlie has the morning shift at his work. He works at this little coffee shop down the road called brewsters. The coffee there is a bit shit but I think one of the baristas is cute and I like watching him work. He has black/brown curly hair with blue eyes and is about 5"9. His skin is olive toned and he has the prettiest smile and if it wasn't already obvious I'm of course talking about charlie. He doesn't like it when I go down to his work but I do it anyway. He usually only works for about 3-5hrs which isn't that bad but he often leaves early when he stays round mine and then i don't get to see him until like 3 because i start work at 10am. I work at the Mcdonalds down the road. its a bit boring but the people are quite nice. There's one lad called Michael and he is alright. He is a bit older than me. He is about 21. The hours are okay and the pay is decent so I guess it's tolerable.
Once I am done getting dressed, it's been about 20 mins and charlie is now yelling at me to hurry up. I run down the stairs towards the door and we leave and start the drive to Brewsters. As I pull out of the driveway, I notice how cold it actually is and turn up the heat in my car.
"This is your fault you know" i say accusingally towards Charlie
"What have I done? '' he replies and I realise he is actually pissed at me for taking so long to get ready. Charlie can be really scary when he is angry. He has only ever got properly angry at me once when we first started dating and I left him to go and hang out with my friends on a Saturday which used to be the only day we could see each other. To be honest I did deserve it and what I did was shitty but I was still navigating the relationship and didn't know what I was doing. I did apologise straight afterwards though but i was absolutely terrifying
"You have made me cold" i say in a stupid voice to maybe lighten the mood but his face doesnt budge "if you had just stayed in bed with me then i wouldnt be in this unpleasant predicament" i say wiping a fake tear off my face which makes him crack a small smile and chuckle a little
" That's wrong" Charlie says, straightening himself out and remembering he is mad at me "A predicament is a difficult,embarassing or unpleasant situation. You didn't need to put unpleasant before predicament as it literally means an unpleasant situation"
"Very sorry Mr Smart Arse" I say sarcastically
"You should be," he replies, turning to smile at me.
We sit in silence for a while until i notice charlie is staring at me
"What?" i ask "have i got something on my face" i rapidly say whilst wiping my face frantically
"No. i just think your really pretty" charlie mumbles while smiling
"Oh stop you're making me blush" I brush my hand in a way of dismissal

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