1+1=3 ?!? Pt 1

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My eyes shoot open at the sound of my alarm. Today was the day. December 11th. Dog day. Nick doesn't know yet but I have gotten us a puppy. One of toris friends works at a dog shelter and tori mentioned that we might be intrested in getting a dog. As luck would have it the had just rescued a pregnant staffie. She had been over bread and had already had 2 litters and was only 1. We, well, I put our names dows for one of the puppies but it wasn't 100% set in stone that we were going to get one because we didn't know how many puppies she was going to have. But on October 4th She gave birth to 16 puppies! This was like obviously unheard of because dogs shouldn't have that many pups but anyways this got the pups and the shelter on the News which was very exciting, but it also meant that 800 more people applied for the pups. Luckily we managed to secure a pup and her name was bounty but we have changed it to bowie. She isn't a thoroughbred staffie but she is adorable. She is white with brown brindle across her body and she has some marks above her nose which makes her look like her nose is shaped like a heart. She's perfect. However as I said before Nick has no clue that we have her, or that he has named her and chosen her. You see, because I'm a mastermind I have gotten the info out of him without actually telling him. He has always said he wanted a staffie, like always, and before we moved in together I remember him saying that if we ever got a dog he would call it jenson, we obviously had a debate about this because jenson is just stupid. I said Daisy but he said it sounded like a 2yr old named the dog. In the end I suggested the name Bowie and we could call the dog bow for short and he loved it. Their was one fault in my plan but I have double checked over and over that it's okay and it was that Nellie, Nick's childhood dog, passed away 2yrs ago. It was horrible. I don't think I have ever seen Nick so upset but I couldn't do anything about it except comfort him but I've never lost a pet so I didn't know how. He has kind of had a hole in him since Nellie's passing, no matter how much time passes it's still so strange going round Nick moms and not getting greeted by a massive Nellie hug. I have checked that Nick is okay with another dog, he was even talking about it the other week so I hope that he will love bow and that she helps find and fix the pieces of Nick that are missing.
I look to my right to see if Nick is still asleep. Yep fast asleep. Good. Tediously, I climbed over him to get out of bed. I would just scoot to the end and get out that way but I think it would make more noise, so I move so I'm just above his waist. Ofcourse to make it harder he was lying on his side. He looked really cute though so I can't really complain. He had one hand covering his face, his hair was all messy and his cheeks were pink with the cold in the room. The blanket had slid down so it was just covering his legs and I could see goosebumps all over his arms. I place a Small kiss on the tip of his nose and cover him with the blanket so he isn't freezing. I then tiptoe over to the wardrobe and pull out some black, ripped jeans, a blue flannel and a white t-shirt before quietly walking over to the bathroom to shower and brush my teeth. The loudness of the water hitting the shower floor scares me at first but when I hear no stirring from the bedroom I exhale the breath I was holding and get into the shower. Once I am dressed and out of the shower I now have to tackle my hair. I can't leave it wet because I look despicable but I can't dry it because Nick will wake up. I'm the end I dry as much as I can with a towel and turn the hair dryer on on the lowest setting. It's still a bit loud but not loud enough to wake him up, I hope.
After my hair is dry I slip on my shoes and head to the car but not before writing a little note and leaving it on the nightstand.

I'm out rn I should be back for about 10ish I hope I'll pick you up like a coffee or summ on the way back
Xoxox Charlie :))

I step outside and see a thick layer of frost has accumulated on top of the car. -2°C. Brilliant, the car is freezing. I sit in the car for a while waiting for the windscreen to defrost and after about 5 mins it's finally clear enough for me to drive.


I outstretched my arm only to have it greeted by coldness. I feel around the bed for a while before finally giving in and slightly opening my eyes. Nobody. I force my eyelids open just to make sure they are working properly. Yep, nobody.
"Charlie" I say half yawn half yell, still not willing to move
No answer
"Char" I force myself to roll over
Still no answer
I go to grab my phone but first my hands grab a piece of paper. Ugh now I have to sit up. Grunting, I hoist myself upwards and read the note my boyfriend has left for me

I'm out rn I should be back for about 10ish I hope I'll pick you up like a coffee or summ on the way back
Xoxox Charlie :))

Yay I get fancy coffee.
Now that I am fully awake I get up, brush my teeth and use the bathroom. I wonder where Charlie has gone, why didn't he tell me? He has probably gone shopping or something and didnt think it was relevant but still. After I've brushed my teeth I make my way back to the bedroom as I am freezing my tits off. I grab my phone and curl up underneath the duvet, freezing. 10:45. Surely Charlie should be back by now. Just as this thought leaves my mind, the door opens.
"Hey" I yell from bed
"Hey I'll be up in a min but close your eyes ive got a surprise for you"
Oh that's why he didn't tell me
"Okay my eyes are closed you can come on in"
I squint my eyes shut when all of a sudden I feel a small amount of weight arrive on my chest. Confused, I opened my eyes to see a tiny little puppy. It's got a brown brindle encompassing its head and body with white woven inbetween it. Its head is far to big for its body but it look so timid and sacred. It's got 2 black birthmarks right by its nose making it shaped like a heart
"Oh my god" I said diverting my eyes for the dog to Charlie "you got us a puppy!" My heart feels like it's going to burst. Charlie and I are now technically a family. I feel my eyes welling up as it's just so perfect
"Yeh her name is Bowie and she is a rescue. Hee mom was found pregnant and abused and a few months ago gave birth to bow and 16 other pups. According to the centre she is really playful and boisterous, she was also the first born and the biggest pup." Charlie sniffles "Happy early Christmas"
The dog timidly walks around my body trying to get comfy before settling into a little doughnut shape on my chest. She is so cute.
"Char... I literally have no words" I look up at him with the biggest grin on my face ever "you know this means we are technically a family now right?" I smile, not taking my eyes off him whilst he sits down on the bed next to me
"Awww i never thought about that" he says bringing a hand to cover his mouth. I laugh, startling the dog. "We are now officially parents" i giggle again
"Bless we're parents now" he rests a head on my shoulder and we both lay their for a while just playing with the dog. She was literally perfect
"Char, you realise how difficult puppies are right?" I say with a sudden burst of seriousness
"I'm sure she will be fine look at her she is perfect"
"Yeh they may look perfect but in actuality it's like having a newborn in the house" I smile
"No look at her she is an angel she wouldn't do that"
Oh god Charlie this is going to be funny

This is what the dog looks like guys. Btw this is all real it's based of when I got my dog bowie on dec 11 2020 shes 2 now so she odvi doesn't look like this anymore but yeh okay

 Btw this is all real it's based of when I got my dog bowie on dec 11 2020 shes 2 now so she odvi doesn't look like this anymore but yeh okay

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