Chapter 1

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As he hits the ground again Steve gets right back up wipes the blood and this time when he gets up he picks up a trash can lid. The bully laughs
"Why won't you stay down"

"I can do this all day" Steve replies

Thud. Steve's back on the floor as the bully goes to punch Steve on the floor he'a dragged back.
"Pick on someone your own size" Bucky says as he punches and kicks the bully out the alley.

He turns around to Steve "Sometimes I think you like getting punched"
"I had him on the ropes"
Bucky bends down and picks up Steve's papers
"How many times is this, oh your from Paramus now" he says looking at the paper in his hand.
"You know it's illegal to lie on your enlistment form. Seriously Jersey. What would Gracie think?"

Steve stops dusting himself off and looks at Bucky noticing the uniform for the first time.
"You get your orders? And Gracie supports me you know that"

"The 107th Sergeant James Barnes shipping out for England first thing tomorrow. Whose supposed to look after my little sister if you join the war too?" Bucky responds

"We both know she is more than capable of looking after herself. Remember that guy she punched because he was harassing another girl. Bucky I should be going with you"

Bucky laughs as he recalls the memory of his baby sister knocking a guy flat on his ass. He grabs Steve by the shoulders
"Your right she can look after herself but I feel better knowing she has you looking out for her, but that doesn't mean you can go making a move on her now!" He teases "Come on we are gonna be late and I don't wanna be on Gracie's bad side" he laughs as they walk out the alley.

"I don't know what your talking about" Steve blushes "and yeah lets hurry we both know your sister can be scary"

As Steve and Bucky enter the Expo, "I don't see what the problem is your about the be the last eligible man in New York, you know there's three and half million women here?" Bucky says.

"Well I only want one" Steve mumbles to himself.

Bucky laughs he should hate that his best friend has a crush on his baby sister, but he finds it kinda cute, especially knowing he will always look out for her.
Bucky spots his date and waves.

"Seriously Bucky" Steve whines

"Don't worry she brought a friend" Bucky winks as he drags Steve to the two awaiting girls. Doesn't mean he can't try and set Steve up with someone else.

They make their way through the crowd of people gathered by the main stage.

"Ladies and Gentlemen Mr Howard Stark" a girls voice speaks out over the microphone

Howard takes to the stage, and the girl makes her way over to him.

Howard dips and kisses you, as your lips part you roll your eyes at him and look out to the crowd noticing your big brother and Steve. Both looking confused and disgusted at what they just seen. You know it's just Stark being his typical showman self and to be honest it wasn't the first time you guys kissed. You smile at the pair in the crowd and give them a wink.

You notice they have dates but aren't surprised as you know what Bucky is like. Plus he's always trying to set poor Stevie up with some girl who always ignores him as they are always more interested in Buck. Not that you fully understand why. Stevie is super sweet, okay he's super shy and smaller than most guys, he is still very handsome and amazing once you get to know him. But your happy they both come out to support you.

"Give it up for my assistant Gracie" Howard says breaking you from the thoughts. Throwing you a smile as you curtsy.

Howard begins talking to the crowd

"Ladies and Gentlemen what if I told you in a few short years your automobile won't even have to touch the ground at all?"

The crowd gasp and the dancers remove the wheels from the car. You make your way to the side of the stage.
"With Stark Gravitic Reversion Technology you'll be able to do just that"
He looks at you and smiles. You love seeing Howard get so excited about the work you've been doing and could honestly watch him all day. He turns the dial on the stand and you pull the lever the car starts floating.

Bucky stands there shocked and amazed at how clever his sister actually is helping with this.
"Holy cow, Steve are you seeing this!"

A few minutes later and the car crashes to the ground. You laugh knowing it wasn't going to be fully successful but it worked enough for you to feel proud of what you have achieved.

"I did say a few years didn't I?" Howard laughs down the microphone. He always could charm a crowd.

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