Chapter 35

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You wake from your nightmare struggling for breathe.
"Gracie?" Loki asks.
"Go back to sleep, I'm fine I'm gonna take a walk, please don't follow" you say getting up.
"Gracie you okay?" Bruce asks.
"Fine" you reply before heading somewhere to be alone, walking quietly careful not to wake anyone else.

"Does she have nightmares often?" Bruce asks Loki.
"Not for a while, they were regular for a while but she had been doing better" Loki stares towards where you just walked out worried about you.

As you enter the cockpit area you sit down to try and steady your breathing, you haven't had a nightmare like that in a while, was this because you made the decision it was time to go home.
"You okay?" You hear a voice come from behind.
"Holy fuck" you say jumping out of your skin.
"Sorry didn't mean to startle you" Peter says looking at you sympathetically.
"No it's okay I didn't think anyone else would be awake, I didn't see you when I came in" you reply looking at him faking a smile.
"I heard you screaming I wanted to make sure you were okay" he looks at you concerned.
"Great I woke everyone up, I'm sorry I didn't mean to" you looking down as a tear escapes.
"Hey hey it's okay, plus it's not the biggest ship" he replies coming over to kneel in front of you "Want to talk about it?"
You shake your head.

"I was taken by ravagers when I was a little kid, and grew up being threatened to be eaten while being taught to steal stuff and then I recently found out my dad was a celestial being and wanted to destroy planets so I had to kill him" Peter says.
"Wow okay, that makes my family issues seem slightly pathetic" you half laugh.
"Drink?" He stands up going to get a bottle.
"Sounds good" you smile as he pours you both a drink "Does it ever get tiring flying around saving the galaxy?"
"You know what it doesn't not since I've made my new family" He replies handing you the drink.
"I like that we can choose our family that blood doesn't always matter" you smile taking a sip of your drink "I love my brother don't get me wrong but Tony, Loki and Thor are just as much family to me as James is"
"Is being a superhero tiring?" Peter asks.
"You know what it is at times" you laugh "saving the planet is nice don't get me wrong, and I guess I should be use to the battles since I was in world war 2 "
"What?" Peter looks at you confused.
"Oh yeah I was frozen for 70 years by a organisation called HYDRA who were the bad guys only to be woken up and tortured by more bad people" you finish the rest of your drink and reach for the bottle.
"Wow okay guess we both had shitty lives before now" Peter laughs.
"To shitty lives" you laugh and hold your drink to cheers.

"Gracie?" Loki says approaching slowly.
"I'm fine" you smile at him.
"You should get some rest" he suggests.
"I guess you are right" you sigh "thanks for the talk and drink" you smile at Peter.
"You're welcome" he smiles back.
"Come on then green" you say linking arms with Loki.
"You sure.." he begins
"If you are about to ask me if I'm sure I'm okay I'm going to punch you" you laugh.
"Noted" he nods leading you back to bed.
"Gracie" Bruce says looking at you.
"Bigger green I'm fine"
"Bigger green?" he looks at you confused.
"Loki is also green so you are bigger green, I don't know I think it's the drink talking" you laugh.
"Get some rest" Bruce looks at you concerned.
"Goodnight" you say laying down closing your eyes.

"Come on sleepy head it's time for us to head out" you hear Thor speaking to you.
"Let me guess Loki was too scared to wake me so he sent you" you laugh but not yet opening your eyes.
"Yep" Thor laughs.
"God of mischief scared of waking a puny human" you joke.
"I've made the mistake before of trying to wake you from sleep, I wasn't about to make the same mistake twice" you hear Loki defending himself.
"That was one time and a punch in the nose was the correct response" you groan as you stretch out opening your eyes.
"Come on then boys adventure awaits" you say slowing getting out of bed.

Walking to the fixed ship with Thor and Loki you see everyone has gathered.
"Well I guess this is goodbye" you smile at the guardians.
"I am Groot"
"Sorry pal she's coming with us" Thor replies.
"You speak tree" you look at Thor.
"It's one of the many languages taught on Asgard" Loki replies.
"Okay didn't expect that" you look surprised.
"As much as I would like to stay Groot it's time I got home, plus I need to take this one home as well" she say walking up to Bruce who is just stood frozen.
"Still on shock?" She whispers to him and he just nods.

"Thanks for last night" you walk up to Peter and give him a hug.
"Your welcome" he smiles back at you.
"It was nice meeting you Gamora" you turn to face her.
"You too" she half smiles back.
"Mantis, Drax, Rocket" she's nods to them saying goodbye "I hope I see you guys again and thanks for saving us"
"No sweat" Rockets smiles.
"Bye guys" She says heading into the ship with everyone else.

"Asgard or Midgard first?" Thor asks.
"Let's get Bruce home before he has a heart attack" you laugh.
"Buckle up people this could be bumpy" Valkyrie says settling herself at the steering control.

After finally arriving back to Earth you are greeted by being surrounded by Iron Man suits.
"Please state your business" you see Tony flies up to the ship.
Walking up to the front of the ship you smile at Tony and wave.
Landing the ship on the compound, you walk out to see Tony standing there.
"Hey stranger" you say running up to him and hugging him tears forming in your eyes as he spins you round.
"Well that was certainly an entrance" Tony laughs as he places you down.
"Oh I brought a present" you at turning to face Bruce who is slowly walking out the ship.
"OMG Bruce" Tony says bringing him into a hug "where have you been?" he asks.
"Long story pal" Bruce replies.

"Is that some rocks?" Tony asks.
"Tony meet Korg and Meik and this is Valkyrie" you introduce the others.
"I am Korg, I am a Kronan it's nice to meet you" he goes to shake Tony's hand who just looks at him confused.
"Korg give him a minute" you laugh.
"That pile of rocks talks" Tony stands there.
"Are all humans this dumb?" Valkyrie asks and you can't help but laugh especially since seeing the dumbfounded look on Tony's face.

"Okay why don't you both head inside and catch up" you says turning Bruce and Tony round to head inside.
"You heading back?" You turn to the others.
"Best let father and mother know we are okay" Thor replies.
"You going to be okay?" Loki says coming up and taking your hand.
"You know what I think I am" you smile at him.
"I will bring your stuff back from Asgard soon" Loki adds.
"Let me catch back up with everyone here and then I will return to say thank you to Frigga and Odin for having me for so long" she hugs Loki before hugging Thor.
"Thank you both for looking after me"
"It's been our pleasure" Thor smiles at you.
"I wanna train with you soon" you say turning to Valkyrie.
"Of course I can't wait to see what Asgard has taught you" she smiles back.
"Korg, Miek I will see you both soon" you give Korg a fist bump.
"I will be fine" you tell Loki who is looking at you worried "If it's all too much and I wanna leave then I will shout for Heimdall"
"Okay, I will see you soon" Loki says hugging you one last time.

Heading inside you feel slightly nauseous about being home but also happy after having seen Tony. However you always knew he would be the easiest to see when you return, it's facing Steve and your brother that's going to be the challenge. One you decide to delay a little longer, what's another day or two of hiding.

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