Chapter 28

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"So it's you, Sam, Nat and Wanda?" You ask as you're sitting on the couch.
"Yes you won't even know I'm gone, as you're off to MIT with Tony" Steve kisses your forehead.
"I could come with you" you smile at him.
"We will be fine" Steve smile back at you.
"But I'm not going to MIT anymore" you say looking up at him.
"How come?" Steve asks.
"Thor needed to pop back to Asgard so I'm staying with Loki, and I guess Pietro as he isn't going with you guys" you reply and you see his face drop a little.
"What?" You ask.
"So you will be alone with them?" He stutters and you can't help but laugh as you get off the couch and make your way to him.

"Stevie?" You say as you approach him.
"What" he says looking down.
"Is someone jealous?" You tease and he clears his throat "OMG you actually are" and you laugh again.
"Laughing isn't helping" he looks at you.
"Steve you have nothing to worry about I promise. I only have eyes for you" you smile and kiss him and he melts into your kiss.
"I'm sorry" he says as you part heads resting against each other.
"Don't be. I will probably just spend my time finding ways to annoy the pair of them" you chuckle.

"I've seen the way Loki looks at you when he thinks I'm not looking" he looks down.
"Stevie Loki is my friend okay, he's just thankful to me that I helped him. You have nothing to worry about" you place your finger under his chin forcing him to look at you.
"We gotta go" you hear Nat shout the other side of the door.
"Coming" Steve replies.
"Go do what you do best Captain I will be waiting for your return" you kiss him.
"Love you" he says kissing you one more time.
"Love you too" you smile at him.
"Love you" you hear Nat tease the other side of the door.

"Don't die" you say to her as you open then door.
"Why will you miss me?" She replies
"No I just don't wanna have to wear black" you tease as you hug her.
"I will try my best then" she replies laughing.
Pietro comes speeding up to you.
"So what shall we do princess" he winks at you and Steve rolls his eyes as he leaves with Nat.
"I'm gonna kick your ass training then you can decide" you smile at him "I will get changed and grab Loki and meet you in training room in 15 mins"

After a couple of days just hanging out Loki and Pietro you start to get worried that you haven't heard from Steve.
"I haven't heard from Wanda but I'm sure they are fine" Pietro tries to reassure you.
"Ummm guys you might want to come and look at this" you hear Loki shouting from the next room. Pietro picks you up and runs you both into the room and you both stare at the TV.
"SHIT" you gasp as you see the damage caused by the mission and start shaking.
"We don't know what happened" Pietro says unable to take his eyes off the TV.
"They are blaming them" you say with a tear coming down your cheek.
"Pietro's right until they come home we don't know the full truth" Loki says bringing you into a side hug as Pietro reaches for you hand.

You hear the jet approaching the compound and you all run to the landing bay. As you arrive the jet lands but waiting for the hanger doors to open feels like an entirety. As the doors open you see the team look defeated, unable you move a muscle you stand their waiting for them.
"Wanda?" Pietro says able to feel his twins distress.
She walks straight past him, he goes to follow but you grab his hand.
"Give her a minute" you half smile at him and he nods and turns back to Steve and Nat.
"What happened?" You ask delicately.
"I will explain later, I just wanna shower and get out the suit" Steve says as he kissed your forehead in passing.

As they all walk past you can't help but exchange concern looks with Loki and Pietro.
"What the hell happened" you think to yourself.
"Come on" Loki says leading you back into the communal area.
"I'm going to see Wanda" Pietro says and you just nod.
After a while you decide to go wait in the bedroom. Steve finally comes out the bathroom and you slowly walk over to him.
"What happened?" You ask looking up into his eyes.
"Wanda saved me. I didn't notice Rumlow had a bomb he said something to distract me and he pressed the button but Wanda managed to contain it but then accidentally sent it into the building" Steve says with slight tears forming in his eyes. Whatever Rumlow said must've been bad for Steve to get distracted as that doesn't happen easily when he is in Captain mode.

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