Chapter 14

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You're sat in the bar opposite Steve, you take a shot and look at him.
"Okay talk" you stare at him.
"Gracie how are you even here?" He looks at you with soft eyes.
"Nope not talking about me" you take another shot "If you knew I was alive why didn't you come find me?" You ask bluntly
"I did" Steve looks sad.
"When?" You snap back.
"When I first woke up I thought everyone I knew was dead. You, Peggy..." you scoff when you hear her name.
"Your girlfriend" you whisper under your breathe flagging down the waiter.
"Long island ice tea please" you flash the waiter a smile.

"Fury gave me files and when I read you went missing my heart broke. But a couple of weeks ago I was out for a walk when I saw you. At first I didn't believe it I mean you looked exactly the same as when I went into the ice. But the more I looked the more I realised it was. I saw you with a guy laughing, you looked happy" he says looking at you with sad eyes. He clears his throat.
"You looked happy Grace I didn't want to disrupt your life. But I tried to find out more, I didn't get far" he looks down at his hands.

The waiter brings you your drink and you pretty much finish it before he can leave the table
"Another please" you flash another smile at him.

"So you didn't think to come up to me at all?" You snipe.
"Gracie you were living a life, and I was adjusting to being in a new world. I still can't quite fully come to terms that you are actually here alive" he tries to grab your hand but you retract.
"Steve I would've helped you adjust, do you have any idea how much I have wished you were here with me. How many nights I've spent crying for the life we never had." Tears form in your eyes.
"Hey don't cry" he moves to sit the same side of the booth as you.
"Steve seeing you again it's brought back so many memories good and bad, when you left I was broken and alone and then..." tears start to spill and Steve uses his thumb to wipe them.

"Hey shhhh you don't have to tell me" he cusps your face in his hands "But I'm right here now and I don't plan on going anywhere" he strokes your face.
Leaning into his touch you stare into his baby blue eyes getting lost in memory. With the buzz of the alcohol setting in you lean in and kiss him. You pull him close as you deepen the kiss, your mouth opening allowing his tongue to enter. Coming to his senses Steve pulls away.
"Grace" he just looks at you. "What about the guy I saw you with?" He questions.
"Not sure what asshole your referring to but I'm single Captain" you say with your hands trailing up Steve's thigh.
He shifts in the seat and you lean over and whisper
"Am I making you uncomfortable"
"Uncomfortable is not the word I would use" he replies trying to adjust himself. You look down and notice Steve trying to hide the fact he's getting turned on.
"Want me to help with that?" You say before crashing your lips back onto his, both your tongues fighting for dominance.
"Take me home Captain" you smirk at him getting cash out to pay your tab.

As soon as you're at your apartment you fumble for your keys trying to get them in the lock. Steve takes them from you and unlocks your door you bring him for a kiss as you walk backwards inside your apartment, kicking the door behind you. As you hungrily kiss Steve you try and find the zipper of your dress, Steve reaches behind you and unzips the dress and it falls to the fall revealing you stood in a matching lace under wear set. Steves eyes look like they are going to pop out his head.
"Well they didn't have that in the 40's" he stumbles over his words.
"Like what you see?" You smirk looking down at Steve looking like he's about to burst through his jeans.
You start to undo his belt and unzip his jeans and start palming at him through his boxers.
"Grace" his breathe catches.

"Don't think" you say and you sink down to your knees, pulling his jeans and boxers down his cock springs free.
You take the pre cum and run it along his length, you then put his cock in your mouth fitting in what you can and stroking the rest with your hands.
"Oh god" Steve moans grabbing a fistful of your hair.
You bob your head up and down every time Steve's cock hitting the back of your throat. You pick up the pace and start playing with his balls in the other hand feeling him twitch inside your mouth.
"Cum for me captain" you look up at him through your lashes before reattaching your mouth.
A few sucks later and you feel Steve fill your mouth and you swallow everything he gives you.

Steve pulls you up bring you into a kiss tasting himself on you. You starts to kiss down your neck making you moan. He makes his way to your breasts kissing them through the fabric before undoing the bra and throwing it. He places a hard nipple in his mouth and flicks his tongue over it. You can feel the heat growing between your legs. Steve makes his way down to your lace panties before lightly stroking over them, feeling how wet you are.
"Like I said I've missed you" you whisper in his ear and just like that Steve rips your thong from you and attaches himself to your clit.
"Fuck Steve" you moan and he begins the assault, licking through your folds before going back to your clit. He adds a finger pumping hard and you moan before he adds another one and curls them hitting your sweet spot. You feel the knot in your stomach grow as Steve brings you to the edge a few pumps later and your orgasm hits you and you cum on Steve's face and he laps up your juices.

Breathing heaving and coming down from your high. Steve bends you over the sofa and starts teasing your entrance with his cock. You thrust your hips back impatient and wanting to feel him in you already. You both moan loudly as Steve bottoms out. He starts driving into you hard.
"Fuck Steve" you pant before he shoves your head down and moves your hips giving himself a better angle to bury himself inside you. You try to move your hips to match his pace he reaches his hand down to play with your clit.
Feeling you tense around him "that's it be a good girl and cum on my cock" he pants feeling himself close.
It's not long before your second orgasm hits you and you feel Steve release inside you. He continues his movements riding you both through your high before pulling out.
"God I've missed you" you say pulling yourself up from the sofa.
"I've missed you too" he breathes bringing you back in for a kiss. You feel the mix of yours and Steve's juices starting to run down your leg. As Steve deepens the kiss you feel him getting hard again.
He picks you up and you wrap you legs around him walking down the corridor he tries and find the bedroom. Throwing you on the bed he takes you in laying there naked, you smirk and spread your legs giving him a better view of your glistening pussy.

He hoovers over you before sinking inside, and you moan. He lifts your leg up over his shoulder wanting to be in you more. You rake your nails over his back that's definitely going to leave marks. He kisses the sweet spot on your neck and you arch your back.
Driving into you at pace you feel your stomach knot for the third time, feeling you tense around him again Steve attaches himself to your nipples and begins to flick with his tongue.
As Steve thrusts pick up your release washes over you, Steve and you cum for a third time both panting out of breathe.
Pulling out Steve makes his wash to your bathroom to get a cloth, he cleans you up before disposing of the cloth. He then comes and lies next to you covering you both in the covers wrapping you in his arms and pulling your against his chest.

You feel your eyes getting heavy.
Steve kisses your forehead. "Rest baby" he says as you feel yourself drifting off.
"I'm never letting you go again" he whispers before falling asleep himself.

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