Chapter 22

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"I still can't believe you don't let me out on the field with you guys" you say down the comms.
"You can blame you're boyfriend for that one" he says.
"I'm keeping you safe" Steve replies.
"I so could've joined you" you huff .
"She's right Steve" Nat smirks at Steve.
"Thanks Nat" you smile at her.
"Enough we have this mission to focus on, Gracie stop hacking the comms, we will be back soon" Steve has his strict Captain voice on.
"Whatever bye then I guess" you disconnect the comms.
"Ooo Steve's in trouble" Tony jokes.
"I know" he sighs.

You're stood waiting for the jet to land you heard that Clint's been injured.
They rush him out and you walk onto the jet.
You give Thor a quick hug.
"Lab's all set up boss" you hear Marie say to Tony.
"Oh actually he's the boss, I just pay for everything and design everything and make everyone look cooler" he replies.
"Not doing a good job then" you joke as you hug him ignoring Steve.
"Still in doghouse?" Tony whispers.
"Yep" you laugh back causing Steve to look in your direction.

"What's the word on Strucker?" Steve asks Maria.
"NATO's got him" she replies.
"The two enhanced?"
"Wanda and Pietro Maximoff. Twins. Orphaned at 10 when a shell collapsed their apartment building." You hear her reply as you walk off with Tony.

"How's he doing?" Bruce asks.
"Unfortunately he's still Barton" Tony jokes.
"That's terrible" Bruce replies.
"He's fine, he's Thirsty" you say.

"So you finally got your hands on Loki's shaft" you joke with Tony.
"Did you have to word it like that" he looks at you with a disgusted face.
"Yep" you smirk.
"J.A.R.V.I.S update me on the structural and compositional analysis" Tony says.
"The Scepter is Alien" the robot replies.
"Well I could've told you that" you say and Tony rolls his eyes at you.
"There are elements I can't quantify" JARVIS continues.
"So there's elements you can?" Tony states.
"The jewel appears to be in a protective housing for something inside, something powerful"
"Like a reactor?" Tony asks.
"Like a computer, I believe I'm deciphering code"
"Well that's interesting" you add.

Tony and Bruce walk back into the lab.
"Hey" you smile at Bruce.
"So I've been analysing the gem inside the Scepter" you say to Tony and Bruce, and Tony grabs a device
"You may recognise.." he says showing a 3D picture of JARVIS.
"JARVIS" Bruce says.
"Doctor" he replies.
"Started out JARVIS was just a natural language UI, now he runs the Iron legion" Tony says.
"He runs more of the business than anyone besides Pepper" you add.
"Top of the line" Tony says proudly
"I suspect not for long" JARVIS says.

"Meet the competition" Tony says bringing up a new 3D picture.
"Wow" you say in awe.
"It's beautiful" Bruce says admiring it.
"If you had to guess what's it look like it's doing?" Tony asks.
"Like it's thinking" Bruce replies "I mean this could be... it's not a human mind... I mean look at this, they're like neurons firing"
"Down in Struckers lab I saw some fairly advanced robotics work. They deep-sixed the data, but I gotta guess he was knocking on a very particular door." Tony says.
"Artificial intelligence" Bruce replies and you just stand there in awe.
"This could be the key to creating Ultron" Tony says and Bruce slightly laughs.
"I Thought Ultron was a fantasy" he says
"Yesterday it was, if we can harness this power, apply it to Iron Legion protocol" Tony replies.

"Tony I'm not sure" you reply.
"Also it's a big what if" Bruce adds.
"Our job is what if, what if you were sipping margaritas on a sun drenched beach turning brown instead of Green" Tony states.
"Bit harsh Tony, also I so need a holiday" you let out a little laugh.
"What if the world was safe, what if the next time aliens roll up to the club and they will they couldn't get past the bouncer?" Tony responds.
"Well now I wanna go clubbing as well" you smile.
"Focus Gracie" Tony slaps the back of your head gently.

"The only people threatening the planet would be people" Bruce says.
"I'm not sure what's worse" you joke.
"Give me three days" Tony says "JARVIS can't download a data schematic this dense without the Scepter being here"
"So you're going for artificial intelligence and you don't want to tell the team?" Bruce asks.
"That's right, you know why" Tony replies.
"Please do tell" you quip back.
"We don't have time for a debate, I see a suit of armour around the world" Tony states.
"Sounds like a cold world Tony" Bruce replies.

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