Chapter 16

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"Hey asshole next time you have a breakdown how about you don't announce your address live on Television do you know how much press is outside" you shout as you enter Tony's Malibu house.
"Tony?" You start wondering through the house and you find him in the basement.
"So you threatened a terrorist I see" you raise an eyebrow at him "not your smartest move"
"I know I know" he shakes his head. "Aren't you meant to be with Cap?"
"I thought my idiot of a best friend might need me right now, Pep told me about the nightmares, why didn't you?" You look at him softly
"I thought I had them under control" he sighs
"Tony you were there for me let me be there for you" you say grabbing is face making him look at you.
"You're a pain in my ass" he laughs
"And you're a bigger one in mine" you laugh back.

The doorbell goes
"Jarvis aren't we meant to be in lockdown I did just threaten a terrorist" he shouts to his AI "stay here"
A women enters the house
"You're not the Mandarin are you? Are you?" He asks.
The women laughs "you don't remember, why am I not surprised?"
"Don't take it personally he doesn't remember a lot of people" you say entering the hallway
"Thought I told you to stay where you were" he looks at you
"When do I do as you tell me" you say walking towards Tony
"Okay look I need to be alone with you someplace not here. It's urgent" the women says
"Yeah he's taken now" you raise an eyebrow
"The old me would've said yes but as she said I'm in a committed relationship now" as he finishes his sentence a bag lands next to him.

"Oh shit" you whisper under your breathe.
"Tony? Is somebody there"
"Hi Pep it's me oh and some random women who turned up" you shout
"Maya Hansen an old botanist pal" Tony adds "that I barley know"
"Oh please tell me you've come to tell him you have a kid" you whisper laugh so they can only hear you.
"Yeah he's 13 years old" Maya responds and you choke.
"I'm joking I just need Tony's help" she responds
"What for ? Why now?" Tony questions
"Because I read the papers and frankly I don't think you'll last the week" Maya responds
"I'll be fine"

"I'm sorry with Happy in the hospital I didn't know we were expecting guests" Pepper says joining you.
"We weren't" Tony quickly replies
"And old girlfriends" Pepper adds
"She's not really" Tony tries to defend
"It was just one night" Maya adds
"Aren't most of your exes" you snipe and Tony shoots you a death stare "sorry" you mouth

"She's not wrong though" Pepper says "well you saved yourself a world of pain"
"What?" He screws his face up and looks at Pepper
"Yeah I'm just gonna go over here and watch this drama unfold from a distance" you walk away

"We're going out of town" Pepper says to Tony
"Okay we have been through this. Nope!"
"The man says no" Tony tries to put his foot down
"Don't argue with her Tony" you try and help Pepper
"Sounds like a great idea let's go" Maya adds
"I'm sorry that's a terrible idea. Please don't touch her bags" Tony shouts
"This is how normal people behave" Pepper says
"Yeah but we all know Tony ain't normal" you laugh
"Not helping Gracie" Tony snipes at you "I can't protect you out there"

Maya clocks the giant stuffed animal "is that normal? She's asks
"Yep" you and Pepper respond in unison
"Yes it's normal it's a big bunny relax about it!" Tony shouts
"Calm down" Pepper turns to Tony
"Yeah that was a little aggressive" you add
"You still haven't even told me if you like it?" Tony questions Pepper
"I don't like it" Pepper shouts back
"Wow I feel like I'm witnessing my parents argue, will it be joint custody?" you say
"Gracie stop talking will you, you don't like it?" Tony questions Pepper.

You stand there watching them argue before you notice what Maya is staring at
"Oh shit" you say
"Do we need to worry about that?" Maya points to the missile heading right for the house
Before anyone can react the missile hits, sending you all backwards. Tony sends the suit to protect Pepper and you hit the ground.

Tony looks around and sees you and Maya on the floor he goes to make his way over but the roof starts to break.
"I got you" Pepper covers Tony protecting him
"I got you first" he replies
"Like I said we can't stay here" he says as more missiles are fired at the building
"Move! Grab Maya I've got Gracie" Tony yells at Pepper.
Pepper picks Maya up and takes her outside as Tony makes his way to you.
"Sleeping beauty now is not the time to sleep" he says shaking you
"Tony" you open your eyes "where's Pepper" you look around while getting up
"She took Maya, come on we gotta get out of here"
As the house begins to crumble you and Tony are separated "get out" Tony shouts
"Tony not without you" You shout back just then the suit begins to fly through the house. Tony carries you until you can make the rest of the way out safely.

"Where is he?" Pepper asks
"Fighting the bad guys I guess" you say looking at the helicopter going down. All of a sudden you see the house collapse, you and Pepper run to the edge.
"Tony" Pepper screams
"Don't be dead asshole" you whisper

"I'm fine Steve I promise I can't leave Pep, no I will be fine you don't need to come, I gotta go, say hi to Nat for me" you say hang up and make your way to Pepper whose stood among the destruction
"Pep we both know he wouldn't go down that easy" you say trying to comfort her when all of a sudden the helmet she's holding starts beeping.
"Put it on" you say
Pepper puts in the helmet and hears Tony's message.
"You were right" she says once she took of the helmet.
"Told ya" you let out a breathe knowing he's okay.
"Are you going to be okay if I head back to New York. I can try and track the suit from there" you look at Pepper.
"I will look after her" Maya comes up you both
"You better, I will call you as soon as I have anything, if you need me at all I will come back" you hug Pepper.
"We will be fine, go fine that pain in our ass" she smiles back at you.

"Oh hey boys can I have my pain in the ass back" you say bursting through the window
You blast the bad guys and make your way to Tony.
"You just had to get kidnapped again didn't you" you say as you start to untie Tony, he pushes you to the side as a piece of his suit attaches to his arm.
"Should've let you die I was looking forward to inheriting Stark industries" you smile at him.
"You think you're getting Stark industries?" He raises his eyebrow at you.
"Well not all of it but half with Pepper" you say as you start attacking the guys who have entered the room.
"Yeah that's not happening " Tony says while also fighting.
"What that's unfair! Also these suits are badass I can see why you like them" you say posing in the suit before blasting someone.
"How did you get in one?" Tony questions
"Hacked JARVIS obviously" you laugh
"Of course you did" he says as you make your way through the house.

"You trust Rhodey with a suit and he's lost it" you say as you he calls Tony.
"Okay enough of you, thanks for your help but I need you safe now!" Tony faces you
"Tony I can help!" You plead
"You've done enough, J.A.R.V.I.S send her home" he orders the AI.
"Don't you dare" you try to fight but the suit starts to fly
"I hate you Stark" you shout down the line
"Least you will be alive to hate me" he replies before cutting off communication.

"It's a shame I liked this house" you say approaching Tony at the edge of what used to be his Malibu house.
"I will build a better one" he smiles
"Of course you will" you laugh and give him a hug.
"What a crazy time we had lately but I am glad we finally talked you into that surgery" you say noticing the bag in his hands.
"Well my original doctor didn't do that great of a job" he smirks at you.
"You lived didn't you" you smile back.
"Won't be needing this anymore" he pulls the old reactor out the bag.
"Guess not"
Tony takes a moment before chucking it into the ocean.
"Now you're just polluting the ocean" you laugh linking arms with him.
"Why am I friends with you?" He questions
"I mean I ask myself the same thing everyday but guess I've grown attached" you nudge himself
"Guess I have too" he forces himself to say
"Cheeseburgers?" You ask
"You read my mind" he says getting into the car.

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