Chapter 18

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"Holy mother fucker" you say turning around to see Loki stood behind you.
"Jesus christ you almost gave me a heart attack!" You say.
Loki looks at you confused. "You haven't screamed for help?"
"No I haven't because you're not really here... you're astro projecting yourself right?" You raise an eyebrow at him.
"How did you?" He questions
"I'm not dumb Loki also if you escaped Asgard I'm pretty sure Thor would've warned us" you throw something at him and it goes through him. "See" you smile.

"What you doing here?" You question.
"Why are you not scared? I threw your best friend out a window and tried to take over New York" he asks
"Well first off I mean I've definitely pictured throwing Tony out a window" you joke. "And secondly Loki something tells me it wasn't really you, call it gut instinct. I've seen bad people and I don't think you're truly one of them"
"Most people only see me as the villain" he looks at you puzzled
"Yeah well I'm not most people" you smile at him.
"What made you project yourself here?" You now question him.
"You were the only one not afraid of me even when I had you by the neck, you intrigued me" he turns away slightly.

"Like I said something in me saw past the awful villain persona you were putting on, I saw something in your eyes Loki. You looked lost and conflicted, I could tell you didn't truly want to hurt me" you say walking towards the projection of him.
"You are nothing more than a pathetic human I am a God I could've easily killed you" he shouts.
"And yet you didn't" you argue back
He disappears leaving you stood there confused at what just happened.

You stand there for a second thinking you need to contact Thor before a voice breaks your train of thought.
"Gracie" Tony shakes your shoulder's
"Jesus" you jump "why are people trying to give me a heart attack today?" you put your hand on your chest.
"I was literally calling you're name" Tony looks at you "also what do you mean people?" His face confused.
"Don't worry just one of those days... what's up?" You smile back at him.
"I need your help in the lab" he says walking away
"Right coming" you run after him.

"So what is it you need help with?" You turn to Tony
"Take a look at this" he brings up a display.
"Wow okay" you stand their taking it in
"This is incredible"
"This is what I want you to help me prepare for our meeting at MIT" he smiles at you
"Okie dokie I'm on it" you start getting to work with Tony.
"Also what about this" he pulls up another design
"Omg okay this one I can 100% help with" you smile at him.

Hours later you decide to take a break.
"Just need to make a call, be right back" you say heading out the lab while dialling your phone.
"Hey Jane is Thor with you?" You ask when the person answers the phone.
"Not right now but I can let him know you were looking for him when I next see him" she replies.
"If you could that would be great thank you, how are you anyway?" you question
"I'm good been super busy and you?" she answers
"I'm good same as you super busy, we must catch up soon"
"Sounds good let me know when you're free" she replies
"Will do, speak soon" you hang up the phone

"Asgard watching person I'm looking for Thor, please can you help me?" You speak looking up to the sky
"And now I'm talking to myself" you say as you walk back inside.
"JARVIS tell Tony I'm going to bed"

The next morning you wake and head downstairs you're still half asleep when you bump into someone.
"Oh shit" you say as the person catches you.
"Lady Barnes I heard you were looking for me" he says helping you stand back upright.
"Thor" you reach up to hug him. "Thanks for coming, so something strange happened yesterday"
"Strange?" He looks at you confused.
"I saw Loki" you state
"Loki is on Asgard Miss Barnes you could not have seen him"
"Well I didn't see him physically but his astroprojection, does he do that often?" you say going to grab some coffee.
"Usually when he's causing mischief" Thor replies.
"Can I see him?" You ask taking a sip of coffee.
"He is a prisoner on Asgard, my father will not allow Midgard visitors" Thors states
"When was the last time you visited him?" You raise an eyebrow at him.

"It has been a while" he looks around sheepishly
"Thor I know what Loki did was bad, but something doesn't feel right, please ask your father if I can visit, or at least go see him yourself!" you realise you raised your voice louder than you wanted.
"Lady Barnes I will go visit my brother if it makes you happy" he smiles at you
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to shout at you, thank you Thor, but I still would like to visit Asgard" you do a puppy dog smile at him.
"We have a ball in a few days for my birthday I will advise father I have invited you as my guest" he looks at you and sees your eyes light up
"An Asgardian ball OMG THOR THAT WOULD BE AMAZING" you leap at him giving him a hug.

"Should Cap be concerned?" Tony teases walking into the kitchen.
Thor places you back on your feet.
"Steve has nothing to worry about thanks Tin Man" you roll your eyes.
"I will be on my way and will return to collect you in two days" he smiles at you "Stark" he slaps his back before leaving.
"Collect you?" Tony looks at you confused
"IM GOING TO ASGARD" you do a happy dance
"Someone's coffees kicked in" Tony teases "what does Steve have to say about you going?" He asks

You stop dancing "Shit I better go ring Steve and tell him" and Tony laughs.
"See you in the Lab in a bit tin man" you say leaving the kitchen to go call Steve.

"Hey, how is Washington?" You say as Steve answers
"It's good but I miss you" he says and you hear Nat fake gag in the background.
"Hi Nat" you laugh
"Hi Trouble" you hear her shout back.
"So I actually called because I have some news" you take a breathe
"News?" He sounds uncertain
"I'M GOING TO ASGARD" you shout and start happy dancing again.
"WOW okay" he sounds a little sad
"Thor said they are having a ball for his birthday and he said he will tell his father he is bringing a guest, I'm guessing Jane is busy" you can't help but smile.
"So you're just going to another world?" he questions
"Steve you're not even here right now anyway so it's not like I'm going and leaving you on your own." You say defensively.

"You're right, I'm sorry it's just one thing us being apart by state but another it being a different planet"
"It will be for a couple of days you won't even know I've gone" you try and convince him.
"Sorry I am happy for you it's just a lot to take in" he sighs
"I get that but Steve I'm so excited, the way Thor has talked of Asgard, wait your not jealous are you?" you question
"I mean another guy is taking my girl away" and you can't help but laugh.
"Steve no one is taking me from you. You know I don't see Thor in that way what so ever and he's with Jane" you try and assure him.
"Your right sorry, I am happy for you" then you hear Nat shouting something "I gotta go"
"Okay well I will call you before I go, I love you"
"Love you too bye" he hangs up

"So what did capsicle say" Tony questions as you walk into the lab.
"He was jealous at first but I think he's okay with it" you half smile.
"I'm sure you will have the best time and Steve will get over himself" Tony tries and cheers you up.
"Crap I need to go shopping!! I have nothing to wear... JARVIS cancel all of Peppers meetings and tell her to meet me at the mall" you shout
"Umm what about this?" Tony asks
"I have shopping to do! Wanna come?" You look at him
"No go have fun with Pepper" he nods and you stand there with your hand out smiling.
"What?" He looks confused
"You know what" you smile at him
"Fine" he huffs and hands you his card
"You're the best" you kiss his cheek and start to leave
"Don't bankrupt me" he shouts behind you
"I will try my best" you tease

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