Chapter 31

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"Gracie" Tony shouts as he sees you laying on the ground.
"FRIDAY" he says touching his glasses.
"Heartbeat detected, multiple fractures and head trauma detected, paramedics have been called"
"Oh god is she.."Nat says running up to you both.
"She's alive" Tony states.
"How could he leave her here like this?" Tony says with anger in his voice.
"Tony you don't know" Nat begins to say
"He left her here for dead, it's not a coincidence her tracker came back online" Tony shouts at Nat.
Just then the ambulance team arrive.

Meanwhile with Steve and Sam.
"You left her!" Sam whisper shouts to Steve.
"Sam please don't make me feel any more guilty than I already do" Steve says his voice breaking a little.
"You have to call Nat and find out if she's at least still alive" Sam tries to reason with Steve.
"She's alive Sam, she has too be okay she has to be fine" Steve says looking at the ground unable to think straight.
"Steve you left the love of your life injured and alone, this is the women you have been in love with since the 40's..."
"Gracie?" they hear a voice come from behind them.

"What Bucky am I talking to?" Steve asks
"The women you have been in love with since the 40's is my little sister Gracie" Bucky says looking to see his arm clamped.
"What's something you can't read in the museum" Steve asks.
"You used to stuff newspaper in your shoes to
make you taller hoping that Gracie would notice you" Bucky laughs.
"Well that's something you can't read about in the museum" Steve semi chuckles.

"What did I do?" Bucky looks at Steve seeing the hurt in his eyes.
"What do you remember?" Sam asks.
"Everything Hydra put inside me is still there. All he had to do was say those god Damn words" Bucky groans "How bad is it?"
"Not great" Sam says staring at Steve "Excuse us a second" moving Steve to the side.
"You have to tell him" Sam gives him a stern stare.
"I'm not about to tell him his sister is still alive but now is injured because of him" Steve whispers back.
"Steve it's his little sister, you kept this from Gracie and look how that turned out" Sam raising his voice.
"Gracie's alive?" Bucky also confused as Steve and Sam turn around to face him.
"The looks on your faces tell me something bad has happened" Bucky says.

"She was in the helicopter that went in the water" Sam answers and Steve glares at him "He should know"
"I hurt my little sister didn't I" Bucky says looking down on the ground "How is she still alive?"
"It's a long story" Steve replies feeling his heart break even more at the sight of his best friend hurting.
"Who was the the guy?" Sam asks trying to break the tension.
"I don't know" Bucky sighs.
"People are dead, the bombing, the set up, the doctor did all that just to get 10 minutes with you. I need you to do better than I don't know" Steve says his voice sounding slightly annoyed.

"He wanted to know about Siberia, it's where I was kept, he wanted to know exactly where it was" Bucky replies.
"Why would this guy wanna know that?" Steve asks.
"Because I'm not the only winter soilder" he replies staring dead at Steve.
"Well that's just great" Sam replies
"Who were they?" Steve asks
"The most elite death squad, more kills than anyone in HYDRA history and that was before they got injected with whatever super solider serum hydra created" Bucky replies.
"Did they all turn our like you?" Sam asks
"Worse" Bucky snipes back.
"Oh this just keeps getting better" Sam half chuckles to himself.

"So the doctor he could control them if he wanted to like he did you?" Steve questions.
"He could control them enough" Bucky looks down at the ground.
"He said he wanted to see an empire fall" Steve looks at Sam.
"Well he could do it with these guys, they speak over 30 languages, they can hide in plain sight, infiltrate, assassinate, destabilise, they can take a whole country down in one night and you'd never see them coming" Bucky says holding his hands together as Steve freed his arm.

"You need to call Nat or Tony before we do anything, I don't want your head all over the place worrying about Gracie" Sam whispers to Steve.
"I can't Tony isn't going to want to speak to me after what I just did" Steve looks down.
"He probably won't believe us anyway" Sam sighs "The accords probably won't even let him help us"
"Guess we are on our own" Steve shrugs his shoulders.
"Maybe not" Sam replies "I know a guy but you need to call Nat at least or text her".

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