Chapter 19

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You're stood waiting for Thor. You quickly send Steve a text as he's been called on a last minute mission with Nat.

"You all ready to go" Tony asks walking up to you "I'm going to enjoy the peace" he teases
"Oh please" you roll your eyes at him.
Just then the rainbow light appears and Thor is stood in front of you.
"Are you ready Lady Barnes?" He asks he approaches you.
"Yep" you go to hand him your suitcase.
"No need for this mother has everything you need already organised for you" he responds
"Oh okay, you good taking it inside" you smile at Tony and he just rolls his eyes.

"See ya tin man" you hug Tony
"Look after her" Tony says to Thor
"Of course" he pats Tony on the back
"You may want to hold on" he says and you wrap you arms as much as you can round Thor and he signals for Heimdall.
As the rainbow appears you are then beamed up with Thor and your grip tightens.

"That was amazing" you shout as you land on Asgard. You are greeted by Heimdall
"Lady Barnes it's an honour to meet you" he slightly bows
"Everyone from here sounds so fancy I guess I need to watch my language" you laugh and Thor just smiles at you.
"This way" he leads you and you see a giant rainbow bridge and at the end an amazing city made from gold.
"OMG Thor this place is better then you described" you say with your jaw almost hitting the floor in amazement.
"Come on I will show you were you are staying before giving you a tour"

As you follow Thor inside the royal palace you are in awe of how stunning everything is. As you enter you hear someone calling Thor and turn to see a women waking toward you both.

"Mother this is Lady Barnes, Gracie this is my mother Frigga" he introduces you both and you curtesy.
"It's so nice to meet you" you smile at her.
"Please none of that" she smiles at you "Thor speaks very highly of you"
"He does?" You look at Thor and blush
"Yes" she grabs your hand "Thor will take you to what you truly seek but my husband must not know" and your face screws up confused.
"I'm sorry I'm confused" you look between them both.
"You seek to speak with Loki" she smiles at you.
"How did you know?" You ask
"Mother a word" Thor asks moving his mother to the side.

"Father will not allow this" he states.
"My son, what you're Father doesn't know won't hurt him, you must take Gracie to Loki, I've sense they are meant to meet again, she will be good for him" she places her hand on Thors face.
"As you wish" he smiles back and walks up to you.
"I will see you tonight at dinner" Frigga smiles to you.
"Thank you" you smile back at her.
"This way Gracie" Thor leads you towards the prison.

"Can I go in alone?" You ask as stand outside the prison.
"Lady Barnes Loki is unpredictable" he states
"Thor he's in a cell I think I'm safe, you can stay close ish if that makes you feel better, but I wish to speak to him alone" you stand your ground.
"As you wish" he steps aside and let's you walk in.

"I can sense you're there" Loki says
"Hi" you step out of the shadows "sorry didn't know if you were up for visitors" you ask nervously
"You came to visit, why?" He asks
"Thought you could use some company" you smile "drop the magic Loki"
"How did you know?" he looks puzzled
"Call it a hunch, now can I see the real you please" you ask stepping closer. Loki drops the projection and you see him sat on the floor bleeding.
"Oh Loki" you look at him with a sad smile "THOR" you shout and he comes running over.
"What is it Lady Barnes" he looks between you and Loki.
"He is hurt please can I have a first aid kit and access to his cell" you say turning to face Thor.
"Lady Barnes I'm not sure..." "Thor he is your brother look at him he needs help" you cut Thor off from what he away going to say. He looks at Loki and back at you with your pleading eyes.

"Fine I will return with a medical kit" he turns to take off.
"Why are you helping me?" Loki shyly asks.
"Because those wounds need tending to or they may get infected"
"I still don't get how you don't see me as a monster like everyone else" he looks down.
"Loki you chose to let people see you that way I don't believe that's who you truly are" just then Thor comes back.
"Here you go" he hands you a medical kit.
"Be careful" he whispers to you and he lets you inside the cell.

You walk towards Loki fully noticing the mess the cell is in. You sit down on the floor in front of him
"Here let me clean these up for you" you say grabbing one of his feet. You start to tend the wounds and Loki is just looking down.
"Why did you do it?" You ask
"What?" He replies
"Take over New York?" You look at him with a sad smile as he just sits there not responding and you just start laughing. He looks at you confused.
"Sorry I just remembered your first answer and kinda expected the same response... okay these are all clean not that I'm a medical expert but I've done my best" you smile at him.

You get up and can feel Thor lurking outside the cell but you decide to start cleaning up the mess.
"Don't" you hear Loki say
"What?" You look at him confused
"You don't need to tidy" he glares at you.
"Sorry" you say but continue to pick up the broken items.
"Lady Barnes we must be going" you hear Thor
"Okay two seconds" you say picking up more stuff.
"Stop" you hear Loki shout and it startles you and you cut your hand.
"Motherfucker" you say holding your hand.

"I'm sorry" you hear Loki say looking at you concerned. "Are you okay?"
"Oh please this is just a cut, my head did hurt though after you knocked me out" you half smile back at him.
"I'm sorry I hurt you" you see him genuinely look sorry.
"It's okay I guess I do talk too much sometimes, I'm sure there's times Tony wishes he could knock me out to shut me up" you laugh

You didn't notice Loki had made his way to you.
"Here let me" he says taking your hand and examining it before cleaning it and adding a small bandage.
Your eyes meet and you notice something in his eyes that breaks your heart.
"Thank you" you smile at him
"Thank you" he points to his wounds
"Your welcome" just then you hear Thor clear his throat.
"Guess that's my queue to go. I hope to return" you say as you exit the cell. "See you Loki"
He says nothing back.

"Bye Gracie" he says after you walked out of ear shot.

"Thank you" Thor says as you walk outside.
"For what?" You look at him confused
"For not seeing Loki as a monster, today reminded me he his my brother and I saw a version of him I've not seen in a while" he smiles back at you.
"Thor something just doesn't feel right, I don't believe Loki was acting on his own accord when he did what he did" you reply
"How is the hand?" He asks taking it gently
"I will survive" you laugh
"Come on you need to get ready for dinner tonight" Thor states and you look puzzled
"Our royal meal before the celebrations begin tomorrow" he says leading you to your room.
"Royal meal, okay not sure I've been to something that fancy before I better watch my language" and Thor can't help but laugh in response.

"Here is your quarters Lady Barnes, I will send some maids along to help you prepare for tonight"
"Maids, Thor I think I can get ready by myself" you respond.
"As you wish" he smiles "I will pick you up in a couple of hours" and with that he leaves.
You can't help but admire the room, you notice two beautiful dresses on display in your room with a note.
"Mother picked the dresses hope you like them. Thor"
You admire the beauty of the dresses, you partly wish Steve was here to see you but you will take a photo to show him another time.
You notice the bath and start running one, you slip into the bath and let the warmth take over you.
Thinking about today and Loki you can't help but think you need to help him in some way.

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