Chapter 26

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You're stood laughing and enjoying yourself with Thor and his friends.
"Excuse me" you say and walk up to Tony.
"Thank you" you say hugging him "And thank you" you smile and hug Pepper.
"Happy Birthday" Happy hugs you
"You're welcome Sleeping Beauty" Tony smiles at you but you notice something else in his facial expression.
"Go on ask" you say "I know you're dying to"
"Loki really" he raises his eyebrow at you "Did we not forget he threw me out the window and tried to take over New York"
"Well T at some point we have all wanted to throw you out a window let's be honest" you smirk at him and he rolls his eyes "In regards to New York well it wasn't truly his fault".

"How can you trust him" Clint says as the team begin to gather.
"Because I do" you smile towards him "He is also gonna be sticking around"
"I'm sorry what" Steve says
"Odin has agreed for him to stay here under the watch of me and Thor to help begin make amends" you state.
"You're babysitting reindeer games" Tony says
"We can't trust him" Steve snipes
"Yes we can" you snap.

"It's fine Gracie they will never accept me" you hear Loki say.
"Well they are gonna have to suck it up because you're staying" you smile
"Is this something we should have discussed" Steve argues.
"Well that would require you to be here wouldn't it" you snap at him.
"Gracie" he says his eyes softening.
"He tried to take over New York are we just gonna forget that" Clint says.

"Wanda read his mind" you turn to face her
"What" Loki and Wanda say in unison
"Read his mind see it wasn't truly his doing and that he has only good intentions" you turn to Loki "It will help them trust you".
"No one is reading my mind" Loki states "I am Loki of Asgard..." he begins
"Stop" you say looking at him.

"Please let her do this" you say taking his hand.
"I will only do it if he allows me" Wanda says
"Please" you whisper to him giving him puppy dog eyes.
"Fine. You can stop giving me the eyes" he sighs and you smile.
"Focus on me" you say taking his face between your hands "let her see just the good" you whisper in his ear. He takes a deep breathe and you nod at Wanda who begins to read his mind.

"He can be trusted" she says after.
"Hey it's okay" you say looking Loki in the eye "Thank you for coming" you smile at him.
"Fine but if he puts one foot out of line..." Tony begins to say.
"He will be returned to Asgard" Thor states.
"I need some air" Loki says walking away. You go to go after him but Thor stops you.
"Let me" he says looking at you and you nod.
"Wait Loki I'm still in..." you shout as your realise your still in a ball gown before Loki walks onto the balcony a tiara appears on your head.
"Asshole" you shout laughing.

"Anyway this is meant to be party! DJ turn it up" you shout. "God I need a drink" to say.
"Coming right up princess" Pietro says zooming to get you a drink and then coming back to hand you you're favourite cocktail.
"Why thank you" you smile at him.
"Come on let's show them how Asgardians party" you say grabbing Sif and looking at the others while heading to the dance floor.

You dance until you're passed out on the sofa asleep with your head on Fandrals shoulder. You feel two arms wrap around you picking you up and you begin to open your eyes.
"It's just me" Steve says "Let's get you to bed" he begins walking towards your bedroom. You snuggle into him.
"I miss Bucky he always made my birthday special" you say in your half asleep state. Steve can't help but feel his heartbeat increase and guilt washes over him. It's been almost 2 years he thought he would've been able to bring your brother back to you already but Bucky has truly gone undetected.
"I know sweetheart, he loved spoiling you" Steve smiles down at you his heart slightly breaking.
"He was the best big brother" you sigh before cuddling into Steve and falling back to sleep.

The next morning you wake, your head pounding and feeling like absolute shit. Steve wraps his arms around you and pulls you to his chest.
"Good Morning Sweetheart" he kisses the top of your head.
"Shhhh you're too loud" you groan and Steve quietly chuckles to himself.
"Would you like coffee?" He asks pulling you closer to him and you can feel his morning glory pressed against you. Even though you feel like death and you are still mad you are taken over by desire.

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