Chapter 39

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"Happy Birthday" the team shouts as you walk into the kitchen.
"Thanks guys" you smile as they now come and greet you one by one.

"Happy birthday baby sis" Bucky smiles at you before giving you a hug which causes tears to form.
"Hey what's wrong" Bucky holds your face in his hands being careful of his metal hand,  as he noticed the unshed tears.

"I'm just so happy that you're here and I finally get to celebrate a birthday with you again" you sniffle as the tears fall.
Using his thumb Bucky carefully wipes the tears.
"Hey no crying on your birthday it's meant to be a happy day" he brings you back in for a hug.
"They are happy tears" you partially laugh.

"I made you your favourite breakfast" Wanda smiles at you.
"Thanks Wands" you smile back as you head over to admire the food.
"Happy birthday sweetheart" Steve kisses the top of your head and you smile at him.

"All set for the party later?" Tony asks.
"Yep" you smirk at everyone.
"What's that look for?" Tony looks at you.
"Oh nothing" you reply before taking a bite of your breakfast.

"So how was Asgard?" Wanda now asks later that day as her and Nat have gathered in your room to get ready for the party.

"Amazing we had a ball to celebrate" you smile
"A ball blimey so this is gonna seem like a downgrade" Nat laughs.
"Not at all" you throw a pillow at her.

"I have to ask, did anything happen between you and Loki while you were gone for years?" Nat now eyes you up.
"He's a friend Nat that's all" you give her a stern look.
"If you say so" she wiggled her eyebrows at you.

"I do say so" you reply slipping into the bathroom to get your dress on

"Wow Steve is going to loose his mind" Wanda whistles when you come back in.
"Good" you wink at the pair of them before adding a red lipstick.

You're wearing a short silver backless dress that scoops down dangerously low to your ass.
You have a second dress lined up if this one becomes too much of a problem.

"Ready birthday girl" Wanda smiles at you.
Just as you are about to reply you see the bifrost and can't help but smile.
"So ready" you reply heading downstairs.

"There she is" Fandral is first to greet you picking you up and spinning you around, before the others hug you.

"I know we only celebrated a couple of days ago but I'm glad you came" you smile at them.
"Not one to miss out on a celebration" Fandral smiles at you.

"Miss me" Loki now comes up to you.
"Nope" you tease before hugging him then Thor.
"Ooo did you do that thing I asked?" you now look at Loki.
"Yes" he rolls his eyes.
"You're the best" you kiss his cheek.

"Is that a pile of rocks walking, and what is that next to it?" You here Bucky as Korg, Miek and Valkyrie come in and can't help but laugh.

"Happy birthday again" Korg says as he greets you.
"Thanks. I see you brought your own booze" you laugh at Valkyrie.
"Yep" She replies taking a sip.

Before you can introduce anyone you hear F.R.I.D.A.Y warning there is a ship in the atmosphere.

"They are with me, let them land" you reply before everyone tries to go into defence mode, and they look at you confused.

Heading outside you see the guardians ship landing and can't wait to see the other reactions.

"Im so happy you guys came" you smile at them as they walk out.
"I am Groot"
"Thanks" you smile at him "I assume he said happy birthday" you now look to Rocket who nods.

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