Chapter 21

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As you run to the reception struggling to focus you manage to say "Steve Rogers" and the women at the desk looks at you confused as your stood there in a ball gown.
"Steve Rogers where is he?" You ask
"Are you a family member?" The women behind the desk asks
"I'm his girlfriend please where is he, is he okay?" At this point tears are streaming down your face.
"She's fine she can come back" a voice says and you turn around looking confused.
"I'm Sam" the person states
"Where is he, is he okay, what's happened?" tears streaming your body starting to shake.
"Hey hey calm down" he places his hands on your shoulders "Come with me"

He leads you down the corridor to Steve's room, you see him through the window all battered and bruised and unconscious.
"Omg" you say stumbling and Sam catches you.
"There was an incident on the mission, but nurses say he's going to be fine" he says trying to calm you down.
You walk into the room
"Steve I am so sorry I wasn't here" you say taking his hand "Please don't leave me I don't know what I will do without you" you sit on the chair next to him.

"He talked about you. He said you were off world?" Sam says trying to distract you from the beeping of the machines.
"Yeah my friend Thor was having a birthday ball that's why I'm in this dress" you look down
"I did wonder" he laughs
"Yeah not my usual attire" you half laugh
"Off world?" He asks
"Still surprised after Aliens attached New York?" you respond
"Well when you put it like that" he laughs
"How long has he been here?" You ask
"Not long" Sam replies

It's been a day and Steve still hasn't woken.
"I thought you said he was going to be fine" you say pacing the floor.
"His body still needs to recover super solider or not" Sam replies "Here you need this you barely slept" he hands you a coffee.
"Thank you" you smile
"You can go home and change freshen up I will stay" he offers
"I'm fine I can't leave his side I wanna be here when he wakes" you say taking a seat next to him and placing your hand in his.
"So you're from the forties as well?" Sam asks
"Yeah me and Steve grew up together, he was my brother Bucky's best friend" a sad smile appears on your face.
You're too focused on Steve to notice a change in Sam's expression.

You eventually fall asleep on the little sofa in Steve's room while Sam is on the chair next to him.
"On your left" Steve says as he comes too.
Sam turns to see Steve awake and he places his fingers on his lips and Steve looks at him puzzled.
He gestures to the sofa where Steve turns and sees your curled up in ball gown asleep.
"She arrived not long after you were brought here and hasn't slept since" he whispers to Steve.
Steve can't help but smile at the sight of you but his heart also breaking at the news of what he's discovered on this mission.

You start to stir in your sleep as a nightmare hits you and you hear a voice trying to wake you.
"It just me" Sam says as you jolt upright.
"Sorry" you say panting trying to catch you're breathe.
"Look" Sam says pointing at Steve who is awake
"Omg Stevie you're awake, I'm so sorry I must've fell asleep I wanted to be with you when you woke up" tears streaming down your face
"Hey hey sshhh" he says wiping your tears
"Stevie I thought I lost you and I couldn't bare it I wouldn't survive losing you again"
"Baby I'm right here I'm not going anywhere" he strokes your cheeks
"How are you the one in hospital and yet you're comforting me, I'm sorry" you say
"Hey don't be silly" he grabs your hand and brings it to his lips.

"You look beautiful by the way" he smiles at you
"I look a mess" you say as tears are still falling
"You look like a princess" he states and you realise your still in the ball gown.
"They said I should change but I didn't want to leave you" you look down at the dress
"Baby you look exhausted, go back to the tower and shower change and sleep" Steve says stroking your cheeks
"I can't leave you" you try and argue
"I'm not going anywhere, please you need sleep"
"Fine I will go and shower and change and then I'm coming right back because as beautiful as this dress is it's not the most comfortable" you half smile
"I guess I will have to accept that" he smiles at you
"Yep" you gently kiss him.

"I'm back and I brought you food" you say walking into the hospital room with a bag of takeout.
"Thank you" he smiles at you as you hand him the bag.
"Nothing for you?" He asks
"Oh no I'm good, I had a quick bite at the tower" you smile
"Did you?" He raises his eyebrow
"Yes Tony made me" you say "He sends his well wishes by the way, so it seems I've missed a lot" you say sitting down next to him. Steve's face drops.

"Hydra was in S.H.I.E.L.D and you , Nat and Sam outed them with the help of Fury" you sum up what you managed to catch up on in the few hours you left the hospital.
"Yeah that pretty much sums it up" he half smiles
"Wow it seems like I missed out on a lot while I was away" you sigh "So Nat leaked all of S.H.I.E.L.Ds and Hydras files?" You ask
"Yeah" he looks at you sad
"Don't worry I managed to wipe most my files when Tony hacked S.H.I.E.L.D but maybe I didn't get Hydras, but I don't wanna know what's been leaked" you state
"It will be okay" he takes your hand.

A day later and Steve's been discharged.
"You just got out of hospital" you say as Steve's getting ready for some meeting.
"I told you I'm fine, super solider healing" he smiles at you.
"You should be taking it easy" you give him a stern look.
"Trust me sweetheart I'm fine, why don't you get some rest while I'm gone. I know you haven't slept properly in days." He cups your face in his hands.
"I'm good, if you're going out I will go do some work" you smile up at him.
"Fine I know better then to fight you when it comes to work" he chuckles and kisses your lips.

You deepen the kiss having missed being close to Steve for what feels like a lifetime. He wraps his arms round you and squeezes your ass.
"They can wait five minutes can't they" you pant breaking the kiss "prove to me you're healed" you smirk.
Steve picks you up and places you on the kitchen counter crashing his lips to yours, his hand wondering up your thigh he pushes the fabric to the side and strokes your already wet pussy
"Fuck so wet already" Steve pants
"I've missed you" you whisper in his ear.
Steve wastes no time and inserts a finger and you moan at the pleasure.
Undoing his belt you throw it to the ground and start unbuttoning his jeans.
Steve lifts his top you are wearing over your head and his lips instantly attach to your erect nipples causing you throw your head back.
Steve pulls you to the edge of the counter and discards his boxers and your thong, this fuck wasn't going to be slow and passionate but quick and needy. He lines himself up teasing you.
"Fuck me Captain" you say desperate to feel him inside you.
Steve enters you with one quick thrust "oh Gracie" Steve pants. He pulls almost all the way out before slamming back into you. Driving into you over and over again. Your nails racking over his back. He's slamming into you hard and at a quick pace. Your boobs bouncing in front of his face.
"Fuck Grace your perfect" Steve pants with this praise you tense around him.
"God Steve please don't stop I'm close" you pant and Steve reaches down with his hand to rub your clit causing you to bite down on his shoulder to stop from screaming too loud in pleasure.
Steve can feel you tensing around him and he's close himself, he thrusts a few more times and works your clit and you come undone. Feeling you orgasm it's not long before Steve follows suit and you feel him cum inside you. Both panting and coming down from the high you rest your head on his shoulder.
He kisses it tenderly before pulling out readjusting himself and pulling his jeans and boxers back up.
"Okay you're healed" you pant laying back on the kitchen counter. "I need to stay here a minute" and Steve chuckles picking you up to kiss you goodbye.

"How is Steve?" Tony asks as you walk into the lab
"Oh he's definitely better" you smirk at him
"Too much information" he chuckles "but how are you after everything?" He asks looks at you
"I'm fine Tony, did the last few days scare the shit out of me sure but I'm fine" you half smile
"You need to take care of yourself as well, but as you're here now wanna look over those designs again?" He asks
"Hell yes" you say bringing them up "Tony this really is incredible" you say admiring the blueprint
"We hope to start work soon" he smiles at you
"Well in that case I better get to work"
"Before you do call Pepper she was worried about you" Tony says
"With all the crazy I forgot to keep her updated, I will call her now"

As Steve meets Nick, Sam and Nat at Nicks "Grave"
"She can't know, not yet, not till we know what's really going on" he explains
"Steve it's her brother she's gonna want to know he's alive" Nat argues
"Nat we all saw him it's not the Bucky she remembers, until we know more she can't know, it's for the best" he pleads
"Steve if she finds out you kept this from her" Nat states
"I will deal with that but for now it's between us" he looks around the group.
"I'm dead so I'm not saying anything" Nick jokes
"Whatever you want man" Sam adds
"Fine but I'm not happy about it this could blow up in all our faces" Nat huffs
"Thank you" Steve half smiles back.

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