Chapter 29

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"Hey so Tony said you got a text and walked off is everything okay?" You shout as you walk into your mini apartment in the compound but don't see Steve.
"Steve?" you say heading to the bedroom and noticing him packing.
"Steve why you packing what's going on?" You ask confused and Steve finally looks up acknowledging you.
"I have to go somewhere with Sam" he sighs.
"Really in the middle of all this you have to urgently go somewhere with Sam? Care to tell me where this time?" You don't realise you've raised your voice.

Steve sits on the edge of the bed and covers his face.
"I take that as a no" you reply with a harsh tone.
"You wouldn't understand" Steve replies.
"Well you haven't given me the chance to have you. You know what just go to whatever is so clearly more important. Tell your new girlfriend her timing is crap" you say with tears of frustration in your eyes.
"You think I'm seeing someone else?" Steve asks confused.
"Well I don't know what to think. Enjoy your trip" you say heading to the door "I guess the rest of us will pick up this government drama while you swan off"
Before to reach the door you feel Steve grab your arm.
"You really think I'm seeing someone else when I have you?" He looks kinda sad.
"Well you aren't telling me where you're going what else am I meant to think" you shrug not making eye contact.

Steve sighs and looks at you before there's a knock on the door.
"Steve I'm ready" Sam says.
"Last chance" you say.
"Peggy passed away we are going to her funeral, I know the two of you didn't get along so I didn't wanna say anything" Steve says lifting your face to look at him.
"You knew she was alive, did you go and see her, is this where you have been sneaking off too" you look at him dead in the eyes.
"Yes I've seen her, I went to visit her a couple of times I didn't say anything.."
"Wow" you cut him off  "You know a part of me always knew you had feelings for her so the fact you thought you had to lie to me about all this just proves it and shows how little you think of me" you shake yourself from his grip and storm out the room before he can say anything else.
"You good?" Sam asks after you pushed past him and stormed down the hall.
"I don't know" Steve replies before the two of them make their way out.

"Can you believe that two face asshole" you shout walking into communal area and walking straight to the bar.
"What's he done now" Tony replies. You down your drink before going to pour another one but Tony stops you. You turn to look at him with tears in your eyes and he pulls you into a hug.
"He's been seeing Peggy and now he's going to her funeral and was only honest with me about all this when I accused him of cheating, why couldn't he have just told me the truth" you look at Tony with tears escaping.
"I mean we all know you don't like her but I don't know why he lied" Tony says wiping your tears.
"Am I a bad girlfriend?" You ask
"Not at all. Steve should've been honest with you rather than hiding his secret meetings with her"

"Why is everything so screwed up, between Steve and the government it's all just going to shit"
"You are gonna have to make a decision on the accords" Rhodey says approaching you.
"I know" you look down. "Honestly right now I just wanna go to bed and forget about everything for a bit. I feel I don't have the energy to deal with this right now" you sigh feeling exhausted.
"Go get some rest" Tony says and you nod.
"Night guys" you half smile at them before making your way to your room.

You hear a knock on your door that wakes you.
"What?" You groan.
"It's Nat I'm coming in" she replies walking into your room.
"Look I wanted you to know I'm heading to London before I go to Vienna." She sits on the bed next to you.
"Nat. I can't" you reply "He has lied to me. He felt he had to keep that fact he's been visiting her secret that to me say he has unresolved feelings for her" your voice chokes a little.
"Oh sweetie. I don't think Steve likes her like that it was probably just nice to have someone from his past alive, other than you I mean" she half smiles at you.
"Just go Nat, I can't see him right now and I especially can't see him upset over her" you huff.
"Okay just thought I had to ask to make sure you don't regret it" she gives you a hug before leaving.

Unable to get back to sleep you walk to Loki's room and lightly knock. He opens the door half awake and you walk in and sit on the bed. Most people have just a room but as you helped design the compound you made sure you and Tony have mini suites.
"Am I the one in the wrong?" You ask laying down and sighing in frustration.
"Remind me what you are talking about" Loki asks while shutting the door.
"Steve found out Peggy was alive and had been going to visit her without telling me, and now he's going to her funeral and wasn't going to tell me about it until I accused him of cheating" you reply rolling on your side to face Loki who has sat on the bed next to you.
"Right and this is the Peggy women you told me about on Asgard" Loki looks at you

"Yes, as I said she was always trying to get close to Steve and then after I lost Steve I found out she kissed him before he got on the plane" you reply sitting up slightly.
"I would say Steve is the one in the wrong. He knew your feelings towards her, and that him seeing her would hurt you especially as he was keeping it secret" Loki responds wiping a few tears that had escaped your eyes.
"Why is everything so screwed up at the moment, I never thought Steve would lie to me but here we are. But the worse thing is I feel guilty like I made him have to lie to me and that I should be there with him"
"It's not your fault" Loki corrects you "Look get some rest and you can make a decision tomorrow"
"Can I stay here I don't wanna be alone" you look at him.
"Of course, you take the bed I will take the sofa" he smiles back at you.
"Thank you" you smile back.
"Get some rest" he squeezes your hand before moving to the sofa and you snuggle into the bed.

You tried to call Steve a few times the next day but it goes to voicemail.
"Loki please" you give him puppy dog eyes "I don't want to travel there but I want to know if he's okay and him and Sam aren't answering. Can you please just astral project for me."
"Fine but stop giving me those eyes" he replies.
"Thank you" you smile at him.

"Well?" You ask and he looks at you with sad eyes.
"What?" You ask staring at him and he looks at you sympathetically "Loki you are scaring me now what is it"
"He was having diner with a blonde" he looks at you as tears form in your eyes "They were smiling and laughing"
"A blonde, so he is cheating on me and he flew half way round the world to do it" you start pacing the floor.
"You don't know he's cheating" Loki grabs you to stop you pacing.
"You said they looked happy"
"I'm sorry" he bring you into a hug, after a while you grab your phone to leave a angry voicemail.
"Steve I can't believe you lied to me about not cheating. Who is the blonde you were cosy with huh and why has your phone been switched off. You know what don't bother coming home" tears are streaming down your face now.

20 minutes later.
"Umm guys you may wanna turn the news on" Pietro comes speeding into the room.
"Pietro I don't think she's in the mood for the news" Loki says.
"She's gonna wanna see this" Pietro responds turning on the news and reports of an explosion at the UN of Vienna appear.
"Shit I need to call Nat" you say staring at the screen just before they announce who they think is responsible.

"Officials have released a video of the suspect who they have identified as James Buchanan Barnes, the winter solider"
Your heart stops.
"Di...d they just say J...James Barnes" you start struggling to breathe.
"Gracie I need you to breathe" Loki says grabbing you to stabilise you.
" it can't be... my is d..dead" your breathing gets quicker and you are struggling to breathe.
"Gracie you need to calm yourself" you hear Loki saying but it sounds like he's far away.
"I will get Tony" Pietro speeds out the room.

"It c..can't be" you keep repeating over and over.
"Gracie" you hear Tony but can't make his voice out clearly.
"No.. no they said J..James B..Barnes, they said... Hydra... they got it w..wrong Tony" you say before everything goes black.
"Shit" Tony says holding your limp body and carrying it to the med bay.
"So her brother wasn't dead just kidnapped by Hydra" Loki states.
"It looks like it and I bet you anything her loving boyfriend knew about this and that's what he's been hiding" Tony replies laying you down and looking at you with a worried look on his face.

Meanwhile in Vienna.
"Shit Steve what you going to do now" Sam says as they both stare at the TV.
"I need to find Bucky" Steve replies.
"Steve your girlfriend has just found out her brother is alive and has potentially bombed a government meeting" Sam says turning to face Steve.
"I know I don't know what to do" Steve sighs.
"You need to call her or at least Tony to check if she's okay" Sam replies.
As Steve turns his phone on he sees all your missed calls. He listens to your latest voicemail and knows you must've somehow found out about his drink with Sharon.
"Shit" Steve says hearing the hurt in your voice.
Honestly not know right now what's the best thing to do, he decides he needs fresh air and to call Nat.

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