Chapter 27

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You walk into the common area after spending the morning just you and Steve.
"Look who's alive" Tony jokes handing you a cup of coffee.
"You're the best" you kiss his cheek.
"I know" he winks at you.
"I still don't believe you two never hooked up" Nat jokes.
"Maybe we did maybe we didn't" you wink at Nat.
"What?" Steve says coming into the room.
"Just ignore her Steve" Tony laughs "Also don't throw me into your terrible dating history"
"Oooo that sounds like gossip" Wanda adds.
"Let's just say I didn't have the best taste in men" you laugh hitting Tony on the arm and Steve just looks at you.

"It's nothing we haven't already discussed Steve you know all about my past dating life" you kiss his cheek.
"If you can call it dating" Tony adds.
"Oh please do we want to get into your past" you tease.
"That's enough both of you" Pepper says coming into the room. "I don't think me or Steve need to hear about either of your histories again"
"Tell you another time" you whisper to Wanda who laughs.

Thor and Loki walk into the room and everyone stops and looks at them.
"Good Afternoon, where's the others?" you ask smiling at them both.
"The others had to return to Asgard they send their love and hope to see you again soon" Thor replies.
"Awww I wanted to say goodbye. Never mind" you say sitting down on the couch.

"You never opened any presents yesterday" Tony states.
"Oh yeah I guess it slipped my mind" taking a sip of coffee.
"Well seeing as we are all here now" Tony say looking at the pile of presents.
"Okie dokie. But you guys can pass me them as I can't be arsed to move" you laugh.
"Fine lazy ass here's mine" Nat says handing you a present.
You open it and see it's the jacket you wanted to get when you last went shopping with Nat.
"Thank you Nat I love it" you smile holding up the jacket.
"You're welcome" she smiles at you.

"Here mine next" Pietro says handing you a present.
You open it and see it's a silver bracelet with a tiara pendant on it.
"Because I call you princess" Pietro teases.
"It's cute, Thank you" you smile at him.
"Here's mine" Wanda hands you a present.
"Aww this is so cute" you smile looking at the photo of all of you that was taken one night at a party.
"I also thought we could go to a spa one day, me, you and Nat" she smiles at you.
"Sounds good" you and Nat say in unison and then laugh.
"The kids drew you this" Clint smiles handing you a hand drawn card.
"Aww thank you" you smile at the drawing.
"Also here" he smiles handing you you're own archery bow "You are doing good in the lessons I thought it was time you had your own bow" he smiles at you.
"Thank you" you smile back at him.

"Mine next" Sam says handing you a gift.
"Thank you" you reply taking the present and beginning to open it.
"Did you go shopping with Nat?" You laugh as you open the sweater you were eyeing up.
"I have no idea what you are on about" Sam smiles at you.
"Well then you have incredible taste and good eye as it's my exact size" you laugh back in response.
"I am a man of many talents" Sam teases.

"Here this is from me" Thor says handing you a gift.
"Thor this is beautiful" you say unwrapping a Asgardian dress similar to what you wear on your visits there.
"I have to admit mother chose it" he laughs.
"I guessed but thank you still" you smile at him.

"Here's mine" Loki wonders up to you nervously handing you a present.
"Thank you" you smile at him taking the gift and begin to unwrap.
"Omg Loki" you gasp as you open the box to reveal the most beautiful necklace with your birthstone sat front and centre "Wait this is the one..."
"Yes it is, I went and brought it after hoping to gift it to you one day" he smiles at you.
You jump off the sofa and wrap your arms around him and kiss his cheek causing him to blush.
"Thank you it's truly beautiful you didn't have to get me this" you can't help but have the biggest smile on your face.
"I saw the way your eyes sparkled when you saw it there was no way I wasn't getting it for you" he admits.
"Mother certainly didn't help with that gift" Thor adds and you chuckle.

"Let's see" Wanda and Nat come up to you to get a look.
"Wow" Wanda says looking at the necklace.
"That is beautiful" Nat adds.
"Anyway" Tony says noticing how awkward Steve is looking and Loki clears his throat and steps aside.

"Here's mine and Peps" he says handing you some gifts.
"Thanks T" you smile placing the necklace down.
You open the first one and it's some pictures from Howard's old photo album blown up.
"These are incredible" you smile looking through the photos. "Really T" you laugh showing the picture of you and Howard kissing on stage.
"Just thought you would want all your memories" he laughs and Steve rolls his eyes.

"I do love them thank you" you smile at him reaching for the second gift. As you begin to open you notice what it is and tears fill your eyes and you close the lid of the box.
"Omg Tony are they what I think they are?" you say tears escaping.
"They aren't the originals obviously but I got replicas made, I remember you saying you wish you had something of his and now in a way you do" he smiles at you.
"What is it?" Steve ask confused as he takes your hand to try and comfort you as tears flow down your face. You open the box to reveal two dog tags.

"Tony got replica of Bucky's dog tags made" you say through tears.
"I didn't mean to make you cry" Tony says looking at you.
"They are happy tears T" you say getting up to give him a hug. You don't notice the look that's shared between Nat, Steve and Sam.
"Thank you so much" you say as you hug Pepper.
"It was all his idea" she smiles at you and you turn to give him another hug.
"Honestly I can't thank you enough" you say with your arms wrapped around him.
"Your reaction is all the thanks I need" he kisses the top of your head.

"Thank you all" you turn in Tony's arms "I love every gift you all got me"
"You haven't opened mine babe" Steve says handing you a ring box and you look at Steve bewildered.
You open the box to see a small diamond ring.
"Steve?" You ask shaking and everyone staring at you.
"It's not an engagement ring, it's a promise ring" Steve clarifies. "I know I've been a terrible boyfriend lately but this is a promise I'm going to make it up to you and that someday it will be replaced with an engagement ring as beautiful as you" and just like that tears start falling again.

"Oh Steve its beautiful" you stare at the ring and Steve comes over to place it on your hand.
"I love you sweetheart" he kisses you
"I love you" you say through sniffles.

"Well that was nauseating" Tony teases and you see Pepper hit his arm. "My gift was still the best" he winks at you.
"Not a competition T" you roll your eyes. "How does everyone fancy a takeaway and movie night?" you ask.
"As long as you're not picking the film" Clint teases.
"Oh please I saw you crying at the notebook" you tease back.
"I don't know what you are on about Tony clearly just hadn't got the movie theatre cleaned must've been dust in my eyes" Clint laughs.
"Yeah yeah whatever you say tough guy" you smile at him.

"Magic mike?" Wanda suggests
"Yes" you and Nat say in sync
"No" the guys say in sync
"Must be my turn to pick" Sam pipes up.
"Fine, Sam can chose. T can you get Happy to bring us some cheeseburgers and milkshakes and then he can stay for the movie"
"Yep everyone let me know what you want and I will get Happy to get it, Gracie I assume the usual?" Tony looks at you.
"Yep" you smile.
"Extra fries because we know she will steal mine" Steve adds
"Hey I won't" you say defensively and Steve gives you a look "Okay he's right" you laugh.

"I will get changed into my pjs and then Loki, Thor let's go get the snacks from the pantry" you smile at them.
"Of course Gracie" Thor smiles back at you.
"Alright rest of you dress code is comfy and pjs go get ready and meet in cinema room" you boss the team.
"Wow someone's bossy" Sam teases.
"Learnt from the best" you joke kissing Steve's cheek. Everyone laughs nodding in agreement before heading their separate ways to get ready for the movie night.

It's moments like these that you treasure most, the team chilling in their comfortable clothes eating takeout and junk food watching films. While some make sarcastic comments throughout the movie, and the occasional popcorn fight breaks out. The room is just full of love and laughter and no one is stressed or worried about a mission. These are some of the best moments.

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