Chapter 15

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You wake to see Steve still asleep next to you. You creep out of bed grabbing your phone and throw Steve's shirt on to cover you up.
You grab a packet of cigarettes and walk out onto the balcony dialling your phone as you shut the door.

"I slept with Steve" you say as soon as the person answers the phone.
"Good morning Tony how are you? I'm good Gracie you?" Tony quips back
"Tony" you whisper shout lighting up a cigarette.
"Putting out on the first date I'm shocked" he teases you.
"Tony put Pepper on if your not gonna help me with my crisis" you snipe.
"How is sleeping with capsicle a crisis?"
"Tony put her on loud speaker" you hear Pepper say.

"Hi Pep" you smile hearing them slightly bicker down the phone
"0h so she gets a hello" Tony laughs
"Guy's seriously I'm freaking out" you say taking a drag of the cigarette
"Are you smoking?" Tony questions
"Yes because I'm stressed and we both know this is a habit I do when I'm stressed"

"Okay Grace calm down" Pepper speaks softly.
"I feel like I have just undone all my therapy and hard work" you sigh
"How? Because you slept with the one guy you have wanted more than anything?" Tony replies.
"Because I was doing good, I was starting to move on and live my life. I was accepting the fact that I wouldn't have the life I wanted and now well now I'm just all confused and scared" you whisper down the phone your voice starting to break.
"Scared?" Pepper asks
"What if he leaves me again, I couldn't handle it, I'm not strong enough it would break me" tears start forming in your eyes.
"Grace you are one of the strongest people I know, speak to Steve tell him how you feel. Work through this together. Also book a session with your therapist and talk about this." Pepper says trying to reassure you.
"Peppers right, also you know we are always here for you sleeping beauty" Tony adds.

"Thanks guys, I guess with everything that's happened these last few days its taken me a minute to process stuff, I'm happy I have you though, even though Tony you annoy me 70% of the time" you laugh
"Only 70%" Pepper laughs and you hear Tony mutter something.
You suddenly hear a noise coming from inside.
"I have to go, speak soon guys Love you" you smile down the phone.
"We love you too" Tony responds before you hang up.

The door to the balcony opens as you finish your cigarette.
"Should I be worried?" He questions
"Worried?" You look at him
"How you just ended that phone call?" He looks down nervous.
"Oh it was just Tony and Pepper" you smile.
"Sorry that was none of my business" he looks at you noticing you blinking tears.

"You okay?" He questions "also you smoke?"
"I'm fine just needed some fresh air and yeah it's a bad habit I do I tried to stop but sometimes I just need one" you smile at him.
He walks over to you.
"I have to say you look rather hot standing there in my shirt" he smirks looking at you up and down.
As shiver covers your body and Steve leans in to kiss you.

You deepen the kiss and Steve picks you up and carries you inside. He starts undoing the buttons on his shirt and then takes a second to admire your naked body. You see him getting hard and he quickly picks you up over his shoulder and carries you to the bedroom and into the bathroom.
"Thought we could kill two birds one stone" he smirks.
He turns on the shower and then places you down as he strips his boxers.
You jump as the water initially hitting your skin is cold. Steve takes one of your erect nipples and begins to play with it.
He trails kisses down your neck before his hand slips between your legs and he works on your clit. You moan loudly in his ear.

You start stroking him as he works you, but before you can finish he picks you up and sinks himself inside you. Both moaning he begins to move at a fast pace, playing with your boobs with one hand while holding you in place with the other.
"Oh fuck Steve" you say as he attaches his lips to your neck.
It's not long before you both cum and he lets you down.

You both help to wash each other before getting out.
"Can we talk?" You ask while getting dressed
"Should I be nervous?" Steve shoots you a questioning look.
"Coffee first and then we can talk" you say walking out the room.
Steve follows you and sits at the breakfast bar.

"Steve, a lot has changed since we last saw each other, I've changed" you grab coffee cups and start pouring.
"I'm not the same Gracie you knew back in the 40's.."
"I wasn't expecting you to be" he interrupts you.
"Really because part of me thinks you think we can pick up right where we left off and let's be honest we didn't really know what we were back then either. Steve I am happy you are back but I'm scared" you finally admit.
"Scared?" He questions
"Scared once you see this new me that you won't like what you see and you will leave, and honestly I couldn't survive it again" tears form in your eyes.

"Hey listen, I know this is scary" he reaches across to grab your hand but you move it and turn around.
Steve comes up to you and turns you to face him and cusps your face in between his hands.
"Gracie I don't think there's anything I couldn't like about you" he strokes your cheek with his thumb.
You lean into him before removing his hands.
"Steve this is going to sound a bit ironic considering last night and this morning but I think we should take whatever this is slow and not rush into things."
"I will go at whatever pace you want Gracie. I want us to work and give us a go" he smiles at you.

Your phone goes off and you look at the screen.
"Crap, I'm sorry I gotta go" you say putting your coffee cup in the sink and dashing to the bedroom.
"Everything okay?" Steve asks.
"Yeah I just forgot I said I would do something today" you smile at him while quickly getting ready to head out.
"How about dinner tomorrow?" He asks.
"Dinner sounds good" you smile kissing him on the the cheek before hurrying you both out the apartment.
"See you tomorrow" you say while getting in your car.

"I'm sorry I'm late, I was working on something in the lab and lost track of time" you smile apologetically at Steve.
"It's fine I know what you get like when you work I'm surprised you are even here" he jokes and you slap his arm slightly.
"I'm not that bad" you protest.
"Oh please there were times me and Buck didn't see you for days because you and Howard were tucked away working on something" he then notices the sad look on your face. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset you"

"You didn't, it's just it's been a while since I've thought of the past" you sadly smile at him. "Anyway I'm starving" you try and blink the tears away.
"Right yes come on" he leads you inside the restaurant.
"Wow this is fancy" you say looking round at the restaurant "I'm not sure I'm dressed appropriately" you look at Steve.
"You look beautiful don't worry" he reassures you.

You order drinks and look at the menu.
"I don't even know what half of this is" Steve looks at the menu puzzled and you laugh.
"Don't worry I know what you will like" you flash him a smile as the waiter comes over.
You order your food and your drinks arrive and you take a rather large sip.
"So how was your day?" Steve asks
"Good. I'm working on a new project with Tony and I think I made a breakthrough but need to wait for Tony to return to confirm" you say with a smile on your face.
"I've missed that smile" Steve says.
"Ummm how are you finding fitting into this new world, it's rather different from the 40's"
"Yes it is, I think it's gonna take a while to get used to this century, there is so much to learn" Steve replies looking at you in your eyes. You get lost in his baby blue eyes before your phone goes off bringing you back to reality.

You look at it and see it's a text from Tony
"Do I need to fake an emergency to get you out of there?" His message reads and you giggle to yourself remembering the times Tony has saved you from bad dates
"All good so far, stand down" you text back.

"What's funny?" Steve questions.
"Oh sorry it's nothing just Tony being Tony" you flash Steve a smile while putting your phone away.
"What are the chances you end up working with another Stark" he takes a sip of his drink.
"I know but honestly I don't know what I would've done if it wasn't for Tony, he quite literally saved my life" you state.
"Saved your life?" Steve questions
"I think my life story is not first date talk" you flash him a sad smile and he sees not to push you any further.
The food turns up and you enjoy your meals making small talk. You go to pay the bill but Steve insists on paying.

"Thank you for tonight Steve" you say as you leave the restaurant.
"No worries, is a second date on the cards?" He looks at you.
"I think so" you let out a little laugh. You see Happy waiting for you outside and roll your eyes.
"Hi happy" you greet him.
"Tony thought..." he goes to say.
"Yeah yeah I know what he thought" you smile and face Steve.
"Goodnight" you kiss him on the cheek and turn to face Happy who is holding the door open for you.
"Goodnight Gracie" you hear Steve say before Happy shuts the door.

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