Chatpter 11

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As you land on the ground you pass out. Tony looks around at the broken suit and see you not far from him in pretty bad shape.

He gently lifts you and starts making his way through the desert. He hears helicopters and places you down on the ground.

"Hey... hey" he starts shouting before seeing the helicopters land.
"You're going to be okay I promise" he smiles at you brushing your hair out of your face.
"How was the fun-vee" Rhodes asks as he makes his way to you both.
"She needs help she's not in a good way" soldiers slowly take you from Tony and Rhodes hugs him.
"Who is she" he asks.
"You wouldn't believe me" Tony responds following you onto the helicopter.

You are treated the best you can be on the flight back but you are still unconscious. As the aircraft lands Rhodes and Tony wheel you off the plane and medics greet you straight away.
"We got her" they say
"I will go with her" Rhodes says accompanying you into the ambulance.

Tony makes his way over to Pepper and Happy.
"Who's she?" Pepper asks.
"Long story. Your eyes are red, a few tears for your long lost boss?" Tony responds.
"Tears of joy. I hate job hunting" Pepper jokes back.
"Vacations over" He says getting into the car with Pepper.
"Where to sir?" Happy ask.
"Hospital" Pepper responds.
"No not yet. There are two things I want to do first. I want an American Cheeseburger and the other..."
"That's enough of that"
"Its not what you think I want you to call for a press conference now"
"Call for a press conference?"
"Hogan drive, cheeseburgers first" Tony orders but his mind can't help but wonder how you are.

You are laying in the hospital bed, as you slowly start to open your eyes you choke on the tube down your throat.
"Hey hey take it easy" you hear a voice say.
The nurses come to remove the tube.
"W..a..ter." You croak.
Someone brings you a glass of water with a straw in it and you take a sip.
"Where am I?" You whisper as you try and move but flinch in pain.
"You're in hospital take it easy you were hurt pretty badly you've been in a coma for a month"
"Who are you?" You ask
"Happy Hogan, I'm a friend of Tony's" he introduces himself.
"Tony?" You ask
"He's fine. Back to his charming annoying self" he laughs. "He comes everyday" you look around noticing flowers.
"He didn't know what you liked so he brought different kinds" Happy smiles at you.

"Well well sleeping beauty awakes" Tony says walking into the room. "Gave us quite the scare"
"Hi" you smile at him
"Shhh don't talk just rest. Broken ribs, severe head injury, broken collar bone, fractured ankle along with plenty of bruises and dehydration you're lucky you made it through. Now you are awake I will have you moved to my house with the best medical staff there is" he sits besides your bed.
"Nope don't wanna hear it. You are coming to live with me no arguments, you helped save my life let me look after you" he stands up "I will go make arrangements" he exists the room.
"Yeah there's no arguing with him when he's like that" Happy laughs.
You let out a sigh but flinch in pain.
"They said if you press the button it administers pain relief" he says placing the button in your hand.
You smile at him and press the button waiting for the drugs to relieve some of the pain you are feeling.

"All sorted" Tony comes waltzing back in the room.
"Tony" you look at him
"It's fine honestly, also I've been working on something maybe you can help when your back on your feet. A lot has happened in the month you were sleeping, well actually a lot has happened in the last 60 years you were sleeping." He jokes.

You've been at Tony's 2 weeks and your wounds are slowly healing. You've been doing therapy to help you adjust to being in a new time and physical therapy. Your sat watching the footage Tony recorded while he was working on his suits and laugh at his failures.

"Hey I have something for you" Tony places a photo album down on your bed. "I found this amongst my fathers things and I thought you might like it"
You open the album and see a picture of you and Howard on stage at the Stark expo, you run your hand over the picture and tears come to your eyes.
"What happened to him?" You ask.
"Car accident, you know he would talk about you all the time. He felt so guilty that you went missing wishes he had chased after you but he kept looking for you" he looks at you guilty.
"He had nothing to feel guilty for." You turn the page and see a picture of Howard kissing you on stage.
"He was my best friend" you smile fondly at the memories.
"Yeah he said you two were pretty much attached to the hip. Nothing ever happened between you two?" He raises his eyebrow
You laugh "a few kisses here and there but my heart belonged to another and your dad was someone who liked the ladies.. but I'm glad he settled down and met the one he deserved it. Tony thank you for everything"
"You don't have to thank me it's what my father would've wanted" he places your hands in his.
"He would be proud of you" you smile back at him seeing so much of Howard.
"Maybe" you notice a sad look on his face.

"Anyway I've got places to be and people to see and you have therapy." He exclaim jumping off the bed "The doctor should be here soon. Also Happy is taking you to the hospital tomorrow for your check up. And once your back up and your feet I can't wait for us to work together" he flashes you a smile.
"A Barnes and Stark working together again what could possibly go wrong" you laugh as Tony walks out the room.

"Maybe once I'm back on my feet you can teach me how to drive" you smile at Happy who's helping you in your wheelchair. "Then you don't have to be my personal chauffeur"
"Of course I will help but I don't mind driving you Miss Barnes" he smiles at you.
"Happy what have I told you, it's Gracie or Grace" you correct him.
"Right sorry yes" he laughs.
"Thank you again for all the help, without you Tony and Pepper I don't know if I would've adjusted to this new time as well" you genuinely smile at him as you're waiting in the elevator.
"I know this must all be strange but I have to say you seem to be adapting well" he smiles back at you.
"Well like I've said I had great teachers, also I need your help with something" you smirk at him.
"And what might that be" you raises his eyebrow at you.
"Operation get Tony and Pepper to stop denying their feelings" you laugh
Happy laughs at you "I'm in"
"Yes" you clap "this is going to be fun"
"If this backfires I'm definitely saying it was all your idea" he responds.
"That's fine but it won't backfire, they just need a slight nudge" you smirk back to him a plan already forming in your head.

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