Chapter 43

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"Hey Tin Man" you smile at Tony as you enter his lab.
"I'm sorry do I know you? You look like my best friend but she's been missing lately I was going to file a missing persons report" he teases.

"I'm sorry I know I've been a crap friend it took Wanda and Nat to kidnap me to make me realise. The house just took up more time than I thought. Can you forgive me for being a terrible friend" you give him your best puppy dog eyes.

"Was it the house or was it a certain super solider taking up your time" he smirks at you.
"Both" you shrug.

"I'm happy you are working things out Gracie I really am. You deserve happiness" he's now stood directly in front of you.
"So we are good?" You ask and he laughs and pulls you into a hug kissing your forehead

"Yes we are good doofus" he replies.
"Oh thank god" you sigh in relief "I don't want to lose you as a friend" you admit and hug him tighter.
"You could never lose me okay, I will always be here for you" he says breaking the hug and making sure you look him in the eye so you know he means it.

"You could never lose me either" you smile at him.
"Anyway enough of this emotional stuff, come help me tinker like you used to do" Tony moves you to a bench full of stuff to tinker with.

After a few hours of working a sparkly portal appears in the room.

"Umm Tony what the hell is that?" You say in shock.
"No idea" he moves you so you're standing behind him.

"Gracie. Tony I need you to come with me" a man appears from inside the circle.
"You expect us to follow you?" You ask confused.
"Yeah pass" Tony replies sarcastically.

"Gracie you need to come there's an urgent message from Peter" he moves to the side.

"Okay how do we know we can trust you?" You ask sceptically.
"The fate of the world depends on it" he replies with not a trace of sarcasm.

"That's a bit extreme isn't it?" Tony asks.
"Not if come with me and hear what I have to say" he replies sternly.

"Okay then magic Mike I'm trusting you here" you say following him through the portal with Tony following you.

"It's Sorcerer Supreme. Master of the Mystic Arts actually, or you can call me Stephen" the guy replies.
"Okay Gandalf" you joke causing Stephen to roll his eyes and Tony to laugh.

"Wow this place is kinda cool" you say looking around where he's lead you.
"So fate of the world?" Tony asks clearly wanting to get to business.

"We got word from the guardians that Thanos is collecting the infinity stones" Stephen starts explaining.

"Peter mentioned once he held one and survived because of the team. I also read about them on Asgard there's six of them right created from the Big Bang. They can b dangerous in the wrong hands" You remember briefly.

Stephen begins to show you both the using some kind of magic the creation of the stones.
"The big bang sent six elemental crystals hurtling across the virgin universe. The infinity stones each control an essential aspect of existence.
Space. Reality. Power. Soul. Mind and Time"

That's when he reveals that's he holds the time stone in the weird eye looking necklace round his neck.
"So you just carry that thing round with you like a casual necklace or fashion statement?" You ask.

"We are sworn to protect the time stone" he confirms ignoring your comments.

"Wait Thanos why does this name seem so familiar" you try and think where you've heard it before.

"Hang on he's the one Loki said was in his head the reason he attacked New York" you remember a conversation with Loki.
"Oh yeah about that" Strange says and then he opens a portal with Loki falling through it who lands on his face on the floor.

"Now that was funny" you laugh and Loki glares at you.
"So let me get this straight a guy named Thanos is collecting these stones? Why?" Tony asks.

"Thanos wipes out entire planets and destroys half the population of planets. He's a monster" Loki shivers telling you this information.
"He's also Gamora's dad I thought I heard the name, I remember her saying her dad was a monster" you click your fingers.

"We've been told he has the power stone already" Stephen says.
"Okay so he has the power stone. You have the time stone. Asgard holds the space stone. Vision holds the mind stone in his head. So at the moment it's just the reality stone and soul stone that we don't know the locations of. Thanos has one and we have three I'm liking those odds so far" you try and sum up.

"The reality stone is on nowhere, Peter and his team have gone to try and retrieve it" Stephen adds.
"Okay so we possibly have four of the six even better" you shout.

"But he already has the power stone and if he gets his hands on the reality stone first then manages to get hold of all six stones he could destroy life on a scale hitherto undreamt of" Stephen's voice holds warning.

"Did he seriously say hitherto undreamt of?" Tony teases.
"Yeah he did think he wanted to sound fancy" you shrug.

"This is serious" Loki says grabbing you and making you look into his eyes.
"Okay well Asgard will defend the space stone whilst we defend the time and mind, whilst praying that the guardians retrieve the reality stone" you try and sound unfazed but you know this is a battle you might lose.

"Why can't we destroy the time stone if he needs all six?" Tony asks.
"Yeah that makes sense actually" you turn to Stephen.
"No can do. We have sworn an oath to protect the time stone with our lives" another guy comes and joins you.

"And you are?" Tony asks.
"Wong and we can not just destroy the time stone" he replies.
"I get you swore and oath or whatever but if it's a case of saving the world or protecting it surely saving the world trumps your stupid oath?" You reply sternly.

"The time stone might be the best chance we have against Thanos" Stephen replies.
"It might also be the worse thing?" Tony adds while he looks like he's thinking deeply about something.

"Okay so we destroy the space stone?" You ask Loki.
"We don't know what destroying one of the stones will do?" Loki says.

"Can't be worse than the destruction of Earth or other planets"
"Let me go home and see what we can do. I will be in contact soon" Loki says and then the bi-frost appears to take him back.

"Okay so maybe we can look into the mind..." you start but are cut off  by a low rumbling and commotion outside.

"What the hell is that" you ask and Tony makes his way to the door seeing people running and screaming in the streets.
"Gracie stay here" he says.
"Yeah not a chance that's happening" you reply in a laugh and start following him down the street.

"Okay so that's a giant spaceship and some weird looking alien guys" you freeze in the middle of the street.
"Gracie go" Tony tries to get you to leave by you don't move.

"Stay behind me then" he says as Stephen and Wong come up alongside you.
"I'm guessing they are here for that" you point at the necklace.

"Well then let's protect it with our lives" Stephen says.
"Sure sure just another day risking our lives while fighting aliens. Just a totally normal Tuesday" you reply sarcastically.

Tony just gives you a glare.
"Just stay alive and out of the way" he sounds like a protective father.
"Oh I will try to stay alive don't worry" you give him a thumbs up.

This is going to be fine right?

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