Chapter 23

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You decide to ignore Steve and get up to fight. You see Tony being flung and run to him.
"You good?" You ask helping him up.
"Thought I heard Steve telling you to stay down" he smirks
"Well staying put wasn't an option" you smirk back
"Shit T they got the sceptre" you say looking at the bot.
You see Steve jump on a bot and is flung into a wall.
He crashes to the ground and you're heart sinks you get a flashback of him in hospital and you're breathing starts to increase.

"Shit not now" you say as you're breathing increases you duck behind the piano trying to calm yourself, you don't notice the robot heading straight for you.
"Get away from her" Steve says throwing the robot to Thor who smashes it with his hammer.
"Breathe" you hear Steve say and you start to calm down "I'm coming right back" he says getting up to help continue the fight.
As the last robot is defeated you hear Ultron
"That was dramatic, I'm sorry I know you mean well, you just didn't think it through. You want to protect the world, but you don't want it to change. How is humanity saved if it's not allowed to evolve?" He walks over to a destroyed bit and picks it up.
"With these? these puppets. There's only one path to peace. The Avengers extension."

Thor throws his hammer at the robot causing him to break "I had strings but now I'm free"

Steve walks over to you.
"I'm fine" you say standing up
"This is what I was worried about" he looks at you sympathetically.
"I was fine until I saw you fall and I had a flashback of you in hospital" you say looking down.
"Come here, are you hurt?" He says examining you
"No I'm fine" your eyes still on the ground "I'm gonna check on T" you say shuffling away.

"All our work is gone" Bruce says as you are all gathered in the lab. "Ultron cleared out, used the internet as an escape hatch"
"Ultron" you hear Steve say
"He's been in everything, files, surveillance, probably knows more about us than we know about each other" Nat states
"He's in your files he's in the internet. What if he decides to access something a little more exciting?" Rhodey asks.
"Nuclear codes" Maria states
"Nuclear codes, we need to make some calls assuming we still can" Rhodey states.
You look over to Tony.

"Nukes? He said he wanted us dead" Nat says
"He didn't say dead he said extinct" Steve corrects and you look at him with an apologetic look.
"He also said he killed somebody" Clint says
"Oh god" you whisper and look at Tony.
"There wasn't anybody else in the building" Maria says.
"Yes there was" you say walking over to Tony who then shows a hologram of JARVIS.
"This is insane" Bruce says looking at the hologram.
"JARVIS was the first line of defence, he would've shut Ultron down. Makes sense" Steve says looking down not being able to look at you right now.
"This was rage" Bruce states.

Thor comes over and grabs Tony by the throat lifting him in the air.
"It's going around" you hear Clint say and you shot him a look.
"Thor" you try and grab his arm
"Use your words buddy" Tony gasps
"I have more than enough words to describe you Stark" Thor replies
"Thor please put him down, it's just as much my fault as his" you say and he lets go of Tony.
"They have have sceptre, now we have to retrieve it again" Thor looks at your angry.

"You built this programme why is it trying to kill us?" Dr Cho asks. Tony starts laughing.
"Really T" you whisper to him and give him daggers
"You think this is funny" Thor ask
"No, is it so.. it's so terrible" Tony says while laughing and you hit him on the arm.
"Stop" you whisper
"It's a hoot why you don't get why we need this" Tony says
"Tony this may not be the best time" Bruce states
"Really? That's it? You just roll over show your belly every time someone snarls? Tony replies
"Tony that was out of order" you death glare him
"Only when I created a murder bot" Bruce replies
"Not helping" you glance at Bruce
"We didn't. We weren't even close, were we even close to an interface" Tony looks at you and Bruce.

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