Chapter 20

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As you step out the bath you walk into the bedroom and re-admire the dresses. You decide which one you are going to wear for dinner and start getting ready. You sit in front of the vanity and start brushing your hair and doing your makeup.

Once you apply the final touches to your makeup you walk over to your dress. You step into you realising it's a corset dress and you can't do it yourself. Holding the dress up so it doesn't fall you open the door looking to see if there is anyone in the hallway.
You slowly start making your way down not sure where you're walking.

"Thor" you whisper shout as you turn the corner you see a projection of Loki and you jump causing the dress to drop revealing you stood just in your underwear.
"Don't say anything" you say quickly grabbing the dress and look at the smirking Loki. Before he can respond he disappears at the sound of Thor and his mother walking down the corridor.
"Lady Barnes?" Thor looks at you concerned as he approaches.
"Oh umm hi" you reply awkwardly "ummm so I can't do the dress up. You were right I may need help" you look down at the dress your holding up the best you can.
"Come with me dear" Frigga says guiding you back to your room.

"Thank you" you say as Frigga helps you fasten the dress.
"It's my pleasure dear" she smiles at you
"What was Thor and Loki like as children?" You ask
"Thor was also the bravest and Loki was always causing mischief but those are stories for another time... you are ready" she steps to the side of you and moves you to stand in-front of the mirror.
"This is beautiful" you stare at the dress
"Just as the women wearing it" she places two hands either side of your face.
"Come now we must be going" she leads you to the door just as Thor knocks.

"Are you ladies ready?" he asks seeing you in your dress and smiling.
"Think so" you flash him a smile
"Then we most go" he says linking arms with his mother and guiding you out the door.

You walk into a grand hall with a long table in the middle, people stand around talking.
"Come Lady Barnes let me introduce my friends" he says leading you to a group of people.
"Who is this beauty?" Fandral asks and he reaches to kiss your hand.
"Lady Barnes of Midgard" Thor states
"Gracie is just fine" you laugh
"I am Fandral, this is Hogun and Volstagg and Lady Sif" he points as he introduces everyone.
"It's an honour" you curtsy
"Honours all ours" Fandral smirks at you
"Behave, Lady Barnes here is in a committed relationship" Thor states and the others laugh.

"Come let me introduce you to father before dinner is served" he leads you to the head of the table.
"Father this is Lady Barnes" he bows before Odin and you curtesy
"It's an honour" you smile as you stand back up.
"My Son has told me all about you" he states
"Thank you for allowing me to visit I know it's not normally customary but I am truly grateful, your home is beautiful"
Before he responds the bell is rang signally dinner is to be served.
"Come you are next to me" Thor leads you to your seat.

After dinner you are sat with Thor and his friends listening to them telling stories of their many battles.
"Those are some impressive stories" you smile at them.
"Tell us about yourself?" Volstagg asks
"Me there's not much to tell really, guess the only thing slightly interesting is I'm nearly 100 years old" you laugh
"That is old for Midgard but yet you do not look it" Fandral adds
"I was frozen for around 70 years" you give a sad smile "but it turns out so was my boyfriend and I have made some amazing friends"
"You can now add us to that list" Fandral states
You look around and notice Thor has gone.
"Excuse me" you say as your getting up.

You start wondering and notice Thor outside
"Hey you okay?" You ask approaching him
"Yes. I just wanted a moment to myself and you looked like you were have fun" he looks at you.
"Oh I will leave you in peace" you go to leave.
"Walk with me let me show you Asgard at night" he extends his arm out and you link arms with him.
"Show me the way" you smile at himself

"I'm sorry I'm here instead of Jane" you look up at him.
"It's fine Lady Barnes, Jane is a busy women" he looks down at you.
"Thor" you stop and look at him
"Can you please just call me Gracie or Grace" you laugh
"As you wish Gracie" he laughs
"Thank you for bringing me here it's so beautiful and I find it peaceful compared to home" you look around.
"You do seem relaxed since we got here, come we should head back tomorrow is a big day"
"Ooo your birthday, I'm ready to party, although these dresses are restrictive compared to what I'm used to" you laugh as you slightly adjust the dress/
"Well you look beautiful, where is that device you humans are attached to and I will take a photo of you for Steve" he smiles
"My phones in my room, thank you"

The next morning you awake and wonder to the patio. You sit there taking in the beauty of the place before your thoughts are interrupted by a knock at the door.
"Come in" you shout.
"Your breakfast my lady" a young women comes into the room with a tray of food and drink.
"Thank you" you say as she places the tray down.
"Thor has advised he has some last minute business to attend but will see you tonight at the ball"
She does a small bow and leaves the room.

You take the tray outside and sit enjoying your breakfast, you then decide to get dressed and wonder through Asgard.
You come across the training of the guards and stop to admire.
"How are you finding Asgard so far?" a voice asks and you turn to see Sif standing next to you.
"Honestly I don't think words can describe, you were incredible by the way I can see why Thor likes having you fight by his side" you smile at her.
"I hear you held your ground with Loki" she looks at you.
"If you mean tried to make smart comments to distract and then getting knocked out then yeah that happened" you laugh.
"Come it's time to get ready for the ball" she leads you back to castle.

After the maids have helped you into your dress one of them leads you to the party.
Everyone in amazing dresses and beautiful orchestra
music playing. Elaborate decorations everywhere. As you enter Thor spots you can comes up to you.
"You look beautiful" he kisses the back of your hand.
"Thanks not sure I can actually breathe this thing is so tight" you laugh
"You get used to it my dear" Frigga comes up to greet you.
"You look incredible" you say
"As do you" she smiles at you
"Oh Happy Birthday" you hug Thor "I did get you a gift but it was in my suitcase I left behind"
"You did not need to get my a gift" Thor proclaims
"Of course I did it's your birthday!" You smile at him.

"You must be hungry let's go to the buffet" he leads you to the table full of array of foods
"I may need help knowing what some of this is" you laugh
"Of course" he grabs you a plate.
After eating with Thor and his friends, Thor excuses himself to mingle with guests.
"Excuse me" you say getting up to head outside

"You look beautiful" you hear a familiar voice
"Why thank you, I can't breathe but guess that's the price for beauty" you turn to see Lokis projection.
"Why are you not dancing" he asks
"Let's say this music isn't what I'm used to dancing too and you're Asgard alcohol will only lead to me embarrassing myself" you laugh
"I would show you the way but unfortunately I can not" he smiles
"You have to owe me a dance then" you smile back
Before he can respond he disappears
"Okay bye then"

"Lady Barnes sorry why are you out here alone?" Fandral asks
"It's Gracie I'm not fancy enough to be a Lady" you joke.
"I can see why Thor likes you" he laughs
"Thanks, I just needed 5 minutes to myself"
"Come dance?" He holds out his hand
"Oh no I couldn't" you try and swat his hand away.
"Come on" he says hand still extended
"Okay fine you win" you say taking his hand.

As you're dancing Heimdall approaches
"Lady Barnes come with me you are needed back on Midgard" he says and you heart suddenly starts beating faster.
"Thor will take you back come now"
"What's happened?" You ask but yet he doesn't answer just the Thor approaches you
"Thor what's happening" you ask him
"You are needed back on Midgard Heimdall has informed come now"

As Thor brings you back via the bifrost you land outside the hospital and you suddenly turn to Thor
"What's happening" you look at him struggling to breathe.
"Go inside and check your tiny device he says handing you your phone, I must return" but before you can even let him finish you're running to the entrance of the hospital.
You look at your phone and see missed calls from Nat and Tony. You check your texts and your heart sinks.

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