Chapter 13

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You're in communication with Tony while helping from the tower when all of a sudden comms drop. You hear people and you go to hide.

"Tony can you hear me" you try and whisper through comms.
"Gracie where are you?" Tony asks.
"Where do you think I am" you quip back
"Alright attitude, are you in a safe location?"
"No I'm stood with the bad guys of course I'm hiding, they are on the roof" you whisper back.
"Stay out of sight and don't do anything stupid"

"Sir I've turned off the arc reactor but the device is already self-sustaining" Jarvis says
"Shut it down Dr Selvig" Tony approaches the roof.
"It's too late, she can't stop now, she wants to us something! A new universe" he responds.
"Okay" Tony tries to blast him but he's protected.
"The Barrier is pure energy it's unbreachable" Jarvis says.
"Plan B" Tony says

"Don't you do anything stupid Stark" you whisper.
"Me never" he quickly responds
"Just don't get yourself killed"

He lands on the roof and removes the suit and makes his way to the bar keeping eye contact with Loki.
"Please tell me you're going to appeal to my humanity" Loki gloats.
"Actually I'm planning to threaten you" Tony responds.
"Don't wind him up" you whisper.
"Should've left your armour on for that"

"Yeah it's seen a bit of mileage and you got the glow stick of destiny... would you like a drink?" He ask.
"Really Tony" you respond making your way to them.
"Stalling me wont change anything" Loki laughs.
"No no threatening, no drink? You sure? I'm having one"
"Of course you are" you say throw comms.
"The Chitauri are coming. Nothing will change that, what have I to fear?" Loki asks.
"The Avengers..that's what we call ourselves. We're sort of like a team..Earth's mightiest heroes type thing"
"Yes I've met them" Loki laughs in response.
" takes us a while to get any traction, I'll give you that one, but let's do a head count here.. your brother the Demigod, a super solider a living legend"
"Legend my ass" you scoff
"A man with breathe taking anger management issues, a couple of master assassins and two geniuses. And you big fella, you've managed to piss off every single one of them" Tony gloats.
"What is your plan here?" you whisper
"Not a great plan. When they come and they they'll come for you"
"I have an army" Loki gloats
"We have a hulk" Tony replies
"We better do" you pray.

You make your way up to where Tony and Loki are but stay hidden.
"How will your friends have time for me when they're so busy fighting you" he used the stick on Tony but it doesn't work.
"This usually works" he looks confused.
"Well performance issues. It's not uncommon one out five" that comment makes you laugh
"Speaking from experience are you?" However your laugh was louder than you thought notifying Loki of your presence.

"Come out" he shouts.
You move out into view with your hands up.
"Hi" you smile at him.
"Leave her alone" Tony tries to defend you but Loki throws him out the window.
"Yeah I don't blame you for doing that he can be annoying" you say praying the suits makes it to Tony in time.
Next second a suit is flying past you.
"Thank god" you whisper to yourself.

Tony flies back up to the window and blasts Loki.
"Tony" you shout noticing the machine.
The next minute Aliens are appearing from the sky.
"This isn't normal right for this time?" You question
"Nope" Tony responds
"Good to know" you laugh.

Tony flies up and starts fighting. You go to run but Loki grabs you by the arm.
"Not so fast little one"
"Oh hey, thought you may have forgot I was here" you flash him a smile.
"Not quite"
"Why are you doing this?" You question
"I am Loki of Asgard and I am burdened with glorious purpose"
You laugh and he looks at you in anger.
"I'm sorry I shouldn't laugh but that was a terrible line, you should work on that. So you and Shakespeare out there are related?" You question
"Shakespeare?" He looks puzzled
"The long haired blonde dude" you reply

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